The Opening Ceremony

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Capitol Audience's P.O.V:

The District 1 chariot comes out first, with Angel and Onyx. With their matching white hair, pale skin, and grey eyes, the two tributes practically look like they're siblings. They are both dressed in outfits made out of coins of all different metals- some are bronze, some silver, some copper, there are even a few gold ones stuck onto their clothes, making a very eye-catching costume. When the coins are caught in the light, they shimmer brightly, too, making Angel and Onyx shine. The idea of coins is quite similar to the outfits the District 1 tributes wore for the twelve Games- made entirely of dollar bills- but it is an overall successful outcome that will most likely earn the stylists a raise.

Next is District 2. Randall and Vapor are both dressed in the standard white Peacekeeper uniform, as their district is where most Peacekeepers are originally from. However, the two have both taken off their helmets and hold them instead, allowing the crowd to see their faces. Randall is smirking. Vapor looks bored and slightly annoyed for some reason.

Shortly after them, the District 3 chariot emerges into the light. Zephyr and Annie have on grey outfits with gears attached. The gears are actually spinning, and it is a very cool costume that looks good and represents their District of technology decently. Annie is smiling brightly and waving to the crowd, while, contrary to her upbeatness, Zephyr looks very grim and ignores the screaming Capitol fans.

Following them is District 4. Caspian and Mollie are wearing clothes with realistic-looking wave designs on them. The waves appear to be shifting back and forth when the tributes move, like the tide going in and out. It is perhaps the most creative District 4 costume yet this year.

District 5- Naya and Zeke- are dressed in dazzling silver suits with silver hats that have two antennas on either side. Electricity crackles between the antennas. Zeke looks a little nervous about his hat, probably worried about getting electrocuted, while Naya does a good job of ignoring it.

The next chariot to come out is District 6- transportation. Leif and Gracelyn are dressed as dirt-splattered road signs like the ones that direct the trains across Panem. Leif, standing on the left, was forced to wear an ugly, metallic yellow triangle with a large black arrow pointing to the left on it. He has a bright smile on his face and is waving to the crowd, not letting the disgraceful costume perturb him. Gracelyn has an identical costume as her partner, except the arrow is pointing to the right. Although not as enthusiastic as her district partner and slightly more self-conscious, she is still smiling.

Moments later, the District 7 chariot appears. The tributes, Quinn and Rachel, have been made to look like axes, with their bodies as the handle and the large metal 'blade' attached to their backs. Being the lumber district, being the tool they use to cut down trees makes sense.

Then comes District 8. The two tributes from the textiles district, Mouse and Carlie, have patchwork outfits made from different articles of clothing- a pair of jeans attached a scarf connected to a t-shirt sewn into the hood of a hoodie and so on creates their costumes, symbolizing their district's weaving and clothing-making skills. Both tributes are waving and smiling to the Capitol fans; Carlie slightly more sophisticated, Mouse so excited at the attention he's practically jumping up and down.

Following them is Cain and Rosa from District 9. They are dressed as grain stalks, with gold outfits and large headdresses at least a foot tall, portraying the top of the stalks. It is very Capitol-like. Outgoing Rosa is waving and smiling as the chariot rolls along, while Cain solemnly stares straight ahead.

The District 10 stylist obviously has a sense of humor- that or just wants to embarrass the tributes. Mickey and Hayden, from the livestock district, are wearing matching pig costumes,- a pink suit from head to toe, the faces of the hogs made into hoods, even the curly tail included. Both tributes look extremely ashamed of their terrible outfits.

Then comes District 11. Hazel and Damon are wearing the classic overalls-and-straw-hats-with-a-pitchfork outfit that is normal for the agriculture district. Their stylist obviously wasn't feeling very creative. Hazel smiles widely at the crowd, while Damon seems to be observing everyone and everything quietly.

Finally, last but not least, the District 12 chariot emerges. Dion and Etney have on black costumes with pieces of coal stuck to them, topped off by black helmets with flashing white lights that go on and off every few seconds. Not District 12's best outfit, but certainly not their worst. Both Dion and Etney look quite confident as they stand proudly in their chariot.

President Snow says a few words, welcoming the tributes to the Capitol, and the Opening Ceremony draws to a close.

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