The Bloodbath (Also Day 1)

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Chives Colfer's (District 6) P.O.V:

I have to blink to make sure I'm seeing it right as my pedestal rises up into the arena.

Thick, red lava surrounds the small plate that I stand on, and a narrow walkway leads a clear path to the golden Cornucopia. A good shove could end many of the tributes.

Above us, a large, oval-shaped opening shows a dreary grey sky. It dawns on me then.

We're in a volcano.

The countdown begins, and I can't see any way to get out of the volcano. Perhaps there's just going to be one huge Bloodbath. I hope not.

3. 2. 1. 0.

I don't want to go into the Bloodbath, but it seems like I have no choice. I make my way rather slowly along the walkway, careful not to trip and fall into the fires. There is someone I need to get rid of, anyway.

I quickly locate Selma, and, steering clear of the possessive Careers as I reach the Cornucopia, run over to her. Selma sees me coming and smiles. "Hi, Chives!"

"Hi, Selma," I mutter, trying not to fall under her curse, and give her a shove. It's only enough that she might consider it playful, but has enough power that it sends her tumbling into the fire.

I run away from her screams of pain, back to my pedestal, for I can think of nowhere better to go. Tributes are dropping left and right. The unescapable Bloodbath rages on, and between the Careers and the lava, many innocent people die. Just as I reach my pedestal, it begins to rise. The other tributes scramble back to theirs, except for the three Careers, who are still guarding all their booty at the Cornucopia. The metal plates rise and rise, and eventually, everyone who made it comes out onto the rocky landscape, running in every direction, and three Careers and a ton of dead bodies are sealed inside the volcano.

That's when the cannons go off. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. Nine.

I breath a sigh of relief that I made it through the Bloodbath and scan the area for my alliance.

I spot Peppermint first, by her wild red hair. I rush up to her. "Peppermint! You made it!"

She smiles wearily. "That was a terrible experience," She sighs.

"It's not over yet," I warn her.

Soon we manage to successfully find the other two members of our alliance, Terra and Dana- somehow, we all survived. We don't have much in the way of food, though. Peppermint managed to grab a backpack with a head of lettuce and a bottle of water around, and Dana got a small container of rice, but that's it. The landscape here is pretty barren, too, so it isn't like we can catch game or harvest plants or anything like that.

We're in a heap of trouble.

Alex Fleck's (District 1) P.O.V:

Great. This is just great. I'm trapped inside a volcano with two guys I strongly dislike. Especially Duke. What the heck, he likes me?! Curse him.

At least we've got food, since we've got the whole Cornucopia. Definitely enough to last three days. I realize that we won't be able to see the dead tributes in the sky from inside here. Oh well. And I won't be able to keep track of time, because we can't see any light besides the lava. Oh well. I guess that it doesn't matter anyway.

I'll just sleep a lot.

Armada Semper's (District 7) P.O.V:

Somehow our entire alliance is dead except myself and Jackson from 3. How could they have gotten themselves killed?! Jackson is refusing to do everything for me! Ugh. Nobody has any respect for me. All my more-or-less servants just decided to waltz into the Bloodbath and die! I would recruit more, but I have no clue where any of the other tributes are. We all sort of ran in different directions. Well, I walked, because running is very uncivilized and sweaty.

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