A girl from a different unive...

By sapphiresorceress21

33.2K 1.3K 96

So you've been in the wrong universe basically your whole life, let's see how this pans out! There are some... More

1. Beginning
2. Overwhelmed
3. The Battle
4. Trying
5. Powers?
6. Missions
7. Trouble
8. The Reveal
9. Bucky?
10. Chips
11. Friend Turned Foe
12. Hurt
13. Loki's Scepter
14. Party's Over
15. Mind Games
16. Cradle
17. Battle Against Ultron
18. New Avengers
19. Logos
20. Accords
21. Bucharest
22. Trigger Words
23. Hiding
24. Civil War
25. Crumbled From Within
26. Wakanda
27. Cryo
28. Jail Break
29. Sleepover
30. Headaches
31. Trips
32. Secrets
33. Confused
34. Revelations
35. Date
36. A Day With Bucky
37. Love
38. Hela
39. Sakaar
40. Grandmaster's Champion
41. What Heroes Do
42. Revengers
43. Ragnarok
44. Children of Thanos
45. Frantic
46. Infinity War
47. What Now?
48. After
49. Hope?
50. Five Years
52. Test Run
53. Time Heist
54. Endgame
55. Goodbyes
56. Grief
57. Out
58. The Hex
59. Halloween 
60. The Sapphire Sorceress
61. The Scarlet Witch
62. Shield
63. Flag Smashers
64. Protective
65. Therapy
66. Zemo
67. Madripoor
68. Club
69. Ship Yard
70. Old Friends
71. All Eyes Watching
72. Stitches
73. The Boat
74. Truths
75. Spice*
76. Legacy
77. Commn Ground
78. Family
79. Big News
80. Plan's
81. Shopping
82. Parties
83. Nerves
84. Forever
85. Growing
86. Who's Peter?
87. Pain
88. Short Author's Note
89. Babies

51. Mobius Strip Inverted

173 8 0
By sapphiresorceress21

After a few hours you and Morgan were in the play tent after she stole some tech from Tony's work area in the garage. You heard the door of the house open then close and immediately shushed Morgan. She put the helmet over her head and put her gloves on.

"I'll protect us." She whispered. And you nodded your head with a smirk.

As he approached the small tent he clapped his hands in a rhythmic pattern, "Chow time!" He sat on the small chair outside of it, "Maguna, N/n. Morgan H. Stark and Y/MI/N, you want some lunch?"

Morgan walked out of the tent with her hand raised. "Define, 'Lunch,' or be disintegrated." She warned.

You got out after and stood behind her. "You should not be wearing that, okay? That is part of a special anniversary gift I'm making for mom." He said then kissed the cheek of the helmet. "Sissy's getting you into trouble again." He said taking off the mask and you chuckled, "There you go. You thinking about lunch? I can give you a handful of crickets on a bed of lettuce." He said pushing her hair back.

"No." She said and you made a disgusted face.

"That's what you want. How did you find this?" He asked holding up the mask.

"Garage." She said.

"Really? We're you looking for it?" He asked and and gave you a look and you raised your hands in defense.

"No, I found it though, and showed y/n." She explained.

"You like going in the garage, huh. So does daddy." He said picking her up. "It's fine, actually. Mom never wears anything I buy her."

You walked next to them up to the cabin. You looked over and saw Steve's car pull up and got confused.
"So, I'm gonna..." Tony trailed off after he noticed.

Morgan reached for you as they got out of the car and you took her in your arms as you walked up the stairs with Tony behind. You turned around and saw Nat, Pietro and Scott next to the car as well. You and Tony looked at them confused and Nat nodded, you both nodded back then walked into the house.

You were sat outside after Scott explained what he had went through as Tony poured drinks.
"No. We know what it sounds like." Scott stammered.

"Tony, after everything you've seen, is anything really impossible?" Steve asked.

"Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck scale, which then triggers the Deutsch Proposition. Can we agree on that?" Tony said handing Steve a drink. "In layman's terms, it means you're not coming home." He then handed Nat and Pietro theirs.

"I did." Scott said.

"No. You accidentally survived. It's a billion-to-one cosmic fluke. And now you wanna pull a. What do you call it?" He said giving Scott a drink.

"A time heist?" Scott said with a smirk.

"Yeah, a time heist. Of course. Why didn't we think of this before? Oh, because it's laughable. Because it's a pipe dream." Tony said obviously.

"The stones are in the past. We could go back, we could get them." Steve said.

"We can snap our own fingers. We can bring everyone back." Nat said.

"Or screw it up worse than he already has, right?" Tony said.

"I don't believe we would." Steve said.

"I gotta say it. I sometimes miss that giddy optimism. However, high hopes won't help, if there's no logical, tangible way, for me to safely execute said time heist." Tony said sitting next to you. "I believe the most likely outcome will be our collective demise."

"Not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel." Scott said and sat at the chair across from Tony's. "All right? It means not talking to our past selves, no betting on sporting events." He said as Nat and Pietro leaned on the post he was once near.

"I'm gonna stop you right there, Scott." Tony said holding up his hand. "Are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe, is based on Back to the Future? Is it?" Tony asked leaning closer.

Scott scoffed, "No." he shook his head.

"Good. You had me worried there. Cause that would be horseshit. That's not how quantum physics works." Tony said.

"Tony. We have to take a stand." Nat said.

"We have to try." Pietro said.

"We did stand and we did try. And yet, here we are." Tony said and you put a hand on his leg to give him some comfort.

"I know you got a lot on the line. You got a wife, a daughter. But I lost someone very important to me. A lotta people did. And now, now we have a chance to bring her back, to bring everyone back, and you're telling me that you won't even..." Scott said.

"That's right, Scott. I won't even. I cant." Tony said and the door opened.

Morgan ran up to you and Tony and got into his lap. "Mommy told me to come and save you."

"Good job. We're saved." He said hugging her. "I wish you were coming here to ask me something else. Anything else. I'm honestly happy to see you guys, I just," he said walking to the door. "Oh, look, table's set for eight." You got up and followed him and Morgan reached out to you again and you took her with a smile.

"Tony. I get it. And I'm happy for you. I really am. But this is a second chance." Steve said and he stopped in front of him.

"I got my second chance right here, Cap." He said brushing the back of Morgan's head and held onto your hand. "Can't roll the dice on it. If you don't talk shop, you can stay for lunch." He said continuing to the door. You looked at the group and gave a small sad smile with a nod and followed him in.


You stayed past dinner and put Morgan to bed. You walked down stairs and started helping Tony with the dishes.

"I forgave him." He said randomly.

You looked at him confused, "Forgave who?"

"Barnes, I forgave him a long time ago. Pepper told me you were together before he..." He answered. You looked at him sadly. "I know he didn't mean to do what he did, that is was Hydra. I just got caught up in my emotions." He said shrugging.

You gave him a hug from behind and he leaned back a bit. "I love ya, dad." You said.

"Love ya too, kid. Thank God you're here." He said with a laugh and you gave him a kiss in the cheek and let go.

"You would've gone crazy without me." You joked and he smiled at you.

He took the last plate and sprayed it down and accidentally made the hose go off upside down and you laughed at him. He gave you a look and he dried the plate off and started drying the counter. He looked up at a picture that had gotten wet and grabbed it and dried it off. You looked at it and saw it was him with Peter.

"What do you say to messing around a bit with the possibility of time travel?" He asked.

You smiled, "I say lead the way."


A few hours later you were sat at the table with him trying out some theories. You were a little tired so you were lounging back in your chair.

"I've got a mild inspiration. I'd like to see if it checks out. So, I'd like to run one last sim before we pack it in for the night. This time, in the shape of a Mobius strip, please." He said to Friday as the hologram changed.

"Inverted." You added and he snapped his fingers and pointed at you.

"Processing." It said.

He played around with the image, "Right, give me the eigenvalue of that particle..."

"Factor in spectral decomp." You said.

"Yep, that'll take a second." He said.

"Just a moment." She said.

"And don't worry if it doesn't pan out. We're just kinda..." he trailed off.

"Model rendered." It said

It then showed the rest of it and the hologram said 'Model successful.' You eyes widened and you sat up in your chair as Tony fell back in his next to yours.

"Shit!" You both said excitedly.

"Shit." A little voice from behind said.

You both turned towards the stairs and saw Morgan sitting on them. Tony pressed his finger to his mouth and shook his head. "What are you doing up, little miss?" He whispered.

"Shit." She responded.

You had to hold back you laugh, "Nope, we don't say that. Only mommy says that word. She coined it. It belongs to her." Tony said.

"Why are you up?" She asked.

"Cause we've got some important shit going on here!" She gave him a look. "What do you think? No, We got something on our minds. Something on our minds." He explained and you nodded along.

"Was it juice pops?" She asked.

"Sure was. That's extortion. That's a word." He said getting up, "What kind do you want?" He asked with his hand out. "Great minds think alike. Juice pops exactly..." he said looking back at the screen and reached his hand out for you which you took. "Was on our minds."


You sat downstairs with pepper on the couch with your head in her lap as she played with your hair while Tony put Morgan back to bed.

"Not that it's a competition... but she loves me 3,000." Tony said coming to the end of the couch. You giggled at him.

"Does she, now?" Pepper asked.

"You were somewhere on the low 6 to 900 range." He said putting his popsicle stick in his mouth. Pepper chuckled. "Whatcha reading?" He asked looking at the hologram.

"Just a book on composting." She said.

"What's new with composting?" He asked distracted.

"Interesting science..." she started.

"We figured it out. By the way." He interrupted.

"And, ya know, just so we're talking about the same thing." She asked.

"Time travel." He said.

"What?" She asked shocked. You sat up from her lap and nodded your head. "Wow, that's amazing, and terrifying."

"That's right." He said and sat next to you.

"We got really lucky." She said rubbing his hand that was behind your back on the couch.

"Yeah. I know." He said

"A lot of people didn't." She said and put and hand on your leg.

"Nope. And I can't help everybody." He said and looked at you sadly.

"Sorta seems like you can." She said.

"Not if we stop. I can put a pin in it right now and stop." He said.

"Tony... trying to get you to stop, has been one of the few failures of my entire life." She said.

"Something tells me, I should put it in a lock box and drop it to the bottom of the lake, and go to bed." He said.

"But would you be able to rest?" She asked. He looked at her sadly knowing the answer. "Then you know what you need to do. Both of you." You looked back at her and smiled sadly.

"Alright, we'll get everything together and maybe head over tomorrow." Tony finalized. "You can stay here or head back to yours." He said as you stood up.

"I'll head back home to sleep. I'll come back tomorrow morning." They nodded at you. "Love you guys." You said then teleported back to your apartment.

You walked into the living room and saw Pietro sleeping on the couch with the tv on. You turned it off and put a blanket over him. He stated stirring and rubbed his eyes open.

"What time is it?" He asked sleepily.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you, I got back late." You said.

"No you're okay. We talked to Bruce, well Hulk Bruce, in the morning we're gonna run some tests at the Compound if you wanted to come." He said sitting up.

"I actually have to get some things ready with Tony." You answered.

He looked at you confused, "I thought you'd jump at the chance to see everyone again, especially Bucky." He said annoyed.

You furrowed your eyebrows at him and was taken aback by the sass. "I would, but this is important. I'm gonna go to bed before you make yourself look like an ass. You should too, long day." You started walking back to your room.

"Y/n, wait I'm sorry." He said getting up.

"Just get some sleep. Apologize tomorrow." You said and closed your door locking it.

You sighed and started taking your clothes off on your way to the shower. You hung up the dog tags and looked at them longingly. Soon you'll be able to see him again and hold him in your arms and dance around the room.

You'll be able to see Wanda and Sam again. You got out of the shower and put the tags back on and saw a text from Clint on your phone. He said he had a tip of the location of another gang meet up. You texted back you couldn't make it and he sent a thumbs up.

You looked at the scar on your stomach and rubbed it remembering the dreadful day. "Whatever it takes." You said.

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