The Alliances

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Peppermint Hippotang's (District 8) P.O.V:

As far as I know, there seem to be two alliances forming, along with the Careers. I know that Angel from 3 is planning one.

And I know that I'm planning one.

I'm going to have three or four other people, I think. Maybe even two, depending on if they accept. An alliance seemed to be smart for the tributes last games, but that group had a lot of people. Easy to track, like Dilemma and the Careers did.

It scares me so much that if I do win, I'm going to have to be in the games with her.

So, I want my alliance to be a bit smaller than that. I want to team up with Chives from 6, Gloria from 4, Terra from 9, and Dana from 5, mostly because I don't want her against me. But, considering how that worked out for Kara and Nathan from last games with Hugo, that could be a bad move. I don't know if I want her to accept or not.

I don't know who Angel wants on her side. Hopefully not any of the same people.

Angel Mist's (District 3) P.O.V:

I've decided that I'm going to make an alliance. I know I can't survive the games on my own, so, yeah, friends would be good. I want Selma from 6 with me, she's hot and smart. I also wanna team up with Armada from 7, she's super duper persistent, and Seymour from 8. Also my district partner Jackson. He's cool. Oh, and Emma from 2, if a lot of people refuse to partner with me, but I don't know if she'll end up with the Careers or something.

I hope it all works out in my favor!

A/N: Same as last time, message me if you are ok with your tribute in the alliances I listed above or if you want the tribute to go solo or if you even want them to switch alliances or request that they partner with a specific tribute (depending on the person, this may or may not be possible).

In case you submitted your tribute awhile ago and forgot that they exist, here they are again:

Alex Fleck (Miststarofriverclan ) (I assumed she'd be in the career alliance for now, btw)

Emma Sparks (XxMissSkyBluexX ) (message me, I have other plans for her)

Jackson Indigo (Zellz13 )

Gloria Strix (Zellz13 )

Dana Thonen (Miststarofriverclan

Terra Cotta (XxMissSkyBluexX )

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