Eighty Five: Friendships (Part 3)

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"What is it?", Xavier asked Satya, walking down the hall to reach her. She was sitting on the sofa, the very place where she had drugged herself to the death- almost to the death.

It had been quite late at night when she had called and asked him to meet her, immediately. A clear agitation had laced her voice. It had made him drop his work and speed to her home. Work could wait.

"What happened?", he stared at her pale face.

Did that fucker Narayan tried to contact her!? I am going to kill him.

She had a grim expression, "Valmiki Shetty had called."

His brows creased in confusion. An unexpected reply caused him to be baffled for a second. He sat next to her, stretching his back and groaning at the pain that shot through his body. Work was killing him. From the time new investors came in to support expansion, it was getting difficult to sleep properly. It was great news, but it brought a lot of attention to him.

Slowly, the media had started to float around him as well. He despised every bit of it, he wasn't interested in sharing his life history to be a page in Wikipedia.

Turning to face her he raised an inquiring brow, "Valmiki Shetty? From when you started calling him that?"

"He said that...", she swallowed, "..he loves me and wants to marry me."

His eyes widened in utter shock, "Marry... What the fuck?", he couldn't control himself and burst out laughing, "That guy pined for your attention for four years, and the moment he gets some, he fast tracks with a proposal to wed you. Tsk, 'Formula Racing Love' it seems"

"So, you knew.", she glared at him.

"It wasn't a secret.", he wiped his tears off his eyes and guffawed again, "He was gone the moment his eyes fell on you. First love, I guess."

A pillow hit him square in his face.

"He'd had girlfriends and had been in and out of multiple relationships. I am not his first love or whatever.", she held another pillow in her hand.

Grinning, he pulled out that poor pillow from her clutches that she kept murderously squeezing with her fingers, "What did you say?"

"Nothing. I cut the call and blocked him."

"That's fine, he will find a way- no, don't look at me like that- I am not going to help him. Trust me if I wanted to do matchmaking I would have done it way earlier.", he assured her, "Satya, for the love of God, he's an ethical hacker by profession. If he wants, he could track you down and have the details of your La Perla, Simone Pérèle, and a very secretive Bordelle lingerie collection at his fingertips."

"Oh fuck! Do I blabber such shit to you when I am completely wasted!?"

"Yes. Also, stating plain facts about him, if he wants he would know anything about you. But he's not a creep, that's all."

Looking like an angry baby, she huffed, "I don't want to marry him."

"Care to explain?", he stood and nodded his head toward the wet bar. He wanted some liquor in his system to feel a little less tired. Would it be a better option to go on a vacation? That did sound rather inviting. Right then he craved it more than food and oxygen. He needed to rest for fuck's sake.

Satya took out a bottle of the classic Old Monk and poured two glasses. Sliding one to him she leaned, her sides supported by the counter, "A lot of things have happened in my life, Xav. You know very well about those.", she pinched the bridge of her nose, "God! I don't even love him, and... Huh... I don't even think I can love anyone for that matter. I just have no hope about all this corny crap for myself. Why did he have to complicate our friendship!?"

Gulping the content of his glass in one swig, he nodded, "I agree with your pessimistic outlook on life. You don't deserve love or care, yes exactly, you should avoid any person who even tries to comfort you.", he grimaced as a burning heat hit the back of his throat.

"Very funny."

"What do you want me to tell you?", Xavier probed, giving her a look of disappointment, "That let Valmiki rot in the hell while you keep crying over that bastard Narayan?"

She poured the rum into his glass, this time way less in volume than earlier, "Don't you think you are making my traumas sound trivial?"

This was the issue. Satya longed for care and love but wasn't ready to accept it when provided to her. He was trying to put some sense into her but all she found was the judgment, "No, Satya. I am not trying to shame you for what you have been through, or call you petty for being confused.", he took her hand and caressed it with his fingers, "I am saying that you are shutting off yourself for a guy who wasn't even worth your love."

Slowly sipping from her glass she stared at his face. The nuts and bolts of her brain were acting, he could see that in her face. She must have been a difficult kid to her parents, always being rebellious. There was no doubt that Dhanya had similar characteristics.

"Give it a thought, you don't need to marry Valmiki but at least don't shun him out.", Xavier suggested, chugging the rum his glass, again in one go.

Satya shot him a dirty look for drinking like a truck driver. He slightly raised his hands in surrender. Chuckling at his actions she pointed out, "Suddenly you have become a Love-Guru.", she continued, "Never knew that kissing Krithika would earn some wisdom. I should also try."

He flushed, his caramel skin glowing with some pink tint, "Oh, shut up!", dreaming of Krithika's face he continued, "Don't you dare to touch my woman."

"Your woman?", she gave him a knowing look, "Already claiming her to be yours?"

Covering his face in an attempt to hide his foolish grin he retorted, "How did we jump from Valmiki to Krithika?



*Cough* *Cough* Valmiki and Satya *Cough*

"Theerame" was a random find a few months back and I was like omg this is good! Fits to this chapter though.

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