H' & Five: New Start (Part 3)

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Xavier noticed that Krithika tried to open her mouth to say something but closed it immediately. Turning around she paced across the hall, silently brooding while he stood there like a moron, trying to not shout, controlling his anger as he had promised to her, as he had promised to himself.

Suddenly, she picked a rose from the floor, that had fallen out of the vase and rushed towards him. Bending on one knee in front of him, she started, "Love, seven days ago I opened my heart to you, accepting every ounce of your desire that exhilarated me. Seven months ago, I opened my heart to you, collecting every drop of your trust in the oasis of my barren life.", her eyes were glowing with intense passion, "But, something inside my mind tells me that I opened my heart for you way back, probably seven lives ago, when we had met beyond this body and soul, when we were nothing but one.", she brought the rose to him, "And I think, no, I know that we are made for each other, so would you agree to me with that?"

He froze. Everything around him slowed down, freezing to absolute stillness. The way her eyes sparkled, holding so much love and fire, it felt surreal.

"The world could end this moment, death could torch my life, but I would still want you, need you.", she held his hand, "Darling, I love you, tell me now, would you be with me as mine?"

Swallowing hard, "Ka--Kanmani..", he stuttered.

It was so beautiful, her proposal to him was nothing like he had ever heard, nothing like he could ever imagine. It was so beautiful that he felt like he was some fairytale princess who was being swept off her feet by the most handsome prince in the universe.

His heart raced as her eyes narrowed at him and just when he was about to agree to her, say 'yes', she flung the rose on him, hitting him square on his chest.

"Yes, that's how you should propose to your girlfriend, my stupid loving poet Xavier Lucifer Joseph. That is how you fucking ask this Krithika Ashok to be yours, not only for this life but every other life out there, in every fucking universe.", she slowly raised from her position to stand closer to him, glaring at him, burning him, "Not by announcing to Bincy Chitta that I am your future wife, you dumbass."

When or how he had no clue, but the moment he had blinked his eyes for once, her almost naked body was pressed between the cold wall and his naked torso, her dress torn into pieces lay on the floor. He lightly choked her with his left hand as his eyes held her gaze, "Well, I thought to propose to you the way a pioneer does, poets are overrated."

Her legs encased around his waist as her hands clutched his shoulder for support, "My poet writes and sings to me the loveliest songs ever listened, he is gently passionate.", her nails dug deeper into his skin, "He never tore my dress off my body or choked me, this pioneer seems to be wild."

He clicked his tongue, "He is an unpredictable beast, exactly the way you fantasize about him in your dreams."

"Ah! Xav, what are you doing!?", she moaned as his fingers snapped open the clasps of her bra from the back.

"Pioneering the art of constructing love, my Kanmani."

Slowly teasing her skin with his right hand he removed her bra. He caressed her cheeks and noticed her lips trembling in anticipation.

"You don't dare!", she rasped yet gave him a demanding pout.

Oh, I do dare!

He closed the gap between them to kiss her plump lips and she forgot about her gentle poet.



The starting part of the attached song is such a beautiful poem. I remember that I was one of the first hundred viewers of this song (the OS lyrical video) and was surprised that why it's not a hit :') I have so many songs that are this kind of underrated gems and I feel so happy about being an obsessive music lover who finds and listens to all these songs at least eighteen hours a day XD

Also, right now I am so obsessed with "Katchi Sera" and there are two characters (future couple) from this story to whom I keep dedicating this song, particularly to the scene when they meet for the first time in a long time. Can you guys guess who that would be? I am not going to reveal anything though.

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