H' & Eleven: Consequences (Part 4)

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Warning, the chapter could be a little bit spicy (tiny, very very tiny), but nothing graphical.


"Are you for real?", Krithika screeched, "I thought you only knew 'Konjum konjum theriyum' in Tamil!", she mimicked his broken Tamil.

He laughed while strolling around as he slowly closed the screens of his glass-walled suite, "Well, I am some sort of a fast learner, and Dhanya did a great job I guess.", he shrugged, "Also, in the past few months I had this new motivation to learn, how could I avoid understanding what you murmur when I touch you.", and at last he bloody winked at her.

Fighting back her urge to blush and smile at his comment, "Give me some of your brain cells, what will you do with so many of them?", she joked.

Continuing his laugh he acknowledged, "You are funny, has anyone ever mentioned it to you?", and sat on a velvety-white sofa.

"I have been called a lot of things, like irresponsible, gorgeous, beautiful, sweetheart, darling, love, and recently Kanmani...", holding her chin in her left hand, she tapped her index finger over her cheek, acting as if she was pondering, "Hmm... Funny is a new word. I might add that to my list of 'Husband's endearment', it'll come in handy if you ever ask me what you haven't named me yet.", she sat back and the towel tied to her body shifted, slightly slipping over her bosom and revealing more than necessary.

Xavier sharply inhaled, "You want to kill me or what, my Kanmani?", his eyes darted back to her face, "What the fuck are you wearing, huh?"

"I... I just took a bath...", she stammered, watching his eyes turn a shade of golden dark brown.

She saw him swallow a big lump, "Is that girl there? Your roommate Anjali?", his voice had turned way deeper than normal.

"No... She has gone to some resort, office out--", she stopped herself as her eyes witnessed his tongue slowly licking his lips, "Xavier...?"

"Lock the door of your room.", it was a command.

"Xav...", she breathed.

"It's been six long days, please, I am requesting you, my darling.", even though the words coming out of his sweet mouth conjured up to be a pleading sentence, she could see how predatory he looked, how desire churned in his eyes.

Oh, Muruga!

Nodding, "Okay.", she tried to stand, struggling hard from her dizzying arousal.

Throwing the mobile on the bed, she stumbled towards the door and locked it up. She waited there for two minutes and heard Xavier's voice from the phone, "Are you hiding, Kanmani?"


"I have locked the door.", she mumbled while clasping the phone in her hand and focusing the front camera exactly over her face, nothing else.

Sex in person was intimate and something very discernible, the touch and the feel of it. But this, it felt very sensual to start, perhaps equally sinful, and to make it worse, she was able to see her face on the screen.

Her self-consciousness wrestled with anxiety as she only concentrated on how dark her skin looked compared to the dirty white wall of her room. She couldn't notice anything other than every flaw in her face, faded mark of pimples, a blemish over her neck, big bland black eyes...the list was never-ending.


Xavier's rich baritone yanked her mind from her self-pity show and she zoomed out her vision to stare at his handsome face.

"Don't you dare to judge yourself, or else I'll have to make love to you in front of a full body-length mirror to prove that you are absolutely ethereal, and it's you who fucking drive me crazy."

She shuddered at that thought, and considering Xavier's stubbornness, she knew that he might hoodwink her into that.

Hoodwink? You'll fall for it even before he touches you! Wait, you are excited about it, aren't you?

Shut up!

"Okay.", she mumbled.

"Good, now, set your phone over someplace where I can see you, Krithika... from where I can see you...", Xavier started removing his pristine white shirt, gracing her eyes with his further tanned skin. Why did he look more delicious than before every fucking time? She had no clue. He was eagerly waiting for her to proceed, to follow his orders.

Don't listen to him!

Do it, do it, do it...

Placing her mobile perpendicularly on her study table she sat on the edge of her bed. She could see that the front camera was visibly focusing on her complete length, and she started to slightly shiver with anticipation.

Hoodwink... You are a joke, Krithika!

The tiny aunty voice in her head snorted.

"Perfetta, you just know how to excite your lover, huh? Now, be my little minx and take off that offending towel from your sexy body.", a seductive smirk curled his lips and he raked his fingers through his hair, "Let me see what I am missing out in Italy, surely it's chocolate."

"Xavier!", she hissed, her body flaring up with his open dirty comments, "I am feeling--"

"Shy?", he cut her in between. Rubbing his left hand over his jaw, he closed his eyes for a while.

When those darned eyes of him opened they harbored a resolution in them, "Hmm, let's take baby steps... How about you start touching your lips the way I would? Imagine my fingers over your lips."

Krithika thought about it. Well, she did more than just imagine, "Hmm...", she shut her eyes and hummed while gliding her index finger over her lower lip.

"Nee illathe oru rasavumilla, Kanmani!", he huskily murmured.

Yeah, spew everything, Italian, Malayalam, Tamil, and confuse the hell out of me!

A loud knock on her door startled her, and she immediately clutched her bedsheet, "Shit!", wrenching it from the bed, she wrapped it around herself in nanoseconds and shouted, "Yeah?"

"A cute guy is waiting for you in the hall.", one of her flatmates shouted, "From where do you know all these cute guys!? Wait, don't bother to answer that, I was just loudly speaking my mind."

"I'll be there in five minutes.", she replied and turned to look at her sexy devil, "Xav, need to go..."

He heaved a torturous sigh- already!?- and shook his head in disagreement, "I am so fucking hard for you, don't torture me, my love."

Grabbing her phone, she narrowed her eyes at him, "Use your imagination, you have gathered a lot of supplies as a reference from the past few days.", she rushed, "Now bye!"

Groaning, "Kanmani, you are such a cocktease.", he glared at her.

She choked, "Go fuck yourself, my loving fiancé!", she cut the call and facepalmed.

What the hell was I heading myself to?



"Mobila Mobila" has a very peculiarly funny story associated with my life. Like always, I was listening to songs after my lab work while waiting for a bus to my hostel, this song came up in shuffle mode and I started loudly singing (as usual). One girl who sat next to me just gawked at my face the whole time and at last, she asked, "You do know it's a bit of a raunchy song, don't you?", to which I casually replied, "Yeah, but why does it matter?"

She simply stared at me for two minutes and said, "Can we be friends?", and we both sang this song together while walking to our destination as we got a message from our campus coordinator that there wouldn't be any bus for the next few hours. XD

And we did become friends, she happened to be one of my hostel mates. We are not in touch but I miss her every time I listen to this song. :)

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