District 5 Reaping (All Ages) (part 200)

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Zakary Vessel's (District 5) P.O.V:

Zoe won. I am so grateful. It would have been terrible if she had died. When you've been a triplet, you just can't forget the third sibling if they die in the Games. Then again, it's probably the same with any sibling. But Zoe made it. She's still going to be in the finals, but maybe she can make it through those, too. I hope she can. I really don't want her to be killed.

Zeke and I are still eligible for this last Reaping, though. I stand in the crowd of guys who could be Reaped with my brother. I hope I'm not picked. I don't want to go into the Games, and even if I did win, I would be in the finals with my sister. And there's only one winner, so one or both of us would have to die. The odds are it won't be me, anyway. My name is only in there once.

The escort, Hexagon Sixypixy (also known as Six-Sided Sissypissy by all the kids ages twelve to eighteen in our District), walks out of the Justice Building. He's wearing an overwhelming amount of the color red. It's not even a nice red- it reminds me of blood. Hexagon wishes us all a Happy Hunger Games, though in my opinion, they are far from happy. He reaches into the girl's Reaping ball first and pulls out a slip of paper. Now that Zoe's won, there's nobody I have to worry about. "Bridgett Trevors!"

A girl-probably Bridgett- screams. "I... I VOLUNTEER!" A voice calls out. A tall girl with long, black hair who looks about my age- eighteen- walks briskly up to Hexagon. "Who are you, dear?" He asks.

"Naya Greyson, age seventeen. Bridgett is my best friend. THE HUNGER GAMES SUCK," the girl shouts. I admire her bravery, but it's going to cause consequences for her. The Capitol could purposely make things hard for her in the arena. They've done it before for other people.

"Wonderful!" Hexagon smiles, showing off his red teeth. They match all the red clothing he's wearing.

I hold my breath as he walks over to the guy's Reaping ball. Not me, not me, not me, please don't be me. Only one of those slips has 'Zakary Vessel' on it. The chance is so slim that it will be drawn, but I can't help but worry. It's one of my worst nightmares to be in the Hunger Games.

"Zeke Vessel!"

Oh my god. My brother. I look over at him, and his mouth is hanging open in shock. Oh no. "Zeke," I whisper sadly. He looks at me once, smiles grimly, and pushes through the crowd of boys slowly, walking up to Hexagon one slow step at a time. I would volunteer for him, but I'm too much of a coward. I was too scared to volunteer for my best friend when he was Reaped, too. Raymond. He died in the Bloodbath. It was sad, but I had known he would pass away. And now Zeke will die, too. Even if he makes it to the final Games, there's only one winner, and I know he try will make it our sister. She'll try to save Zeke, though. So I don't know how it's going to work out.

But either way, one of my two siblings is not coming home when the 150th Hunger Games are over. Whether it's Zeke, Zoe, or both, there will be deaths in my family before this is over.

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