H' & Eight: Consequences (Part 1)

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"What the fuck do you mean?"

Xavier was enraged, it was visible from the way he kept flexing his free hand. He wanted to throw something across the room, perhaps the glass in his left hand would have been a good option. But he kept his calm, glaring at Satya while she sat with her legs crossed, intently observing her glass filled with whiskey.

"You heard it right.", she sighed.

He kept his glass on the coffee table, just in case. He doubted his patience in tolerating pranks by Satya, lately she had been acting impossible to handle. Sighing he leaned in, "Valmiki and you got married?"

"Yes.", she took a small sip, "My answer is not going to change if you keep rephrasing the question. And no, it's not a fucking prank, don't give me that look."

Loudly exhaling he started to shake his head, she was getting on his nerves, "I was off from Chennai for a week, Satya, just a week...", he gaped at her, "No-fucking-body decides to get married and be done within seven days!"

"He met me last month."


"Well, actually, I had called him to meet me.", she explained, "And we had applied for the court marriage."

His two friends- wait, actually, best friends- had gotten married to each other and none of them hadn't even bothered to talk to him. They both had planned... No, they had secretly devised this whole charade behind his back. Yes, for him it looked like it was just a turdy farce of marriage, nothing more.

What the actual fuck?

He was seething, "You both gave zero fucks to utter a single word to me, for this whole time you both were silent about it."

"Would you have been okay with it?", she retorted while calmly sipping her liquor.

"Satya, you are impossible!", he couldn't hold back anymore and yelled, "That guy proposed to you to marry him, and you said okay, and now, you come here to announce!"

"You are shouting, fucking drop the volume.", her voice was cold. Satya never had a frigid tone before, she was warm and beautiful, not cold and hard. Satya Devi was a garden full of jasmines, she wasn't the fields of Dras.

Xavier felt frustrated, "Where is Valmiki, the brand-new husband of yours?"

Satya nonchalantly shrugged, "He has some unfinished business in the U.S."

"What about his job, where are you guys planning to stay?", he wanted her to stop answering, he wanted to ask so many questions that she would finally quit being stupid.

"Ethical hackers are top tiers in India, and he told me that he is shifting towards AI Engineering as well, quite a genius like you I guess. He will be here and stay with me in my home."

"What about Dhanya?", was question number three.

"Planning to tell her later. She doesn't need to know everything, she's just a kid."

"Valmiki's parents?", fourth.

"They know, I met them."

"What about others?", fifth.

"Do I look like I care?"

Sixth, and perhaps a sharp knife to her heart, "What about Narayan?"

"He's already engaged with someone from his community, someone his parents chose. I heard that he is getting married next year or whatever fuck.", her voice didn't waver at all, it was still stern, "Let him fuck with anyone he wishes to, why should I care?"


He stared at her face, trying to understand if she was the same woman who used to share every nitty-gritty detail of her life with him, from what she ate in the morning to what new face mask she tried at night. Who was this stranger? Who was this person who dared to destroy his best friend?


She took her last sip and pouted, "Hmm..."

"You clearly had expressed to me that you don't want to marry him... or love him... Then, why this sudden decision.", he was confused. Valmiki hadn't said it out loud to Xavier, but he knew that his friend surely had been pining for Satya for years. Perhaps, that man was madly in love with her.

"You don't need to love someone to get married to them. Marriage is a commitment, not an emotion."

Fucking shit!

"Don't need to love... Satya, do you even listen to yourself while spewing such nonsense?", he finally swatted his glass and it hurled down, breaking into pieces, "You are talking so much shit!"

"Xavier, I am tired, okay?", she bit back, throwing her glass far away, her anger bursting out harder than anything, "I am tired of men in general.", she scoffed, "Pussies, they are incapable of handling their shit and making a mess in life of women if anything... Don't take it personally but yes, that's what I have learnt in my life."

"But he loves you!", Xavier hissed.

"Yes, that's why I chose to marry him."

"Oh, Satya! That's not you!"

"This is what I am, this is what Satya Devinathan is!", she thundered, her voice so loud that it boomed across his penthouse.

Xavier was taken aback for a moment as he looked at her intense rage seeping out of straight face.

You deserve more, Valmiki deserves more.



For some reason "Velagadha" was playing continuously in my head while I was writing this chapter.

"Yetha Thedi Alanjeno Adi Unnaiyum Tholachithen...", suits Xavier's frustration.

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