H' & Forty Seven: Wedding Vaibhogam (Part 2)

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As Krishna had anticipated, Krithika's relatives appeared to be level-headed. Despite their apparent lack of support for their eldest child, Krishna recognized a familiar pattern in their upbringing and expectations. He had witnessed firsthand how meticulously firstborns were groomed for perfection. Jagdish Veer Singh epitomized this ideal- he was the pride and joy of the Singh household. A child who dutifully obeyed every command of his parents as well as endured their every whim, and stood by them all the time; practically the diamond created under stress.

Krithika didn't fit into any of those classic molds; she didn't adhere to conventional expectations and chose to forge her path, which may have led to a rift with her family. Despite her free-spirited nature, Krishna sensed her underlying desire for familial warmth.

Maybe that was one of the reasons why she loved Xavier, as even being an orphan himself, he provided her with a complete sense of belonging. Krishna knew that with all his ruthless arrogance as an exterior, Xavier at his core was a family man.

He knew that Xavier craved a peaceful life, to have a family, to nourish and care for them. Krishna had observed Xavier's tender attention towards Samiksha and Alisha. Oh, how jealous he felt and longed for the friendship that Xavier shared with them, knowing deep down that such a bond was beyond his reach.

Krishna glanced at Krithika and noticed her smiling. She looked so joyful in that moment. Seeing her happiness made him realize how significant love is in shaping and enriching our lives. After all, humans were social animals.

And he felt content, to live a life that he had desired. Dhriti and Samiksha were the center of his world and he thanked the lord for blessing him with pure bliss.

"Consider it done.", Farhan chuckled, crossing his legs as he leaned back on the sofa, "The way Xav and Kri babe seemed anxious before landing here, I anticipated a barrage of questions and perhaps some drama from you gentlemen.", he scoffed, "Huh, this seems rather dull."

Xavier scowled at him while Preethi loudly giggled.

"Please ignore our stupid friend here.", Satya gave them an apologetic smile, "He thinks of himself as a God."

Giving a nonchalant shrug, he stared at Saranya, "Saranya, it seems like you sang a kirtan, didn't you?"

Saranya gave him a knowing smile while all the men looked at him with puzzling questions.

"Planning a wedding in just one month is quite demanding," Vasanthi articulated. "Considering this is the first wedding in our family, I find it inappropriate for you to arrive unexpectedly and make decisions without consulting us."

"Well, our bride and groom expected that you people would thrash them and drag them out of the house.", Farhan joked, "Look, I even brought along my best bodyguards just in case. What are we supposed to do with them now?"

Krishna rubbed his temples, his frustration evident as he muttered to Xavier, "Can you please explain to me why the fuck you invited him here?"

Leaning forward, Farhan clapped his hand in enthusiasm, "Jokes apart, I don't think it's difficult to make haste. But how much time do you... Your name please?", he expectantly looked at Vasanthi.

"Mrs. Vinoth.", Vinoth responded.

At the same moment, she replied, "Vasanthi."

"Ah, Vasanthi... Nice name.", he flashed his flirtatious grin and continued, "Vasanthi, how much time do you think it will require for you guys to arrange all the stuff?"

"At least three to four months.", Aarthi concluded.

Sivan added, "After meeting his guardians, of course.", he pointed his hand towards Xavier.

Krithika noticed Xavier's expression shift into a disappointed frown and she began, "We don't--"

"I'll wait.", Xavier declared with determination. "Though four months may seem like a considerable span, I'm prepared to wait for my Kanmani. You have my assurance that I will facilitate meetings with my guardians and extend invitations to my aunt for your acquaintance.", he paused and looked at Ashok, "I am willing to make all the necessary arrangements if you are prepared to offer us your blessings to marry."

He then turned to look at Krithika.

As their gazes met- her eyes filled with starlight, his with a golden pool of affection- they both realized that they had finally begun to live their life as a family.



When I was writing exactly Chapter 14: Bernoulli's Theorem (Part 3), the scenes from this chapter- that took a freaking 147th to accomplish- was playing in my mind, cos I was listening to "Ithuthaana" on a loop for hundred times a day for some unknown reason.

What the hell? 133 chapters to finally reach here, gosh!

Now I feel relieved. I seriously have dedicated songs for some scenes, like there is this one song in my head just for Satya-Valmiki story's prologue- the scene, and everything. Why am I like this?

Also, I guess I'll add all the character names and descriptions in a separate chapter so that you guys can understand who's who.

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