Sixty Six: Filter Coffee (Part 2)

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Trigger Warning, nothing graphical.


"Xav, did you pay for Dhanya's stupid excursion?", Satya screamed as she entered his study.

"Did I?", Xavier's eyes were trained on his computer screen as he typed rapidly, "Probably yes."

He had a deadline to work on and being bothered by Satya's overprotectiveness for her sister was the last thing on his list.

"You have to stop pampering her, Xavier.", she stood next to him, fire glaring from her eyes, "And you should have told me, she should have told me!"

"I didn't stab your back, whatever you are accusing me of.", he glanced at her for a nanosecond before staring at his computer, "You asked me to be her father figure, I'm trying to do my best. Also, I would like to add that you have to stop being overprotective, it's overwhelming for that kid."

"Yes, now call me a bitch for trying my best to raise my sister.", she spat, "Nowadays, she doesn't even talk to me properly, just keeps arguing whenever I open my mouth. I don't know where I went wrong, every fucking thing is slipping from my hand."

He closed his eyes and sighed, "Satya, what did Narayan do?"

It was as clear as the sky being blue. Something was bugging her mind, something which was concerned with Narayan. She still had kept her mouth shut about what happened weeks back when she had gone to Mumbai, probably to meet him. It was unusual for her to not talk about things like this, Satya never hid from Xavier.

"I don't want to talk about him."

"Satya...", he growled in a low tone, "You are being unreasonable with your sister, you want to chain her because you are hurt. Stop feeding your antidotes to her."

He heard her steps retreating and pushed his chair back. In a few strides he covered the distance and pulled her arm, "Don't come to my home to shout at me for no reason.", he snarled, "You have all the right to scold me but don't you dare to fucking hide things when it concerns you."

She tried to free her arm and winced when he tightened his grip, "Tell me what the fuck he did or you know that I have my ways to find out, you won't like any of them."

"I had an abortion.", she whimpered, "I killed my baby, Xav."

He left her arm, terrified with shock, "What!?"

"I had no choice left, I can't raise a baby alone.", she broke down, sobbing as he pulled her closer, "I already have my sister and I couldn't--", uncontrollable tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I had informed him about it but his parents... They never approved of us and he wouldn't go against them to be with me.", her body quivered like a leaf as she sobbed, her head resting against his chest, "He's a good man, Xav, he is a good man. I guess I am the problem, I always end up like this."

He hugged her, "When?"

"Three days before Pongal... I waited for Narayan's reply for weeks. I couldn't delay it any further. My gynecologist refused to wait, she said that it would be dangerous to abort later and I have Dhanya's responsibility on me.", she fisted his shirt, "I saw its heartbeat, Xav, and I killed it."

"You know what's horrible, I knew what was going to happen in the end and I kept drinking alcohol the whole time, wishing every day for the baby's death.", she choked, "I am such a horrible human, Xav."

He had nothing to offer other than consoling her. He would never understand her pain, it was beyond comprehension. Yet he couldn't stop himself as his eyes brimmed with unshed tears.

"You are not the problem and not at all a horrible human, Satya.", he held her in his embrace as she continuously wailed.

They stood there for hours as she drained her tears and grief. After what felt like ages, she passed out in his arms, her body and brain completely shutting off and losing control.

He carried her to the guest room and carefully tucked her in the bed. Wiping her tears, he looked at her face, "Narayan can be a good man, but he can go to hell and burn to a crisp."

He sat next to her as she slept holding his hand.



I have nothing to say.

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