H' & Nineteen: Gifts of Love (Part 6)

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"To be called a choice, that sounds like an insult, my love.", Xavier butted in, feigning hurt by placing his hand over his heart.

"Don't be a prick!", Krithika snarled, tossing a pen toward Xavier but missing his face by a few inches, and all the while he held his constant smile, "You are so fucking stubborn, you want to know everything, huh?"

"Your father wants to get you married, he has found a perfetto alliance. And you felt it was fitting to hide such significant information from me?", he clicked his tongue, "The pot calling the kettle black, my Kanmani, jealousy doesn't fit you."

Okay, swim nude inside the caves of Blue Grotto, I don't fucking care!

Krithika felt the back of her neck burn in humiliation.

"My Kanmani!?", Karthik screeched, "Muruga! From how many days has this shit been going on?"

"Officially, almost nine months. Unofficially, seven lives.", Xavier started spewing his romantic garbage. Sluggish wickedness crept into that smile of his, "Do you want me to add on how much we love each other? I suppose you wouldn't like to learn those types of details."

"Fuck!", Karthik yelled- almost yelled.

She mewled at the same moment, "Ohmygawd!", feeling her body flare up as if cursed by Rishi Durvasa.

Talk about how to use words to play around, Xavier was a master at it. No, he was the fucking scriptwriter of the first drafts of 'Double Entendres'.

Also, the deity who blessed you with orgasms via 'Dirty Talking'...


She couldn't look towards her brother, the knowledge of her having a physical relationship- completely unnecessary data- with a man whom he idolized was openly served to him. Her hands were itching, her mind coercing her to slap Xavier for being nothing but a nuisance.

"I like him.", Xavier declared, his voice light as if happiness was the prominent emotion that he felt. His gaze was pointing to Karthik, "He's not like your shitty father. The kid loves you, and I like that. Kanmani, you were right about him."

"Don't call me a kid!", Karthik grumbled, "I don't want to be your intern, fucking hell, I don't want to be here."

Krithika felt sorry for her Thambi. She could apprehend how her brother might be feeling; being flooded with the details about the love life of his only sister, that too by the love interest himself.

He would have had a better day if he hadn't applied for the ridiculous internship in the Xhasis. But passion ran in the blood of Ashok Shanmugam's kids like hemoglobin, how could his son have missed such an opportunity?

She just prayed that her little brother wouldn't instantly run home and unbox her Pandora's box to their mother, or worse- their father.

But that box holds hope as well, huh?

That hope is too thin, so shut up!

"A small piece of advice from someone who has accomplished one or two great things in life, never shit on your professional life over personal chaos.", Xavier's deep voice cut through her inner turmoil.

"Karthik, I can see that you are passionate about what you do, don't cross it with your temporary childish animosity. You are a good guy, focus on following your dreams, I believe you'll make a great automotive engineer.", he sighed as he pushed his chair and stood straight, "I trust that I can be of some help if you allow me."

Krithika stared at Xavier, just stared at his handsome face.

There were so many things bubbling inside her at that moment, so many emotions, but she couldn't stop looking at him. She, for the first time, saw a fatherly figure in Xavier- gentle, caring, concerned, and responsible- everything all together, like how a father should be.

A beautiful feeling blossomed inside her chest, it spread slowly throughout her body, overpowering every other sentiment. It bloomed like a thousand flowers of the Lady of the Night under the moonlight of Xavier's bright face, her body eternally scented by his love as her eyes started to paint images of him as a father.

She, for the first time, envisioned him to be the Appa of her babies- their babies.

There's the deal, Krithika. There's no going back, he is your man, and you will be the Amma of his kids.

I have to agree with that, he's not as bad as I thought him to be.

Whatever tiny doubts- yes, she did have a few if not more- had been in her mind, trickled out from the tiny gaps in the binding of the glass walls of his cabin.

Marry me, now!

Her heart ached to shout it to him.

"Now, come on my Machchan, spit that bit of your juvenile fury and hug me, would you?", Xavier strolled towards Karthik and pulled him to his side.

Karthik tried to fight him back, but Xavier admonished, "Don't be silly, I am going to be your Mama, no one will dare to challenge it. Of course, no one other than your sister.", he stopped for a second and faced her, scrunching his brow with a frown, "You still want to get married to me, right?", he sincerely questioned.

Krithika still couldn't tear her eyes off his face. She simply kept staring, admiring every bit of her Xavier.

"Appa won't agree.", Karthik murmured, "He would kill himself before you wed her."

"He's old, death is inevitable.", Xavier didn't care much about anything, it would have been funny to her to see him so carefree if she hadn't been transfixed for the past fifteen minutes, "What about you, are you fine?"

"Akka has been always correct in her life, she has been an inspiration to me.", Karthik lightly scowled, "I just hope that you are not her biggest blunder."

"You will pluck out my windpipe if I am that, won't you?", Xavier laughed, hugging Karthik, "Ah, finally, I have a person around me who can understand what I talk about. Your sister is so boring, too much of the business trash in her brain."

Karthik's lips gradually curled into a smile, a very hesitant one, "Yeah, she's crazy like that."

Her eyes started to blur, she was beyond happy. What was she thinking about concealing things from this man?

It felt like forever for her, every second like eons, so exquisite that she built memories for a lifetime. It was like a rebirth and she wanted to live every bit of that moment.


Loudly sighing, Xavier shrugged, his eyes surveying his cabin, "Hmm... Perhaps, cleaning services will revise the contract after finding this mess.", he chuckled, "Kanmani, your boss Ms. Satya Devi is going to be so pissed."



This is such a "Vaan Varuvaan" moment for Krithika, to realize that she has signed up for the perfect and most loving guy out there for herself. (Aditi Rao signs up for a piece of shit in this movie though, I hated Karthi every second of this movie and might have even punched him to death.)

For me, that's the most attractive quality in a man, to see him as a responsible adult, a father figure.

I fell harder in love, way more than I would have liked to admit when I, once, saw my boyfriend (now, husband) admonishing his niece (because he's a very gentle soul and I had never seen him raise his voice on anyone) and after few minutes, tightly hugging her (read again, he's a gentle soul). Oh, my heart!

He might read this story once I complete writing, and for sure will blush after the reading last paragraph... Hehe, yes, this is for you, my love, Vignesh.

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