Episode 59

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Demi disposed of the tests but kept just one hiding it in a safe place before freshening herself up, she opened the door exiting closing the door behind her. Her eyes landed on Nick who had lifted his head up when he heard the door open. She took in a deep breath before making her way over taking a seat next to him yanking her arms away when he grabbed them to check her wrists.

"You thought I was self harming didn't you?" She muttered feeling her eyes well up with tears. "You don't trust me at all."

"Demi it wasn't like that, I just wanting to make sure that all was well. I didn't think you were depressed or anything!" Nick argued back.

"Would you keep it down, Joe is sleeping!" Demi exclaimed but quietly. "I don't want to talk about this now, goodnight Nick." Demi got up making her way to her bedroom ignoring Nick's calls for her to come back. She slid the door across to her and Joe's bedroom seeing Joe sat up in bed but half asleep clearly just been woken up.

"Demi what's wrong?" Demi bit her lip again but shook her head.

"Nothing Joe just go back to sleep." Demi demanded softly, she couldn't tell him now when he was half asleep, there was a better time. Joe fell back on the bed again almost instantly falling back to sleep. Demi sighed wondering over to the bed climbing in next to him. She covered her body in the blanket being cold in the November night, she laid her had on her unformed bump a small smile coming to her lips. She was getting attached already and their father didn't even know of their existence. She didn't care what anybody else thought, she loved this baby.

Demi woke up the next morning smiling when she felt a pair of strong arms around her but she couldn't help but bite her lip when she saw where his hands were laid. On her unformed bump. He didn't even know that she was expecting their baby but he seemed to have subconsciously known with where his hands were laid. She managed to get out of his grip leaving him so he could have a bit of a lie in. She looked out the window seeing that they had parked somewhere so the bus drivers could park up knowing that the bus drivers will be asleep in their own room they had on the tour bus. She made her way out into the lounge area seeing that she was the only one up, she made herself a coffee before sitting down on the couch bringing a blanket over her lap.

"Can we talk?" Nick questioned as he exited the bathroom after freshening up.

"I would love to Nick but I have to go self harm." She snapped Nick sighing taking a seat next to her but not too close knowing that she was in a mood with him.

"I didn't mean for it to come across that way, I just know what you were like in that state and wanted to make sure that you were okay. I have every hope for you that you wouldn't get back to that, I was just a concerned best friend." Nick explained.

"I know you mean well but it hurt that you would think I would go back to that." Demi admitted setting her coffee down on the table next to her.

"I didn't think it, I was checking. What's wrong then? You were a while in the bathroom last night." Nick questioned. She really wanted to tell him so someone knew other than him but Joe needed to be the first to know, she would sit him down after breakfast in their room and tell him.

"I can't tell you yet Nick but I promise when the time is right I will." Demi demanded stroking Buddy as he ran over to greet her.

"I'm meant to be your best friend Demi but you can't even tell me what's going on!" Nick exclaimed standing up.

"If your gonna be a dick about this Nick forget it, grow up and think about what you're saying," Demi snapped . Nick groaned out of frustration storming back into his room. Demi sighed lifting Buddy up onto her lap. "Things will be changing soon Buddy and hopefully for the better, we'll make this work." Demi mumbled kissing the dog as he comforted her.


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