Episode 31

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"The majority of the tour is already sold out." Joe stated as he scrolled through his phone, it was ten in the morning and Joe couldn't help but look how well his brother and girlfriend's tour was selling. He wanted it to do well not for him but for two of the most important people in his life at the moment. It was hard to believe that he had been with Demi for four months now. Demi smiled as she leaned over kissing his cheek gently then leaning her head on his shoulder as her arms wrapped around him watching as his thumb scrolled through twitter, she had a smile on her face.

"What do you expect? Your brother is massive and I know I have loads of dedicated fans so they are bound to want to come see us together." Demi stated.

"How is it going to work? Are you just both going to be on stage for the whole time?" Joe inquired wanting to learn more about what was going to happen. He knew he was going to join them but he didn't know yet whether he would be performing or just playing lead guitar for them.

"I'm going on first for an hour, then Nick will be coming on but then we'll join at the end to sing some songs together. Some covers, some of our own songs in our career and I think we'll be doing some from Camp Rock, Nick will just take Shane's place." Demi explained.

"Sounds good." Joe admitted.

"You thought more about what you want to do?" Demi questioned this time, Joe sighed shaking his head. If he was being honest he was scared to sing in front of such a huge crowd, missing his parents was just an excuse. Playing the guitar was one thing but using his voice was another. He didn't know if he could do it. He would miss his parents for sure but his was scared more than missing his parents, he was used to touring with his teammates and being away from family.

"No I haven't." Joe admitted as Demi unwrapped her arms sitting down next to him.

"Some fans don't like us." Joe stated a couple of minutes later of silence. He was continuing to scroll through twitter just seeing what he could find and there were actual fans of Demi who didn't want her with Joe and wanted her to get back with Wilmer. Demi sighed leaning over looking at his phone, she didn't look at negative comments usually. She decides to ignore them knowing nothing could come good of looking through them.

"Joe don't look at them, it will just make you feel down." Demi stated but Joe's thumb continued to go over the screen seeing what tweets this person has shared with the world.

"I know but I just can't believe some people don't want us together, surely they would just want you happy." Joe answered.

"You would think but they don't. I know some fans want me and Wilmer back together but that won't be happening. There is also some fans that love us together, it depends on opinion. You just have to learn how to ignore them." Demi encouraged.

"Does it not bother you though that people don't agree with where your life is heading?" Joe inquired finally looking up from the screen towards his girlfriend.

"No it doesn't because I'm happy where my life is heading and that's all that matters. It's my choice who I spend the rest of my life with and at the moment that is you, nobody will change my mind about that not even my most dedicated fans," Demi explained kissing his lips gently. "Does it bother you?" Demi couldn't help but bite her lip, Joe shook his head gently locking his I phone screen sliding it down in his pocket.

"No it doesn't, like you said it's our choice." Joe replied wrapping his arms bringing them both down on the bed. Demi smiled laying her head on his chest.

"I love you." She mumbled but he could still hear her perfectly.

"I love you too." Joe kissed her head holding her tighter in his arms. He watched as she reached for her phone lifting it up in the air. He kissed her cheek as she took a selfie watching as she loaded it up to Twitter. 


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