A girl from a different unive...

By sapphiresorceress21

33.2K 1.3K 96

So you've been in the wrong universe basically your whole life, let's see how this pans out! There are some... More

1. Beginning
2. Overwhelmed
3. The Battle
4. Trying
5. Powers?
6. Missions
7. Trouble
8. The Reveal
9. Bucky?
10. Chips
11. Friend Turned Foe
12. Hurt
13. Loki's Scepter
14. Party's Over
15. Mind Games
16. Cradle
17. Battle Against Ultron
18. New Avengers
19. Logos
20. Accords
21. Bucharest
22. Trigger Words
23. Hiding
24. Civil War
25. Crumbled From Within
26. Wakanda
27. Cryo
28. Jail Break
29. Sleepover
30. Headaches
31. Trips
32. Secrets
33. Confused
34. Revelations
35. Date
36. A Day With Bucky
37. Love
38. Hela
39. Sakaar
40. Grandmaster's Champion
41. What Heroes Do
42. Revengers
43. Ragnarok
44. Children of Thanos
45. Frantic
46. Infinity War
47. What Now?
48. After
49. Hope?
50. Five Years
51. Mobius Strip Inverted
52. Test Run
53. Time Heist
54. Endgame
56. Grief
57. Out
58. The Hex
59. Halloween 
60. The Sapphire Sorceress
61. The Scarlet Witch
62. Shield
63. Flag Smashers
64. Protective
65. Therapy
66. Zemo
67. Madripoor
68. Club
69. Ship Yard
70. Old Friends
71. All Eyes Watching
72. Stitches
73. The Boat
74. Truths
75. Spice*
76. Legacy
77. Commn Ground
78. Family
79. Big News
80. Plan's
81. Shopping
82. Parties
83. Nerves
84. Forever
85. Growing
86. Who's Peter?
87. Pain
88. Short Author's Note
89. Babies

55. Goodbyes

246 7 1
By sapphiresorceress21

No, this is not the end of the book.


You were sat between Pepper and Happy with Morgan on your lap as you watched Tony's hologram. You had tears in your eyes but you had to keep it together for everyone especially Morgan and Pepper.

"Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back. And something like a normal version of the planet has been restored. If there ever was such a thing. God, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me 10 years ago that we weren't alone, let alone to the extent, I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised, but come on, who knew? The epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And for better or worse, that's reality Morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in. So, I thought I'd probably better record a little greeting, in case of an untimely death. On my part. Not that death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing that we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. That's the thing. Then again, that's the hero gig, right? Part of the journey is the end. What am I even tripping for? Everything is gonna work out exactly the way it supposed to." He looked up at you and Morgan and she cuddled in closer, "I love you 3000." The hologram then went away. You had to hold back your tears at those words, the last words he will ever say to you.

You held Morgan's other hand as Pepper led the way with the wreath down the stairs of the cabin with Happy and the others behind you, you and Pepper greeted those waiting outside with a smile and continued your way.

Pepper gently put the wreath in the water that had the Ark reactor in it that said 'Proof Tony Stark Has A Heart.' You held back your tears. You were kneeled next to Morgan and Pepper watching it float away.

Pepper was holding onto Morgan and she looked over as you stared at the lake with a numb expression trying to hold it together. She patted your leg and you looked at her and she gave a smile and mouthed 'it's okay to cry.' You gave a sad nod back and looked at the lake. Morgan then brought you into a hug and you smiled and let your tears go.


You were sat at the edge of the dock with your legs hanging over, after everyone dispersed. You took the flask of Asgardian mead that Thor gave you out of your dress pocket and took a long sip.

You thought about all the memories that you had with Tony, holidays you spent at the cabin, the time you spent in the lab testing your powers, even the times you fought.

Those two years you spent only being able to see him a few times made you regret not talking to him right away. You wished you had that time back.

"Have you gone to see Dr. Jones?" Pietro asked from behind you. You looked back slowly then looked ahead again and took another drink. He sighed and sat next to you. "You've gone through a lot of loss in a short time." He said.

"Thank you for the reminder." You said sarcastically and took another drink.

He sighed again, "Y/n, I'm sorry you're going..." he started.

"I'm so sick of hearing sorry. It's not like you killed them." You interrupted. "I just, I just." You stammered and couldn't get the words out.

"Feel absolutely hopeless, wishing you could have just a few more moments to think about of them?" He listed and asked. You looked at him confused. "That's how I felt when I lost my parents. You're not alone in this." He said.

You looked down sadly, "I'm sorry."

"I thought you didn't want to hear sorry anymore." He joked. You bumped his arm and laughed with him.

"Y/n." You heard Bucky say from behind you. You turned around still with a smile on your face. "We gotta head out to get Steve ready. You coming?" He asked then eyed up Pietro.

You looked back at Pietro who looked at you and you nodded. "Yeah, I'm coming." You got up from the dock and walked over to Bucky who smiled at you and you did the same and locked arms with him.

He put his arm around you and kissed your head and you leaned into it. "I like jealous Bucky." You whispered.

He laughed. "I'm not jealous." He whispered back.
You hummed in response and giggled to yourself.


You were stood in front of the Quantum tunnel you helped rebuild while Bruce packed the stones up for Steve.

"Remember, you have to return the stones to the exact moment you got you got 'em, or you're gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities." Bruce instructed.

"Hey, remember me, I'm not from here." You yelled over and they laughed and Bruce put his hand up in defense.

"Don't worry, Bruce. Clip all the branches." Steve said.

Bruce looked down sadly, "You know, I tried. When I had the gauntlet, the stones, I really tried to bring her back. I miss her, man."

You looked down sadly and Bucky rubbed your back to comfort you, you looked at him and he gave you smile that you returned.

"Me too." Steve said.

Him and Sam started walking over, "You know, if you want, I could come with you." Sam said.

"You're a good man, Sam. This one's on me, though." He waked up to you and Bucky and smiled. "Don't do anything stupid till I get back." He joked.

Bucky chuckled, "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." He joked back. They both sighed and brought each other into a hug. "Gonna miss you, buddy." He said after pulling away.

"It's gonna be okay, Buck." He assured. He looked at you and you already had tears ready to pour over. "You can't go crying on me now." He said and brought you into a tight hug.

"Don't forget about the little guys okay?" You whispered.

"I could never forget about you, n/n." He insisted and hugged you tightly. You broke apart and you wiped your tears away and he gave you a reassuring smile.

He walked up the stairs into the platform that Moljner was already on with case in hand. He readied his suit that took over him.

"How long is this gonna take?" Sam asked.

"For him, as long as he needs. For us, five seconds." Bruce informed in front of the panels. Steve picked up the hammer and faced the three of you. "Ready, Cap?" He nodded. "All right, we'll meet you back here, okay?" Bruce confirmed.

He nodded his head, "You bet." The helmet then went over his face.

"Going quantum. Three... two...one." Bruce counted down and in an instant Steve was gone. You started walking away slowly already knowing what was coming.

"And returning in five, four, three, two, one." Bruce counted down again and pressed the button.

Nothing happens and he began to get worried.
"Where is he?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp. Maybe it's like what happened to y/n. But he should be here." Bruce explained.

"You went too?" Bucky asked walking up next to you.

"Yeah, I helped Tony invent time travel too." You explained nonchalantly.

He shook his head and looked ahead at the lake and so did you. "Get him back." Sam said.

"I'm trying." Bruce said.

"Get him the hell back." Sam insisted.

"Hey, I said I'm trying." Bruce explained.

"Sam." Bucky said.

He walked up next to you and you looked ahead seeing an old man sat on the bench over looking the lake. You all walked closer.

"Go ahead." Bucky said to you both.

You looked at him confused not realizing you'd be apart if this hand off and he nodded his head. You and Sam them walked up to the man.

"Cap?" Sam asked.

"Hi, Sam, y/n." He said and looked up at the two of you with a smile.

"So, did something go wrong or did something go right?" Sam asked.

"Well, after I put the stones back, I thought, maybe, I'll try some of that life Tony was telling me to get." Old man Steve explained.

"How'd that work out for ya?" Sam asked.

"It was beautiful." He said you sat next to him and he patted your leg.

"Good. I'm happy for you. Truly." Sam said.

"Thank you." Steve said.

"Only thing bumming me out, is that fact I have to live in a world without Captain America." Sam said.

"Oh, that reminds me." Steve said grabbing the circled case next to him and setting it between you. He opened it up to reveal the shield. "Try it on."

Sam furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at it then looked at Bucky behind. You took the shield out of the bag and immediately handed it to him after he looked back. He put it on his arm and looked down at it. "How does it feel?" Steve asked.

"Like it's someone else's." Sam answered.

"It isn't." Steve confirmed.

Sam sighed and took everything in. "Thank you. I'll do my best." Sam confirmed.

Steve reached out his hand and the two shook in the middle. Steve put his other hand over the two, "That's why it's yours." He said.

You both looked down at the ring on his finger and smirked. "You wanna tell me about her?" Sam asked.

Steve smiled and looked to the lake, "No. No, I don't think I will." He answered.

"At least tell me you named one of you kids after me." You joked.

"Now, that would be telling." Steve joked back.


A couple weeks later you were sat on the couch at Bucky's new apartment looking on the computer for where they were keeping Visions corps. You know it was Sword but didn't know what base, you and Wanda were texting each other to update what you found. Bucky walked in from his bedroom and stood next to the couch and just looked at you.

"We gotta talk." He said.

You looked up at him and did a double take. You closed the computer and texted Wanda that you'd get back in a few. "What up?"

He sighed and looked away from you. "We need to break up." He said suddenly.

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him confused "what, why?" You stammered and got up from the couch and walked closer to him. "Please don't tell me it's because of Pietro. Nothing happened, I told you what did, it didn't mean anything." You said tripping over your words.

He looked at you quickly then looked down, "No, it's not that." He shook his head. "We just need to break up." He said.

Your heart started to hurt and your breath was getting trapped in your throat. You looked at him angrily. "Why are you doing this? I've waited for you for five years, and you're just gonna cast me aside?"

You asked sadly as you started to tear up. He didn't answer and continued not to make eye contact with you. "You look at me, and you tell me you don't want to be with me anymore. I'll walk out the door right now, and I won't look back." You said sadly but kept your composure.

He looked up at you with a stone face, "I can't be with you anymore."

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You scrunched your face together sadly and your lip began to quiver. You turned away and picked up your computer and phone and put them in your bag.

You put it on your back and walked up to the door as he stood in the same place. You put your hand on the door knob and looked back at him. He was turned away slightly and he looked up at you. "I hate you, James." You whispered.

His face faltered a bit and you let a tear fall down your face and opened the door and walked out. You stood at the door for a moment and you heard glass break in the room behind you. You couldn't hold back any more and began to cry as you walked away.

You walked all the way home needing to get some air. You opened the door to your apartment and saw Pietro in the middle of the room.

"I know, things are gonna be different now since Bucky is back, but I wanted to tell you we have a bit of a breakthrough on where Visions... Hey, what's wrong are you okay?" He asked as you began to cry again.

You took your bag off and put it on the ground near the door and ran up to him. He wrapped his arms around you and you gave him a tight hug crying into his shoulder. "He, he, broke up with me." You sobbed. He held you tighter and and rubbed your back as you cried harder.

"He's an idiot." He whispered.


You were sat with him on the couch after what felt like hours of crying and you were watching a movie.
"At least now not much needs to change now we get to be with Wanda too." You said on the bright side.

There was a knock at your door, "It's just me." You heard Wanda say and you used your powers to open the door. "Hey, honey. How you holding up?" Wanda asked gently as she walked over to the couch.

"Rather not think about it anymore, just move on." You said trying not to cry again.

"Are you going to see Dr. Jones later this week?" She asked as she sat down and put your legs over her.

"Yes, day after tomorrow." You sighed.

"Good, good. Maybe we can hang out after." She said.

"When are we going to the Sword base?" You asked not wanting to think about much right now.

"Tomorrow, are you able to teleport us there if we show you a picture of it?" Pietro asked.

"Yeah, I should be, as long as I see it, should work." You answered.

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