Bernadetta X Reader- Lost drawing

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Hey guys!
School has been keeping me busy, so I haven't had much time to post as frequently as I usually do, but I'm back with another oneshot! I probably still won't post as often, but I'll try and write something from time to time :)

"Alright, students. Class dismissed."

At these words, all the students got up from their seats and fled the classroom, each of them returning to their usual duties or hobbies.

As Byleth gathered her books from her desk, she looked up at (Y/N), who seemed to be the only one who really took her time to neatly put her books and notebooks back in her bag, and asked her simply:

"(Y/N), would you be so kind and clean the classroom this time? I have to attend a meeting with Seteth," the professor sighed, "And you know how he is. If I'm late, he'll think me irresponsable."

(Y/N) nodded, a small chuckle leaving herd "Of course, professor! Leave it to me."

Byleth smiled, "Thank you, (Y/N). Have a nice day," she said lastly as Byleth left the classroom.

"Goodbye, professor."

Letting out a sigh, the young student let out a sigh, and looked around the classroom, 'Alright. I suppose I should pick up any trash I find and gather it in a pile... Yes, that should settle it nicely. I'll figure out what to do next.'

Rolling up her sleeves, not to dirty her uniform, she started to pick up any random pieces of trash or paper that the students had forgotten to pick up, and gathered them in a large pile on her own desk, until...

'Hm? What the hell is this?'

Spotting a sheet of paper, she was a tad bit surprised to see that it was actually an intact piece of paper, and not just a small piece of dirty paper scattered on desks.

Turning it around, (Y/N) was even more surprised to see that it was actually a drawing- well, a portait, to be more precise- and a very beautiful one.

But something was not right.

Narrowing her eyes at the drawing, she noticed that the girl's features on the portrait looked awfully similar to her own. The hair... The eyes... And the uniform too.

'Wait... Is this me?!'

(Y/N) felt the heat rushing up her cheeks at the realization.

This was her!

She was shocked. She was not really expecting this.

Taking another quick glance at the portrait, (Y/N) tried to actually find out if she was dreaming or not.

Pinching herself, she shook her head,
'No. This is me. But my goodness, who would draw me? I'm not exactly someone worthy of their time...'

Yet another third time, (Y/N) looked back at the drawing, 'And it's so realistic... I wonder who drew this? Oh, think, (Y/N)! Who could possibly have drawn this?'

There were only two actual options that came to mind. Bernadetta and Edelgard. They were the only ones that could have possibly been the ones to have drawn her. The Black Eagles were the only ones to actually use this classroom, so no one else really came around here. So, yes- Bernadetta or Edelgard we're definitely the ones to draw her! It was certain! And yet, it did not feel right.

Edelgard barely knew (Y/N), and from what she had heard from Ferdinand, the Princess was not a very good artist, since she had only started getting interested in art quite recently. So the only viable option was...

Bernadetta? It did seem right, no matter how odd it sounded. From the many rumors she had heard, the shy noble was probably one of the best artists at the Academy- After Ignatz, of course. No one could beat Ignatz...

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora