Epilogue: Lucifer's Promise

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"Jab Tak" is the dedication of Xavier to Krithika.

The lines- "Jab tak teri dhun mein, hum mar na lein, jee na lein... Haan, mere paas tum raho, jaane ki baat na karo..."

Translation: "Oh, my darling, don't talk about leaving now... Be with me till I die and live in your tunes of life." (note: not live and die, but die and live- that means he wants to die and come back and live again with her... Wtf!!! Gosh... Poets, I tell you...)

Thanks again to everyone who read this story and encouraged me to continue writing. A special thanks to @thisistricki and @lazynerd2007, who had been a constant support with their messages and comments. It means a lot, especially on a platform where daily a lot of books are written and a lot of books get millions of views.

I dedicate this epilogue to all of my readers- the present, the past, the future, the silent, the ones who just vote, the ones who comment when they are frustrated, the ones who comment religiously, and the ones who message me separately to say they loved the story.

You guys are fucking awesome.

-Suganthi Lakshminarayanan

Year: 2026

"Xav..." Krithika whispered, attempting to keep her voice as quiet as could be.

It would have been simpler if her husband wasn't executing the cunnilingus on her with such expertise as a special gift for her twenty-seventh birthday. Tasting a metallic tang on her tongue, she realized that she had bit her cheeks so hard that they were bleeding.

His lips murmured all the hottest sounds possible, vibrating through her sensitive skin, and at last, he commanded, "Priye, come..."

Oh yes, she stood right there, on the verge of crossing the threshold, with only a few steps remaining.

Too much pressure... Maybe she needed just a tad more to fucking finally cross it.

A shrill cry, echoing from the farthest corner of their room, startled her, causing Xavier to grunt. "Fuck!"

Plummeting down from her arousal at the highest rate possible, she kicked him out and hurried towards the sound, trying her best not to stumble along the way.

Scooping up the bundle wailing at an alarming noise during the dead of the night, she crooned, "Yen Anto kannu, Amma inge tha irukra pa..."

After their marriage, Xavier worked hard to fulfill his wife's wishes day and night. Their time on the honeymoon in Norway had been ninety percent pleasurably sowing the seeds to the fruits of peace and harmony. Oh, the ten percent of their time had been exclusively dedicated to foreplay while they toured nearby places. As expected, in a month there had been a bun in the oven.

Just as she thought she had the situation under control, another explosion of cries shrieked next to her, causing her to groan in frustration.

Oh, wait... There had been two buns in the oven.

Xavier came beside her, cradling another bundle in his arms he murmured, "My chakkara, my lovely princess, why are you bawling your tiny eyes out, huh?" he clicked his tongue. "Did your naughty brother disturb you in your precious sleep?"

"Encouraging rivalry in siblings is not good, Xavier," she said annoyingly. "I don't appreciate it."

He chuckled, "Look at Amma, being too keen on siding with your chettan. But Achaa is always there for you, isn't it Siji mole?"

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