District 8 Reaping (16)

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Willima Tiff's (District 8) P.O.V:

Even though I have no children, I have to be present at the Reaping like everyone else in the district. Although I am hoping that one girl won't be Reaped. She works with me, designing clothes at the factory. Promoted at a very young age because of her talent. Very rare. She's a very polite and intelligent girl, though, and I like her.

I spot Sil in the crowd, identifying her by her short black hair and her height. Sil is taller than most of the other people her age standing around her, and she looks older than she really is. I always feel bad when I see the burns on her tan skin from the factory, though. It's terrible to see someone so young with signs that they have been in pain.

The escort, Cordelia Cacklebush, exits from the Justice Building as the video draws to a close. She is wearing all black and has so much makeup on she looks fake. I watch in anticipation as she draws a male name. "Cash Temper," She cackles.

A short, young looking boy with spiky white lightning hair suddenly starts shouting loudly. "NO, YOU ARE SO FREAKING STUPID! I HATE YOU ALL! YOU STINK! I hate youu," he starts sobbing. Apparently he not only looks, but acts young, too. A sixteen-year-old should not be sobbing uncontrollably like a little boy of 12.

Some Peacekeepers shuffle over to him, pick him up, and bring him to Cordelia. The child- who I assume is Cash- wails like a baby. Cordelia sniffs in disgust and walks briskly over to the glass Reaping ball full of girl's names. I wait anxiously. It better not be Sil.

"Silvia Clothim."

"Sh*t!" I mutter, and glance away. I do not want to see Sil's pretty blue-grey eyes clouded with fear. I do not want to see her shaking with horror. I force myself to look back at her. And her reaction is not what I thought it would be.

Sil walks proudly up to the stage, her head held high. I'm so proud, and I'm sure her parents are too, but I can't keep looking. Sil, such a brave girl, marching to her death.

I simply cannot bear it.

THE 150th HUNGER GAMESNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ