A girl from a different unive...

By sapphiresorceress21

33K 1.3K 96

So you've been in the wrong universe basically your whole life, let's see how this pans out! There are some... More

1. Beginning
2. Overwhelmed
3. The Battle
4. Trying
5. Powers?
6. Missions
7. Trouble
8. The Reveal
9. Bucky?
10. Chips
11. Friend Turned Foe
12. Hurt
13. Loki's Scepter
14. Party's Over
15. Mind Games
16. Cradle
17. Battle Against Ultron
18. New Avengers
19. Logos
20. Accords
21. Bucharest
22. Trigger Words
24. Civil War
25. Crumbled From Within
26. Wakanda
27. Cryo
28. Jail Break
29. Sleepover
30. Headaches
31. Trips
32. Secrets
33. Confused
34. Revelations
35. Date
36. A Day With Bucky
37. Love
38. Hela
39. Sakaar
40. Grandmaster's Champion
41. What Heroes Do
42. Revengers
43. Ragnarok
44. Children of Thanos
45. Frantic
46. Infinity War
47. What Now?
48. After
49. Hope?
50. Five Years
51. Mobius Strip Inverted
52. Test Run
53. Time Heist
54. Endgame
55. Goodbyes
56. Grief
57. Out
58. The Hex
59. Halloween 
60. The Sapphire Sorceress
61. The Scarlet Witch
62. Shield
63. Flag Smashers
64. Protective
65. Therapy
66. Zemo
67. Madripoor
68. Club
69. Ship Yard
70. Old Friends
71. All Eyes Watching
72. Stitches
73. The Boat
74. Truths
75. Spice*
76. Legacy
77. Commn Ground
78. Family
79. Big News
80. Plan's
81. Shopping
82. Parties
83. Nerves
84. Forever
85. Growing
86. Who's Peter?
87. Pain
88. Short Author's Note
89. Babies

23. Hiding

431 20 1
By sapphiresorceress21

Sam met up with you, Steve and Bucky and helped Steve carry Bucky to an abandoned warehouse. Steve placed Bucky's arm in a machine after they set him down on a crate. Steve walked over to the door to keep watch while you went over close by to a reflective surface and saw how beat up you were.

Your hair was halfway dry so it was wavy laying on your shoulders now out of the pony. You took your wet leather jacket and white shirt off leaving you in your grey tank top tucked into your dark ,now ripped in a few places, jeans.

You looked at your reflection and wiped off the mascara and dried blood off of your face with the wet shirt so it came off easier. Sam walked up behind you and you saw him in the reflection.

"I'm gonna have to snap that back into place for you, aren't I?" He said looking at your nose in the reflection.

You nodded your head and finished wiping your face. You turned around and faced him and he brought his hand up. You held it for a moment scared, "Please be gentle?" You begged.

"I'll be as gentle as I can." You let go of his hand and put your hands on his waist and he held your shoulder and put his fingers around your nose. "Okay, on three." You nodded your head, "one." He then put the nose back into place and you yelped in pain.

"That wasn't three!" You yelled at him and hit his side.

"You weren't gonna let me do it after two." He said with a chuckle.

"You think you're funny?" You asked holding your nose in pain.

"I think I'm hilarious." He said chuckling and walked away to keep an eye on Bucky.


Maybe a half an hour later you were sat outside the room Bucky was in, on a wall trying to check your powers. You snapped your fingers and fire came out. You held out your hand and made an ice ball. You created multiple energy balls and made your shirt float around. You even teleported behind Sam and scared him.

More time went by and you were now sitting on an abandoned forklift watching Steve watch out of the crack of the door. "Hey, Cap, Y/n!" Sam yelled.

You got up and jogged over to the room Bucky was in. He was slumped over and looked up at the group.
"Steve." He whispered

"Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asked with his arms crossed.

He thought for a second, "Your mom's name was Sarah." He then chuckled, "You used to wear newspapers in your shoes."

"Can't read that in a museum." Steve said with a smile.

"Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?" Sam said.

"Give him a break." You warned.

"What did I do?" He asked angrily and looked at you sadly seeing the slight bruise on your cheek.

"Enough." Steve answered

"Oh, God, I knew this would happen. Everything Hydra put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words." He said angry with himself.

"Who was he?" Steve asked.

"I don't know." Bucky answered.

"People are dead. The bombing, the setup... The doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than 'I don't know.'" Steve said.
"I know," you said and they all looked at you. "That man wasn't really a doctor he was impersonating one. His real name is Helmut Zemo. His family died in Sokovia during the battle against Ultron. I tried to look for them but I didn't make it in time." You said and looked down sadly.

"He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where." Bucky said after a moment.

"Why would he need to know that?" Steve asked.

"Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier." He said and there was a pause.

"Okay, he's him, can we get him out of that thing now. He's very obviously uncomfortable." You said walking closer to him.

"I got it." Steve said putting his hand up to you and walked up to the machine and Bucky pulled his arm out. Sam pulled your shoulder back and you looked at him and he shook his head. You stepped back still in front of him and crossed your arms annoyed they didn't fully trust him yet.

Steve then leaned on a wall and Bucky leaned on the machine. "Who were they?" Steve asked.

"Their most elite death squad. More kills than anyone in Hydra history. And that was before the serum." Bucky answered.

"They all turn out like you?" Sam asked.

"Worse." Bucky answered.

"The doctor, could he control them?" Steve asked.

"Enough." Bucky looked down.

"Said he wanted to see an empire fall." Steve said.

"With these guys, he could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight... infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize. They can take a whole country down in one night, you'd never see them coming." Bucky looked down and played with his hands. You just watched him sadly.

Sam walked over to Steve. "This would have been a lot easier a week ago."

"If we call Tony..." Steve said.

"No, he won't believe us." Sam said.

"Even if he did..." Steve trailed off.

"Who knows what the Accords would let him help." Sam finished.

"We're on our own." Steve finalized.

"Maybe not." Sam said and you looked over and he looked at you. "We know a guy."

They walked out and started planning what they needed to do and get. You walked up to Bucky.

"I told you, it wasn't safe." He said still looking down.

You squatted to meet his eyes and used his knee to stabilize yourself. "You're worth the risk." You said and he looked at you. "Can I try to relive some pain?" You asked holding your hands up. He nodded and you cupped his cheeks with both hands.

He reluctantly closed his eyes and you did too. You focused on happy memories and positive feelings transferring the emotions to him. You opened your eyes and he was already staring at you. You smiled at him kindly with a bit of blush.

"Thank you." He said with a small smile.

"Any time, hun." You mentally slapped yourself in the face for using the nickname.

"Y/n." You heard Sam call your name. You reluctantly let go of Bucky's face slowly and stood up and walked out to where they were.

"What's up?" You asked.

"Why are you so red?" He asked with a smirk.

"I am not." You slapped his arm hard. "What's the plan?" You asked and turned to Steve.

"I'm going to get a car and Sam's gonna make a few calls. You good to keep Buck company?" He asked.

Sam put his arm around your shoulder. "Oh, I think she'd be more than happy to." Sam said with a chuckle and you elbowed him in the side.

"No problem, Cap." You said with a smile then flicked Sam in the forehead.

"Hey, you already got me. You hit like my sister." He said taking his arm off your shoulder.

"Like I've said before, she must be a badass." You turned on your heal and started to walked back to the room with Bucky.

"Don't get too comfortable." Sam yelled as he was walking away. You turned to him and he started to jog faster.

Bucky was looking up at you as you came in the room. "You and Sam, you're close." He observed.

"Yeah, he's one of my best friends." You said and sat on the ground in front of him.

"Oh, cool." He said looking at his hands.

"So, it's just gonna be me and you. Sam's making some calls and Caps gone to get a car for us." You said looking from him to your nails trying not to get flustered.

"What do we do in the mean time?" He asked looking up at you shyly.

You looked up at him through your lashes. "How about we..." you looked around the room, "Take a nap?" You said with a chuckle.

He chuckled, "Yeah, that seems nice."

"Okay I'll go get my shirt and jacket and Sam's jacket too for pillows." You said getting up. You got back in and handed him yours and Sam's jacket. "There's a pile of sand in the next room over. It'll be more comfortable than concrete." He got up and followed you.

You folded your shirt and put it on the sand closet to the wall. You laid down and wiggled around to make it more comfortable. Bucky did the same thing just on his side. You looked up and realized there wasn't a very big space between the two of you and tried to keep yourself from getting flustered. He looked up after he had gotten comfortable and you saw blush coat his cheeks.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." You said looking him in the eye. He looked at you sadly. "You didn't deserve what you've gone through." You said sincerely. You could see his eyes getting watery so you put your hand on top of his metal one. He looked down and got nervous. "You're not gonna hurt me." You said and he looked back up.

"I already have." He said and looked at the bruise on your cheek sadly.

"You didn't have control. And don't fight me on that." You said the second part sternly and held his metal hand.

He looked up at you with a small smile and shook his head. You both slowly closed your eyes and you didn't let go of his hand. Instead you sent him into a daydream. One he would be able to feel better from after waking up.


You started waking up, you felt pressure on your back and neck and opened your eyes. You realized you were cuddled up to Bucky with his metal arm around your waist and his other one over your head.

You could feel his breath on the back of your neck and started to blush. You nestled further into him and he tightened his grip around you which made you smile. You closed your eyes until you heard a distant noise coming from the front of the ware house. You felt Bucky stiffen up behind you.

You sat up and created an energy ball. Bucky sat up next to you already on high alert. You got up and he followed quickly after. You walked to the door quietly with the ball ready to blast the intruder.

Bucky pulled you back to him and you shimmied him off and continued forward. You came from around the corner and sent the blast only to see Sam and Steve coming in.

"Shit, watch out!" You yelled.

They both ducked and the energy ball went through the wall behind them.

"What the hell, y/n?" Sam yelled.

"Sorry! I thought you were officers." You ran over to them and helped Sam up as Bucky helped Steve up.

"You could have killed us!" He said and pointed to the wall.

"But, I didn't. Anyway, we good to go?" You asked.

"Yeah, all good. We got everything ready we just gotta spend the rest of the night in the car or in here." Steve answered.

"Well, the sands pretty comfy. Me and Buck have been napping. There's another pile in the room." You said. Sam looked at you and wiggled his eyebrows and you just kept your eyes on Steve.

"Sounds good, let's camp out. We'll meet Sharon in the morning. Hopefully she's able to get what we need." Steve said.

Sam walked over to you and put his arm around your shoulder. "How about we let the besties bunk together since it's been a few decades since their last one." He said, you looked at him and squinted your eyes.

"Fine by me. Let's get some shut eye." Steve says oblivious to what he was doing.

"I truly can't wait to kick you." You whispered to Sam as he turned you around with his arm still around you.

He chuckled, and you looked up at Bucky who was looking at the two of you sadly. He noticed you looking and put a tight lip smile on that didn't reach his eyes. You looked back forward and continued walking with Sam to the other room.


The next morning you were waiting under a bridge for Sharon to get there. You were in the back behind Steve next to Bucky who was behind Sam.
Soon her car pulled up from behind you and parked in front of the car.

Steve and her both excited the cars.
"Not sure you understand the concept of a getaway car." Sharon said going towards her trunk.

"It's low profile." Steve replied.

"Good, because this stuff tends to draw a crowd." She opened the trunk to reveal the shield, Falcons wings and your bag.

"I'm sure she wants this now." She said grabbing your bag. You jumped out of the car and ran over to her.

"Thank you." You brought her into a tight hug then walked back to the car and got back in the backseat again.

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked Sam as you got back in.

"No." Was all Sam said.

You opened the bag and made sure the box was still there. It was, so you pulled it out to examine it. Everything looked fine and you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding for so long.

"Sorry, you can switch with me I just wanted to make sure it was still there." You said as he moved closer to you. You straddled his hips and put your hands on his shoulders to get over. You both started blushing like crazy and tried to avoid each other's eyes. After you sat back down you opened up the box with your finger print just to check everything.

You pulled out the picture of you, your mom and your dad at what looks like some sort if christening. You noticed Bucky looking over then leaned over to him and showed him the picture. He looked at it for a second but couldn't help but look at you.

"It's my parents and me. I don't remember them at all. I was really young when they died." You said and felt your eyes start to water. He put his hand on your knee and you looked up at him and gave a grateful smile.

You then put the photo away and closed the box back up. When you looked up you saw Steve and Sharon kissing.

After Sharon walked back to get in her car Steve turned to the group. The boys where both nodding their heads and you just raised your eyebrow at him.

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