Eighty Six: Friendships (Part 4)

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He swatted Satya's hand when she tried to pinch his cheek.

"You look so cute when you blush."

"If you are not going to stop with this cheesy shit of yours any time soon, I would like to take my leave."

 Pushing him back to sit in his place she shot him a grin, "Do you love her?"

Heat covered his face, "Satya..."

"If yes, then why haven't you confessed it to her?", she continued, ignoring Xavier's protest to divert the topic, "Are you even planning to tell or just lock it in your heart forever?"

Lock it his heart forever? No, certainly not.

"Ente mone, life is all about passion.", his mother had said while feeding him Idiyappam, which he had hated to eat by himself as his tiny fingers never had gotten hold of those stupid rice laces, "Luci, if you love anything or anyone, do it undauntedly, let the world be jealous of your free spirit. We- humans- have controlled ourselves enough to forget that, bliss lies in being consumed by madness and to be ravaged."

That had never fully made sense to him. His mother's poems and ideologies were too extreme to apply to the practicality of life. Wasn't anything in excess turned out to be poisonous? And poison wasn't bliss for sure- it was agony.

He'd used to be an extremely passionate man and had tried to follow his heart's content. That had gotten him at the crossroads of life and pain once, making him understand that being destroyed wasn't exactly ecstatic. He had started to control and guard himself from being damaged further. Letting go of control wasn't a choice.

But did he want to control anymore?

"I want to earn her trust."

Yes, he never expected Krithika to love him the way his heart yearned. That would be too much to ask for. Baby steps. First, he wanted her to trust him. Love could wait.

"You men are so complicated.", Satya rolled her eyes.

"That's sexism.", he countered, "Also do you remember Francesco?"

Pouring some liquor in her glass she shrugged, "Yeah, that Italian friend of yours from Michigan, what about him?"

Pushing the bar stool back he stood straight, "He's invited me to Capri for his wedding and asked me to arrive with a date. He insisted that I bring one or he'll kill me."

Satya cocked her head, "And you are planning to take Krithika? Now, that's a spot you take your woman to do her than just a kiss."

"You had to fucking comment on that, isn't it?"

"You see, a paradisiacal destination and a gorgeous man in love, now that's a dangerously enticing combination for a woman to resist the worldly pleasures."

"You are so childi--"

"Tsk, have a satisfying vacation."

"I am not taking her to Capri. She'll probably slap me if I ask such things.", he chuckled, shaking his head at the comments of Satya.

Spitfire darling of his might not slap him but she would surely have numerous arrows of curses to draw from her bow lips aiming at him.

"Fuck, are you a retard? Why would you think that I might like to watch that horrid movie.", she had cursed when he had suggested watching a movie from the Top Ten of Netflix India that week. For someone, who had only watched documentaries on Netflix and had no clue about any kind of cinema, he had been baffled by her outburst. He had scratched his temple, "I thought you enjoyed reading love stuff.", and she had sneered, "Romance, not porn.", to which he had guffawed. Too bad as after that she had unleashed all her arrows. The sole way to dodge her attacks had been to capture her bow with his lips.

It wasn't just about physical attraction any more.

Last week she had brought a few things with her to his home. Her bold eyes had twinkled when she had showed him her certificates. She had been among the top scorers in her university and had been awarded some money, "Why you haven't used them?",  glancing at the cash envelope he had asked to which she had shrugged, "It's a memento of my hard work. I don't want to spend it on anything.", and he had smiled with admiration.

In the past five months, he had started to see the real Krithika, the one who was the mix of I-might-look-tiny-but-if-you-try-me-I-will-punch-you-square-in-your-eyes, I-am-stingy-as-I-am-scared-to-die-like-a-beggar, I-like-to-watch-slasher-movies-while-sipping-my-hot-filter-coffee, I-don't-like-English-songs-let's-listen-to-G. V. Prakash-songs-on-loop...and so much more.

It was always mesmerizing to look at her, that arch of her lips when she smiled, that honeyed tone of her voice when she sang Munbe Vaa while hugging him, that riotous long black hair of hers flowing like silk through his fingers, that fiery gaze spitting embers from her eyes when she was angry, that sexiest pout of hers when she tried to seduce him and that disappointed chin when he chided her to be patient.

Every fucking thing.

You so fucking love her!

He realized that he had already lost his control. He had tripped so hard and fallen into the depths of love.


Satya's enquiring voice cut through his panicked train of thought, "Pardon?"

"If not Krithika, then who?"

Sighing he waved his hand at her, "You'll have to join me, the wedding is after two months."

"Now, you want your girlfriend to slap me? Convenient enough."

"She idolizes you too much to do anything like that.", he started to walk towards the exit, his mind still stuck with only one thought, "Also, she doesn't mind our friendship.", turning around he looked at her, "Unless you are uncomfortable, sorry for not considering your schedule or opinion."

She rolled her eyes, "As if I would leave a chance to go to Italy."



"Munbe Vaa" the love anthem :*

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