H' & Twenty Five: Men in Love (Part 6)

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"Bloody hell! What did you dickhead do now to anger my lady?", Farhan slapped Krishna's shoulder, "Oh, wait, you are breathing, that's enough of a reason."

Xavier cleared his throat, "Anyway, I have something important to discuss."

"Don't tell me you have knocked up your fiancé...", Farhan eyed him, "Is this why you were getting all those free sessions on parenting by Krish?"

Krishna and Xavier both scowled. Farhan raised his hand in surrender, "I was just being curious, gentlemen, don't ya guys team up!"

Xavier rubbed his forehead, "I am planning to go and meet Krithika's parents... for... you know what."

"Well, that should have been the first step.", Krishna generously pointed out, "What are you waiting for?"

"I am scared.", Xavier breathed, "Her father is a scumbag, I have met him once. It had been so hard for me to keep my fist stuck next to me when he had splashing shit about how girls should only focus on getting married and having babies."

"Well, I don't see the fault, Xav.", Farhan chirped, "Now, she is going to get married to you and have your babies."

Xavier glared at him, his eyes burning him into ashes, "Keep your mouth shut."

Farhan chuckled, "Okay, sorry, that was a bit mean of me."

"Her brother says that it's impossible to convince their father.", Xavier added, "I just don't want Krithika to be worried."

"She wouldn't marry you without their blessings?", Krishna questioned, "Not that I want you guys to elope like some stupid college kids."

"She is not on good terms with them either.", Xavier dryly commented, "But she desires to see her parents meet eye to eye on such a significant decision of her life."

"Women are weird creatures.", Farhan claimed and scanned through the place, "Every woman standing here is almost similar, but so fucking different, both at the same time."

"Philosophical crap aside, I want your help.", Xavier hit straight home, "I don't want to go alone and sit through his bullshit. I want you guys beside me, sitting with me as my wingmen, while I look into his eyes and tell him that his daughter, my Kanmani, deserves better than his idiotic ideologies. She deserves every fucking thing she dreams about, including me because she chose me."

"Okay.", Krishna immediately agreed.

Xavier snapped his head in Krishna's direction, staring at his face, "Okay?", he doubtfully questioned. He couldn't believe that his ex-brother-in-law had settled to his proposition.

"Yeah, that's what we do for brothers, right?", Krishna shrugged, "It's not a big deal to be stressed upon."


Xavier kept staring at his face. He was amazed by how their relationship had grown to this point, from the place where he was terrified of him.

Whatever might have been Subhadra's part in his life, as painful as hell, but she did make him better than before, she gave him a few precious bonds to cherish for life.

The wild roses stuffing through every corner of his balcony were proof of that.

We can't be together because you would destroy yourself for me.

Her voice rang through his mind and he sharply inhaled, the essence of her favorite flower filling his body. Hadn't he called her an archenemy?

He heard a melodious laugh amongst the coterie- his people- and found the owner of that voice. There she was, his lovely Kanmani, laughing unabashedly at some joke Rathna had cracked, her tiny hands hitting her friend in an attempt to control his nonsense.

She looked stunning in that red evening gown. Her flawless skin glowed as bright as the ring on her finger, her lustrous plump lips so inviting that he wanted to run to her and kiss them.

And then, she turned, her gorgeous starry black eyes met his and everything froze.

Oh, fuck... I love her, I need her, she's my fucking life.

His heart sped towards hell, or was it heaven- he had no idea, and it dived, somersaulting its way to love. Again.

Scrunching her brows, she tilted her sharp chin, silently asking about his intense expression. 

He smiled and mouthed, "I love you."

Giving him a poker face, she mouthed back, "Stupid!"

His smile widened.

"I am no brother of Xavier.", Farhan interrupted Xavier's bubble and smirked, "Can't risk the title."

"Fucker.", Xavier muttered to himself.

"But I am up for the challenge, let's meet this old wanker.", Farhan seemed enthusiastic for the adventure, he always loved a bit of drama.

Krishna clicked his tongue, "Don't call names based on Xavier's judgment, her father might not be half as bad as what he is being painted to us."

"Where's the fun in that!?", that was Farhan, pouting at Krishna's admonishing tone.


Oh, the drama. I support Farhan, what is life without any drama? XD

Also, after thinking for one whole day, I found the perfect song to dedicate to this chapter- "Shubhaarambh"

There are dreams, there is Shehnai (wink, wink), and there is the start of a new beginning in Xavier's life with his friends supporting him like pillars.

By the way, after writing the whole chapter I noticed that the three men conversing here belonged to three different religions. Krishna-Hindu, Xavier-Christian, and Farhan-Muslim. But all of them are somewhat atheists (Somewhat- as Krishna still carries some sentiments drilled into him from childhood). Damn, I had never planned on any of this (my brain is currently frozen to think of anything else, too damned shocked) :O

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