Sixty Two: Musky Forest (Part 2)

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Krithika looked at her reflection in the mirror and let out a frustrated sigh.

She had changed her dress for the third time, the last of her 'good looking' dresses, and still was annoyed by how shitty she looked. The baby blue anarkali suit wouldn't suffice to match Xavier's handsomeness.

With a defeated grunt, she tied her hair in a simple high ponytail. She wanted to braid them into something fancy but that would be tiring considering the length of her hair and she wasn't ready for a heavy arm day.

She stared at the reflection of her face, her big black eyes focussing on every imperfection.

Why does he want to date me?

She blinked rapidly, doubts and insecurities shoving to the back of her mind.

She didn't have any makeup products, the market admiring dark skin was only affordable to riches. But the one thing that she fancied was eyeliners and it didn't burn a hole in her purse to buy a good collection of them. She applied dark brown eyeliner and smoked it a bit. Her eyes looked somewhat appealing.

She stood back, giving herself a final look before shaking her head in disappointment. Kneeling in front of her wardrobe she fished out her only pair of heels and wore them, slightly wincing at the pain it caused in her feet. Well, she could at least try to look presentable if nothing.

"You are going on a date?", her roommate- Anjali- quirked a curious brow, "You never dress up until it's an occasion. It's already eight in the evening and too late for any normal occasion."

"You have to know everything?", Krithika sat on her bed and wore her wristband.

"Well, if it's a date I would like to suggest you wear those big jhumkas you have.", smirking Anjali continued, "Those are killers."

"Not in the mood.", Krithika replied in a flat tone and checked her phone. There was no message from him.

"You do realize that I am pulling your leg, right?", Anjali chuckled, "I am sure he is crazy handsome because you have checked yourself for the fiftieth time in that damn mirror and still are unsatisfied."

Krithika's cheeks flared and she glared at her stupid roommate, "Please, shut up your motor mouth."

Anjali laughed aloud and shrugged nonchalantly, "Girl, stop being disappointed in yourself.", she added, "Whoever this guy is, if he has asked you out that means he wants to spend some time with you. You don't need to put so much pressure on yourself, let the flow take you wherever it is."


"Okay.", Krithika pressed her lips in a thin line.

Her phone pinged.

'Hey, Chakudi! Wanted to talk to you about something, call me whenever you are free.' Rathna's message flashed on her phone.

What does he want to talk about?

'Kinda busy, will call you later.' she replied to him and opened Instagram to watch some mindless reels.

Her phone's notification popped with a message.

'Will be there in two minutes, my sweetheart.'

Something in her stomach fluttered. Was it a bunch of butterflies that people usually associate with such scenarios?

She took a deep breath and stood straight. Collecting her wallet and mobile in her hand, she said bye to her roommate and walked out of her room. She stood near the gate, waiting for him.

It didn't take even a minute as a steely grey Kia slowed down in front of her P. G.

Xavier, like the last time, opened the door for her and she sat in the passenger seat.

That faint musk of him inside the car invited her senses and she slightly smiled.

"I have already adjusted the height of the seat and lock for you.", his voice echoed as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Don't you have a less fancy car or something.", her hands straightened her dress, "People here are not used to lavish stuff."

He laughed, his husky voice making the butterflies in her stomach rapidly flutter, "I am an automotive engineer and a very good one at that. Darling, you can't expect me to drive a basic Alto."

"Okay.", she murmured, her fingers tightly gripping her dress at the mention of a different endearment.

Am I always going to be this tense around him?

She felt his fingers under her chin as he tilted her face to look at him.

"Breathe, my lovely sweetheart."

And she did.

But it was a tough task as her eyes roamed over his torso. He wore a bluish-grey button-down polo t-shirt that fit every inch of his body. Seriously, when did he get time to work out after working 24*7 in the office?

His hair was perfectly combed back leaving a few wisps to hang beautifully over his forehead. And his soft lips were curved into a smile, dimples adoring his face that made her heart frantically beat.

And those golden-brown eyes of his were focused on her face, looking intently.


"You look gorgeous.", he said as his smile widened, "Except for one thing.", and his hand- that held her chin- went over the back of her head, his fingers accidentally grazing her right cheek. She suppressed a moan.

He snapped open her hair tie, literally snapping it in between his fingers. And immediately her long silky hair, freed from the constraints, spilled over his hand. He carefully moved them to her side and over her shoulders, placing her dense tresses in front.

"There...You look... Wow!"

Her body shivered in anticipation as he leaned in and grabbed her face. His kiss was soft on her lips, like a promise. It was nothing like the last three kisses. This kiss was soothing and it made her feel something more than the plain desire for him.

He sat back in his seat and she stared at him. Shaking his head he muttered, "God, stop looking at me like that, darling, or we will never leave this place."

She swallowed and turned to look straight ahead. The windows of this particular car had a very slight tint and it was dark outside. Fortunately, no one was roaming on the streets. Surely, people would ban her from the area if anyone saw such a show of blatant PDA.

He started the car and she inhaled, the familiar fragrance of musk and woody forest engulfing her in its embrace.



Sometimes when I write Krithika's POV, it's tough for me. Idk how to describe it XD

For example: In the same situation- My subconscious will be like- Krithika, how dare he touch ya, punch the fuck out of him, but then I control myself and go- Ae Krithika, my protagonist might be a tiny bit of a jerk but he is cute and a big green flag, don't get angry, okay!?

Ah, I missed my world of imagination for so long. Writing a story is so much fun, I can talk to myself for hours in different voices. XD

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