The Opening Ceremony (..forgot about this)

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Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst

*Cue music by Katy Perry*

Capitol Audience's P.O.V:

The District 1 chariot comes out first, with Aquaria and Tapp in it. They are dressed superfluously fancy, symbolizing District 1's luxury. Aquaria has a shimmering gold dress on that spreads out around her feet, and her dark brown waves are done up very elaborately in what looks like a braid that was twisted and then done up in a bun. Streaks of gold are weaved in, and gold sparkles are almost all over Aquaria. She appears to be a bit sad, but is still waving to the crowd. Tapp, her district partner, is grinning at the crowd with definite excitement. His excitement makes up for his outfit- the exact same as the District 1 male who was eighteen- Sam, his name was. Obviously the stylists weren't feeling very original.

Next is District 2. They are masonry. The tributes, Eclair and Frenandes, are dressed in outfits designed to look like bricks. Both tributes are holding their arms out- which have very large sleeves- to make it look like they are a wall. It looks very realistic and their heads appear to be peeking over the wall.

The District 3 tributes, Nemesis and Malcolm-

What is that in the background?!?

Why, it's the District 12 chariot! They have fireworks going off above their head! Kat and Nishan both have colorful, perfectly fitted coal miner outfits on, unlike the usual drab colors and loose outfits. They both have coal miner helmets on, but in bright colors like the outfits, and, astonishingly, there are fireworks shooting out of the top of the helmets. The cheers get louder. The stylists have truly outdone themselves.

Everyone will be rooting for Kat and Nishan.

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