Twenty Nine: Friction vs Velocity (Part 1)

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Xavier looked over his wristwatch, awaiting a knock on the door of his cabin. He was waiting for the sweet disciple of Satya, who proved from time to time that she was irresponsible.

After the heated argument between them, he had wanted to fire her but it felt unnecessary. It had been a misconduct on her part, but he had goaded her, triggering her to fight back.

He wasn't interested in sharing trivial details with Satya. She clearly would try to protect her talented baby employee, causing nothing but annoyance for him.

She is young.

When he was young, he had fought with his father to study further, he had fought with Subhadra's parents and convinced them of their relationship, and he had pleaded with hundreds of investors about his idea. When he was young, he had been left heartbroken by his wife. Being young was never an excuse.

A knock on the door made him sit straight, "Come in."

There she was, the girl who dared to challenge him. She wore a loose-fitting dress- like the last time- and her hair was still in the same tight high bun. Her face expectantly looked at him as she stood silently near the door, her hand holding a file.

Too shy to speak now?

"You wanted to discuss that day, didn't you?", he motioned her to a seat across the desk in front of him, "Go on."

He saw her hesitate for a moment as her face held a frown. But she immediately composed herself as she walked towards him, and sat down. She passed him a file that she had carried with her.

"Tsk, you already slammed it here that day.", sliding his palm over the corner of his desk he raised a brow, "Forgot?"

Her eyes narrowed at him, "No, sir."

Sir... Tsk, tsk, so you do respect me.

If anything, he was enjoying that moment, the way he tried to tease her, try to test her anger. It was so unlike of him to poke his subordinates yet he couldn't save himself but constantly jibe at this haughty tiny girl.

"Should I start, sir?"

He couldn't suppress his smile as he heard her hiss the last word. Clear loathing for him was oozing out of her mouth, it was entertaining.

"Yes, do the deed.", he replied and witnessed her lips muttering something inaudible. He noticed them for the first time. A pair of pink full lips were pouting in annoyance and they looked inviting, quite kissable.

What the fuck?

Blinking his eyes he lightly coughed, "Sorry, you were saying?"

It was unfathomable how his gutter mind had jumped from something plain to extremely sexual. He used to be proud of himself and it was insulting to see his mind slip so fast like a block of butter on a sizzling pan.

The discussion went on for almost an hour, thankfully his mind didn't charge him with any further inappropriate remarks. He could see what Satya saw in her, the spark and confidence. She had outdone herself, in such a short time of her work period she had compiled quite a lot of details. It impressed him but he held back from appreciating her. He wanted to act to be the image of himself- the prick.

"Thank you, sir, for this opportunity.", a smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

She was beautiful, her cheeks shone in the bright light of the room. They looked like dark chocolate melted in a small bowl and his fingers itched to dip in them, taste them.

Get a fucking grip of yourself!

He inhaled sharply and tried to calm himself, trying to erase the images that flashed in front of his eyes in a mere few seconds. He needed to get a grip, most definitely.

Flashing her a mischievous grin he commented, "It was better than expected."

You just had to mock her?



Such an apt song for this chapter XD

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