The Interviews

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Capitol Audience's P.O.V:

The first tribute to be interviewed is Onyx Quartz. His stylist put him in grey and white attire that was probably supposed to go along with his white hair and grey eyes, but really just made him seem plain and ordinary. Throughout his interview, Onyx is very quiet and shy. He responds to the questions being asked with one word answers. He seems a bit distracted, too. At one point Onyx stares intensely into the distance, and the interviewer, Waldorf Cobb, has trouble getting his attention back to the questions. Onyx barely ends up telling the audience anything other than his skills and that he has an older sister named Ruby.

Angel Dustwind comes next, and she is dressed up like an angel, true to her name, with a long, fuzzy white dress. Her long, platinum blond hair matches the whiteness of her outfit. But unlike the look of an angelic little girl like her stylist probably wanted, Angel comes across as a vicious, unforgiving person- closer to the devil. Angel is rather talkative and manages to say a lot more than Onyx during her interview, but still manages to be sly and secretive. Her mother, father, and older sister Annabelle have all won the Hunger Games- which everyone already knew of course, who could forget the legendary family? Angel also says that she has a second sister who is only three- Ophelia- who is sick and dying, and she wants to win for her.

Randall Grimes from District 2 is the center of attention during the next interview. He is dressed reasonably casual for the occasion, but no matter. Randall is rather mean to Waldorf while being asked questions and seems to be a reckless teen. He also seems to be extremely convinced that he's going to win. Randall mostly talks about his family. His mother is his stylist, and she let him choose what to wear, which explains why he's not dressed up like most tributes do. His father is a Peacekeeper, which is why he asked to be a Peacekeeper for the Opening Ceremony. Randall also has two twelve year old sisters who are twins- Sky and Millie- who he thinks are unbelievably weak, and an eight year old brother named Tyreese who he mostly ignores. Finally, he sums up with saying he loves his kitten Smokey and will murder anyone who gets in his way.

Following him is Vapor Waters. She has on a nice, sky blue summer dress that brings out the blue in her grey eyes, and her short brown hair has a matching headband in it. Vapor seems quite bored during her interview. When asked what she thinks some of her good qualities are that will help her in the arena, she says, "I think of everything like a game, so I've been practicing for this my whole life even if I'm not really a Career by having this mindset about it. Whether this time it'll be game over for me or not, I don't know. But I know that I'm going to try to pass this new level in my life. Even if it's the hardest one to beat yet." A very inspirational quote that all should remember for future reference. Vapor also says her family had to give her up when they ran out of money, so she's hung out on the streets and had to survive, so the skills she learned during that time of her life could also come in handy. She finishes by saying she's a big fan of the underdogs, which is why she decided to team up with some of them.

Zephyr Phaesar from District 3 is next. He looks rather attractive in an all black outfit. He is a very interesting character during his interview; Zephyr's quite a quiet person, yet he still seems very powerful in a strong but silent way. He answers Waldorf's questions quite cryptically. When asked about abilities, Zephyr announces he can see the future. "It comes in swift spurts that I cannot control- images take over, and I am blinded. What I envision proceeds to happen shortly after," he explains. "For example, I saw that the Capitol will someday, in the future, be overthrown, and the Hunger Games vanquished. But I also saw that I will not live to see that day." His announcement causes unrest among the audience, for who knows when Zephyr will die? It could be tomorrow, when the Games begin, or if he wins, eighty years from the present. Yet the message is clear- as long as he lives, so does the Capitol.

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