Thirty Three: Young's Modulus (Part 2)

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"That's sexy.", Xavier admired an elegant Tissot in his hand, "Something to go on the top of my collection."

Valmiki shrugged, "I do buy you the best Christmas gifts every year."

Valmiki Shetty, one of his closest friends, had always been a kind friend to him.

A silent gentleman away from the crowd, far away from the limelight, and always minding his own business. One would say that he was extremely introverted. Yet, he had bonded fairly well with Xavier.

They both had to share a room in the hostel during their college days but he had never felt that it had been a forced friendship, just out of deliberation to be good roommates. The more days he had lived with him, the more they had opened up to each other and naturally became close confidants.

When Valmiki had come to know about Xavier's past, specifically his childhood, he probably had taken pity and had become his wild Santa. He had promised to visit Xavier once a year with a gift, like how Santa would surprise a kid.

It was humorous and charming, both, as a grown man to receive Christmas presents from his fellow friend.

"Are you staying back?", he asked Valmiki, "I would like it if you were to attend the New Year's Celebrations."

Like Xavier, the fine man sitting across him had worked his way hard to become successful. And that had been a striking similarity between them.

"I don't have an excuse this time.", Valmiki shrugged, "But isn't the party only for the people of the Xhasis?"

"It is.", he kept the gift over the coffee table and took a sip of his whiskey, "But I am the boss, I can invite whoever I like."

"That arrogance is not a good example to set.", Valmiki sipped his coffee, "You haven't changed at all."

He flinched, "What does that mean?"

Valmiki chuckled, "I don't mean any insult, it's just wonderful to see that your confidence hasn't tarnished at all."

"And you find it bothering?"

"Sometimes, especially when you act like an entitled piece of shit.", his eyebrows rose as he continued sipping his coffee.

What was it with everyone trying to slap him with their kind scraps of advice? He wasn't a narcissist, just a confident person.

As if guessing his thoughts Valmiki cleared his throat, "You look lost, I am sure I didn't say anything that you haven't heard before."

That was true. Satya and her teeny-tiny executive had confronted him earlier- a hard way from the latter.

"No, but I don't find the fault to be myself.", he tilted his glass, "I would rather be rude to people than be hurt."

Yes, it was a defense mechanism he had built over the years. After losing his mother and being abused by his devil-incarnation of a father for his whole childhood, he had lost his ability to trust people. Except for his grandfather, no one knew his true self.

He had hidden his extremely passionate self from everyone, even from his friends, except Alisha. They had an idea of how emotional he was, but no one had seen his true vulnerable self. Perhaps, Satya had a glimpse of it when he broke down in her arms, considering he saw his mother in her.

When he had let all of his guards down for one woman, he was left with nothing, just despair. He wasn't ready to do it again and he had added several more layers. Probably he was turning into a foul individual without his knowledge.

"You think that all these hard shells you coat on yourself are going to save you.", Valmiki pulled him out of his train of thoughts, "Yet you leave a part of your passion out, which your friends can see."

"I am, after all, a human.", he sipped his liquor and raised his free hand, "I can't be perfect."

"You don't need to be."

"I aim to be."

Valmiki shook his head, "Adamant Asshole.", to which he chuckled.


After dinner, they both discussed their life and all the stories of the past year. Valmiki avoided any topic related to Subhadra. Probably, his friend wasn't interested in knowing much about his ex-wife, or his batch-mate. It was better that way.

Xavier smiled, "You know, Satya sometimes asks about you."

"Hmm...", there was a faint blush near Valmiki's neck that Xavier noticed.


"So?", Valmiki mimicked him.

"I take it as a yes, that you'll be at the party?"

"Yes, it wouldn't hurt much to socialize a bit.", Valmiki retorted.

Xavier laughed at his friend. It always had been a pleasure to spend time with Valmiki. At least once a year he got to see his friend's face which reddened whenever the name 'Satya' came into their conversation



Nostalgic "Yaaron Dosti!" is attached to the chapter. What a song :'(

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