Sixty Seven: Filter Coffee (Part 3)

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The aroma of filter coffee was the first thing that hit Xavier's senses as he woke up. It reminded him of his childhood, his mother used to favor filter coffee over Kattan Chaya while reading her daily dose of news early in the morning.

He yawned rubbing his eyes and noticed the empty bed beside his frame. He sat straight and felt his back aching from sleeping in a weird position. Yes, sleeping while resting against the wooden bedpost was a deadly choice.

Reaching the balcony, he noticed Satya crouched in a corner there. She was staring at the horizon, a few tears marked her flushed cheeks, "Sit.", she said without looking at him.

He kneeled, "Satya, can I do--"

"Let's not talk about it, please."

"Okay.", he sat beside her as she passed a cup of coffee to him. It was delicious like always and he encircled his left arm around her and kissed her temple.

She smiled and shifted closer to him, her head leaning on his shoulder.

"So, you are dating Krithika?"

"Nothing misses from your scrutinizing sight, right?", he smiled, "Satya Devi has her spies all over the world?"

"You took her to the Chamiers, that's barely secretive.", she shook her head, her eyes still watching the orange hues of the sky, "You know the circle of my acquaintance and their lifestyle."

"I thought they were more inclined to Avartana and The Flying Elephant kind of restaurants.", he chuckled and sipped his coffee, "Chamiers Cafe isn't too plain for your friends?"

"Point well made, I give that to you.", she sighed, "But that wasn't what I asked you about."

"I just can't keep kissing her whenever I--.", he bit his tongue and shut his eyes immediately.

Terrible, terrible mistake.

"I see.", she drawled. Satya shook her head as she clicked her tongue in what he assumed to be a disappointment, "I thought of you as someone who knew where to draw the line. She's our employee, for your kind information, and that's highly inappropriate."

"Satya, I just--", he frustratedly muttered, "I just can't control myself around her. One moment we are arguing, and the next moment she's in my arms...", he trailed off.

He heard her snicker, "Alisha long back had told me that Xavier loses his mind over the things he craves immensely, that Xavier is a passionate fool.", she added, wiping her drying tears from her cheeks, "You had challenged your physics teacher and had solved an impossibly tough problem before he could barely start. You loved science like no one else."

"I still love science, particularly engineering.", he said, "Talking about highly inappropriate, you both should stop sharing stories about me."

She turned to face him, "Passionate fool, it seems.", she touched his skin below his jaw, "Never thought my youngest ace executive is a wild cat for my friend."

He flushed, mortified beyond belief, "Satya!", he pushed her prying hands away, "Just stop."

She narrowed her eyes, "Don't fuck it up, Xav. She has shared a few things with me and I know that she has her fair share of shit to deal with, don't be one of them shortly."

"I won't."

"And don't hurt yourself."

"I won't."

"Good, I trust you."

"God, you order so much.", he chuckled, "You have to be an intimidating and assertive shit, huh?"

"You aren't even slightly fazed by me.", she replied nonchalantly.

"You don't scare me, Satya. I respect you, there's a difference.", he added, "Your ace executive can kiss your ass all day but that's not me."

"That's jealousy!", she exclaimed, "What the fuck, you are jealous of me?"

"People admire you and Krithika probably tops the list.", he sighed, "You are their hero, I am not."

"You want to be her hero?", she laughed aloud, "Oh boy, this side of Xavier is something else."


She guffawed and Xavier smiled, watching her laugh after so long felt right to him.



The "Pasanga" movie is for those who want to know about how to see the world from a child's perspective.

This particular song is such a beautiful example of how green flags work in real life.

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