Thirty Two: Young's Modulus (Part 1)

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It was the last week of the year and everyone in the office was crazy about the New Year's Celebrations.

After working on her retraining, daily for hours and hours, a few minutes at their office cafeteria- even with their shitty coffee- soothed her. Well, Krithika didn't mind the happy faces either.

The Xhasis had only one ritual, and that was an extravagant party where every employee enjoyed the best of feasts and danced to heart's content. She wasn't invited the last time as she had been merely a trainee, or probably because she was too shy to attend. Too insignificant to remember.

But this time, there was no escape even if she wanted to.

Did she want to escape though? Maybe not. Maybe she wanted to attend, to try and meet the secret man of her stolen kiss. Maybe he would recognize her and then, maybe she would allow him to kiss her again, the same way they had done that night.

Muruga! What was that?

Blushing furiously, she touched her lips and they tingled in response. How had it happened so fast? Why was her subconscious so adamant? Did she want to meet him? Would she ever allow herself to be kissed again, so passionately? Never. That was insane, terrifying, and outlandish, all at once.

Rashi nudged her, "Do you know, everyone participates in everything, every game!", squealing like a teen from the Korean Dramas she continued, "This time even Satya ma'am and Xavier sir will take part in the final paper dance!", she clapped excitedly.

Yes, they had games. Krithika had heard about the diverse amusements designed each year by the employees for the party. And no, most of them hadn't been as plain as the kindergarten type of plays. They were inclined more towards being coquettish and not so professional, but never improper. When asked, most of her team members replied, "Harmless flirting is good for heart and health, Krithika!"

Akash cleared his throat, bringing her back to the present, "Well, they both dance together to start the celebration.", he supplied while flashing a lopsided grin, "It's like some ballroom shit they do."

"Why so much grandeur though?", it piqued genuine interest in her. Why they wasted so much money on just a New Year's Eve?

Leaning back comfortably, Akash said, "Have heard a story that it was during a new year, probably five years ago, when they both had decided to join their forces to start this company.", he shrugged, "So, Satya ma'am likes to celebrate every new year to honor and live the success of their partnership."

Rashi pondered, "I guess then, the day should be called the Foundation Day, right?"

"Yeah, but they started the company afterward and not exactly on that day.", that was from the gossip-queen Akash.

"Wasn't it something Xavier sir always had in his mind?", Krithika questioned him, "I mean the whole idea about this organization."

"Yeah, but he had been failing to get attention from any investor for his idea for years.", he chuckled, "It's only after Satya ma'am decided to be together with him on this journey, he tasted his victory."

She sighed, "Hmm...", this was a new information. It was a bit disconcerting as she never thought that Xavier had single-handedly struggled, incessantly for a long time, before meeting Satya. That, he had carved out his path to reach these heights. Fucking hell, he was now a freaking pioneer with patents lying around his cabin and a flourishing business.

Why are you thinking about him?

Her eyes blinked, washing off the images of Xavier from her mind.

She noticed that Priya was ominously silent and it wasn't sitting well. Out of the four, she was the extrovert and the life of the party. But she hadn't so much so uttered a single word, at least from the past two days when Krithika had re-joined after a week of suspension.

Concerned, she tapped her arm, "Priya, are you fine?", she added, "You look pale."

Priya wrung her hands together, "I... I..", her voice cracked, "I confessed about that day...about my mistake to Xavier sir."

"What!?", all three of them shrieked.


"It was my fault and you were punished for nothing.", she mumbled sobbing softly.

"Woman, I told you that I was equally guilty, and as he had found me alone, I was perfectly fine to act along!", she rushed, "Even if they had fired, I would have got some job as I--", she stopped herself from spilling any more details.

It was unbelievable. Priya Raj was impossible, she had to be the modern-world Harishchandra at all costs. At the expense of her job and dreams.

"Did he scold?", Krithika asked, tensed at Priya's reaction.


Akash was bewildered, "Nothing?", and why he wouldn't, they were talking about Xavier- the prick-ly boss.

Priya shook her head, "He said that I could have admitted it earlier as he felt remorseful to heavily judge Krithika."


"And?", Krithika wanted to know more. Something inside her felt bright as a tinge of pleasure crossed her heart, to know that Xavier had felt wrong at his treatment of her.

He obviously should be sorry.

"He said that Krithika wasn't entirely the culprit, two of us made a team and we both should have been punished equally rather than what had happened."

Oh, okay not so much of sorry then.

"So, he did admonish you, mildly.", Akash wanted to put out his feelings.

"No. He didn't shout or get angry at me. Rather he...", she paused for a while, "Rather he looked amused about the whole thing."

Rashi sighed, "Okay, so you are not being suspended. That's sufficient then."

"But shouldn't I be punished?", Priya looked at Krithika, "I know for a fact that he had scolded you."

Krithika smiled at her. Priya was differently made, probably her honest ways were going to be difficult for her to navigate the world of corporate.

"It's not new for me.", she tried to comfort her, "And if it helps, he hadn't yelled. He had just handed my suspension orders after the meeting."

Lies, he did insult you.

She didn't want to discuss how things were between Xavier and herself. It would require a detailed explanation of their first argument, which she was too embarrassed to talk about to anyone. And it wasn't something she would like to share; her disappointments were better off under the rugs.

It was astounding to see how Xavier kept his calm these days. Anomalous and sociopathic enough, how could someone flip their character within a short period? Or... Maybe he was a different person, the one who's peeking out of his controlled stuck-up-assholic personality more often than she would wish to see.

But somewhere in her subconscious, she found herself thinking about the alluring dimples of Xavier, about how beautiful he looked when he smiled.



A smiling face can make you fall in love than the handsomeness, that's what "Un Siripinil" is all about.

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