Fifty Seven: Euler's Fluid Dynamics (Part 4)

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It was always fun to be around her friends. Krithika never realized how much she had bonded with them; she had missed having coffee in the evenings with gossip for the sides.

Gossips were fun until they weren't about oneself.

"Xavier sir needs to fucking calm down.", Priya added exasperatedly, "That man is working like anything. Can you believe, he was already here when I entered the office?"

"We have things to do, Priya.", Krithika shrugged, "I told you about the meeting."

"I don't think it's about that timeline.", Akash sipped his coffee, "He is working like he wants to escape reality."

"Classic Mr. Assholic Joseph.", she chuckled, "I always knew he was acting."

Maybe, maybe not.

"No.", Priya shook her head, "We didn't feel that, he was laughing and being his cheerful self during our general meeting."

Laughing, cheerful?

Krithika's heart dropped with disappointment. She was extremely unhappy to know that part of the information.

Is he avoiding me, being jolly to everyone but me!?

Fisting her kurti, "Hmm...", she nodded, "Then probably he is just busy with his 'Boss' stuff. We don't know everything that goes inside higher management."

"Yeah", Rashi chimed in.

"Hey, Chakudi!", that was Rathna, ever positive.

Rashi and Krithika were both startled by the shock as he pulled a chair next to her.

"Hi, Rathna!", she managed to squeak a reply.

Rashi couldn't stop herself from glancing between both of them. Her eyes volleyed between Krithika and Rathna as he grinned and placed two Tupperware boxes over the table, leaning in.

"Here, these are the Laddoos which I told you about and Theplas as well as...", Rathna went on rambling, not even slightly bothered by the looks he got from her friends, "...this could be a bit spicy for you."

Biting her nails, "Thanks.", she muttered

He sat beside her and gave a wide smile to everyone, "Hello guys, I hope you know me! I am Rathna from the QC department.", he passed another box to them, "Here, you guys can also have it.", he tapped over the lid of the Tupperware, expectantly looking at their faces for any reply.

Krithika kicked Priya under the table.

Priya sat straight and smiled back, "Hi, sir.", she added, "I am Priya and this is Akash.", she tapped Akash's arm.

"Yeah, you guys work directly under Mr. Joseph, Research and Development, right? I have seen you roaming around for test results in my department.", he turned towards the last person, "And you are Ms. Rashi from the QA Department, right?"

Rashi melted into a puddle. The poor lady was flushed into a deep beet red and held the table with a death grip, "Yes, s-sir.", she stuttered.

"It's good that at least I know the names of most of the people working here, some perks of being a senior.", he chuckled, "I am not making you guys uncomfortable, right?"

That was an understatement.

"I hope you don't mind me being a bit of an extrovert here.", he had a cup of tea with him, and paused every time he sipped, "I don't want to interrupt your tea time, I just came in to drop these to Krithika."

Yes, thanks for the stupid snacks.

"Anyways, got to go.", he pushed his chair and stood straight, gulping down his tea, "Bye guys. Also, please call me Rathna."

Everyone nodded.

"Bye, Chakudi.", he winked at her, "Will text you later."

Why don't you put up a speaker and announce that you had asked me out for a date?

"Bye.", she hissed, trying to hide her face under her hand.

After he left, all eyes were on her. Finally, Priya broke the silence, "You guys are dating?"

"Heck no!"

"Do you like him?"

Rashi choked on her green tea.

"What the hell! Priya, no.", Krithika whined.

"Then what's this?", Priya raised a skeptical brow, "You said you didn't know him, that you don't talk to anyone other than us."

Yes, you have to remember everything.

"After that meeting for shifting timelines, he had introduced himself. We started to chat after that.", Krithika shook her head defensively when Akash smiled, "No, it's not what you guys are thinking."

"What are we thinking?", Akash opened the Tupperware that contained some damned Farsans, "Priya are you thinking about anything?", he mocked her while biting a dried slice of coconut from the Chivda Mixture.

"Muruga! Why would I try anything when I know Rashi likes him.", Krithika rushed to stop any more accusations.

"I-I don't like hi-him.", Rashi stuttered.

Priya rolled her eyes, "Oh shut up, we all know about that big crush you have on him."

Rashi squirmed, "Oh Krishna...!", she softly mewled.

"Guys, I am not dating anyone.", Krithika sighed, "It's not a lie, I don't even find anyone remotely interesting here."

Except one.

"Hey!", Akash squinted his eyes, "That's fucking insulting."

"Sorry, but that's just what I feel about men in general.", Krithika licked her lips suddenly feeling parched, "He is just a friend, nothing else."

Priya and Akash nodded in agreement and silence was their new friend. They sat for a while before leaving the cafeteria. On the other hand, Rashi looked like she needed some help with walking back to her cabin.

"Rashi?", Krithika pulled her out of her chair, "You like him?"

Rashi inhaled slowly, "Yes."

"Have you tried to talk to him?", she paced beside her, trying to make a sensible conversation.

"He is just... He is very confident and joyful", Rashi continued, "And he flirts with everyone, makes everyone laugh... I just--"

"It's okay.", Krithika held her arm, "You don't need to explain it to me, I just felt that you should at least try to talk to him. It's okay, you can take your time."

"Please don't tell him about this."


"Promise me."

"Rashi, we are not kids.", they both crossed the corridor and she left Rashi's arm, "Trust me."

Rashi nodded doubtfully and turned to walk down to her cabin.

Her phone pinged, 'Why did your friends look at me like I am a ghost?'




I guess my favorite moments in this book are when Krithika and Xavier are with their friends, the conversation they have is almost similar to what I experience with my friends. The only difference is that mine are filled with a hell lot more curses XD

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