Twelve: Bernoulli's Theorem (Part 1)

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On the day of Satya's Birthday Party

Krithika was overjoyed, everything finally fell into place.

She had signed her permanent contract a month back, her dream job had been a real thing in her hand.

She smiled as she saw her salary receipt flashing on her laptop screen. A humble start yet she knew she could grow tremendously in her career if she focused on the growth of the Xhasis.

Two months ago, when she had been awarded a Star Achiever certificate, she had started to daydream about that time when she would have her salary as an executive- a permanent position under Satya- and not merely a trainee executive.

And then, the present was the day when all her struggles finally bore fruit. A very sweet one indeed.

There couldn't be a better way to celebrate, she was invited to Satya's birthday party that night. She heard it was a private party. And she felt happy to know that she was one of the invited members.

Her face beamed, she acknowledged the fact that more than a mentor and mentee relationship, Satya had started to position herself as her elder sister. She was so different in person, a ruthless professional barking orders and guiding them wherever necessary. And an opposite personality in the personal space, a very emotional backbone to most of her employees.

When Satya had come to realize about Krithika's family- especially her father- she had traveled to meet him, to talk and convince him to see Krithika above the generational sexism.

She had come to know about it almost after one week when her mother had messaged her.

No one had ever been concerned about her ambitions and Satya, a boss who could have replaced Krithika in a snap of her fingers, had gone to the lengths of talking to her parents. Who would have done that? Which boss did stuff like this? No fucking person.

Satya became her superhero, her only support system.

It wasn't about just Krithika; Satya was everyone's support system in the team. Her goddess knew everyone's family and regularly met them. Everyone in her team loved her, respected and trusted her beyond anything. She was the true spirit of the Xhasis.

And then there was Xavier.

Her nose wrinkled as if she had a whiff of spoilt Dal. She believed that people always had something good in them, even a beast had a heart. But Xavier had proved it wrong.

He was very difficult to work with, even with her utmost disciplined attitude, she had found him outrageously impossible. She hated the difficult environment he used to create- a very toxic one to start with- and that had annoyed the hell out of her when she had tried to work with him. She shuddered reminiscing the moment when he had given her one of his classic fiery glares, almost incinerating her at that moment, when she had made the minutest of the mistake. She had happened to be a trainee for fuck's sake and that had made no difference for him.

His face never showed any emotion, it was a plain rock. Even when he was angry, throwing things around, shouting at his team for the tiniest fault, his face always had a mask of blank, his lips always pressed into a grim thin line. And it made no sense to her.

How is that even humanly possible?

She had pondered several times.

She had caught him smiling only once, just a month after she had joined as an intern, when a tall haughty woman had visited him. Just before he could have switched to the invisibility of his cabin, she had seen it accidentally.

His lips had curled into a happy grin and a beautiful pair of dimples had painted on his cheeks. It had looked so genuine, his eyes turning warm just by looking at his guest. Her eyes had been mesmerized by how young and gentle he had looked. That had made her wonder if there was a different person inside him, besides the cold Himalayan giant of a man. She never knew he had such a wonderful smile or for the fact that his lips were so full and--

Heat crept at the back of her neck. She shook her head, clearing her mind. When had her eyes noticed his lips in such detail? And how could a man ever possess such pink full lips that put women to shame?

She had been in and out of relationships a few times- if two can be considered as a few- and they rather very amiable ones- if she thought about it. She never felt any attraction, even being kissed by one of them had meant nothing to her. And she had concluded the scam of attraction or love to be hocus, as all her exes were nothing but mere friends.

Yet she felt different whenever she thought about those lips, an exciting tingle covering her body.

She knew that Xavier was old, perhaps by a decade to her. And she was aware of the fact that he was a divorcee, probably a heartbroken chap at that. Why would she think of any of that information? Oh yes, she always felt a strange pull for him. 

Even if she tried to consider those facts, his whole personality turned her mood sour. Attraction or not, she hated the guts of Xavier. And just like that her hormones turned calm, all the heat sizzling off.

She looked at the invitation in her hand and sighed. She very much looked forward to going to the party, meeting more people, and perhaps, making more friends.



One of my friends watched "Baby" and announced it to be "The Nibba Nibbi Movie" XD

Again, I love the songs of this movie and felt "Devaraaja" suits this chapter, you guys think there's any other song that could be a better option? Let me know in the comments.

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