Catherine X Reader- Cleaning weapons (Request)

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More info: Catherine X Male! Reader

This was requested by @logicneverworks.

After yet another difficult mission with the professor, the Blue Lions came back at the monastery in a very tired state, so most students either went back to their rooms to rest, or went to the dining hall to eat something and chat with classmates from other Houses. (Y/N) wished he was one of these students, but no.

"(Y/N), it's your turn to clean your classmate's weapons this month," his professor told him, handing him a large bag full of weapons, "And when you're done, put them back in the bag and send them to our class room- Oh, and one more thing, you'll find everything you need to clean the weapons back at the Knights' Hall."

"Where exactly at the Knights' Hall?..."

"The usual place. Now, go on. You have to be done by dinner time, because I'll close the classroom by then."

(Y/N) still didn't know where he was supposed to find what he needed to clean, but, instead of pressing the question even further, he just left with his heavy bag of weapons towards the Knights' Hall. He'll just ask Cyril if he finds him.

He was fairly annoyed that he was supposed to clean the weapons this time. He wished his turn had arrived after a less tiring mission. (Y/N)'s legs hurt like hell and he couldn't feel his arms anymore, and now he had to clean his classmates' weapons? How wonderful.

When he finally arrived at the Knights' Hall, it was completely empty, which meant no Cyril. Well, it wasn't completely empty. There was Catherine who was training, but she probably didn't know where the cleaning utensils were anyways.

(Y/N) tried to be quiet and not bother her, as he looked around the Knights' Hall.

But, as much as he tried to be quiet, Catherine noticed him searching, and stopped herself from training any further, as she spoke up to ask, "Is something wrong?"

The boy turned around, "Hm? Oh, hum, I was just looking for the cleaning utensils. Do you by any chance know where they are?"

"Oh, they're right by the fire place- No, the other side. Yes, there."

Grabbing the cleaning utensils, (Y/N) thanked Catherine for her help. And so, she went back to her training.

To clean, he had a bucket to put the water in, a sponge and a towel. So, after filling the bucket with water at the dining hall, (Y/N) sat down on a chair, and taking out the weapons, he put himself to work, cleaning the blood and mud of them with the water filled sponge.

It was quite the chore to take off all the mud and blood of these weapons, but luckily there weren't that many of them.

And while he was doing it, (Y/N) couldn't help but glance over at the Knight of Seiros who was training every few minutes.

Catherine was an excellent fighter. He wished he was just as good as her, and hoped that some day, he too would become a knight just like her, a knight so good he would appear in legends.

But for now, he was a mere student at the academy, cleaning his classmates' weapons.

One time, he stared at the woman for a whole minute straight, and Catherine seemed to have noticed it, and asked him yet again if something was wrong.

The boy completely denied it, and quickly went back to cleaning his weapons, a light blush on his cheeks. (Y/N) did not dare to stare at her for the rest of the evening.

After a whole hour of thoroughly cleaning weapons, (Y/N) was finally done. And so, putting them back in the bag, he was ready to hand them out.

Coincidentally, Catherine was also done with her training. So, naturally, she approached the boy with a friendly smile.

"Your name is (Y/N), right?"

"Hum, yes. That's my name."

"I noticed you were cleaning these weapons. But now that you're done, you have to drop them by somewhere, or?..."

(Y/N) wished to ask the knight why she seemed so interested in what he was doing all of a sudden, but he kept that remark to himself, and instead answered her question.

"Yes. I have to drop them by my classroom."

Catherine smiled, "Well, then. How about I come with you?"

"Hum. May I ask why?"

"It's getting dark, and since we're both done doing what we needed to do, I don't think it would be very responsible of me to let a student roam around the monastery by himself, when I could help him finish his task," she chuckled, "Of course, if you want to stay alone in the dark, that's fine too."

"Well..." (Y/N) awkwardly averted her gaze. To be honest, walking around in the dark wasn't that much of a problem for him, but he did like staying around the knight, so he agreed.

"Good. Then, let's get going before it gets TOO dark."


The knight and the student left the Knights' Hall, and arrived at the classroom, where (Y/N) put down the bag with weapons on the professor's desk. Luckily, the classroom hadn't been locked for the night yet, although the professor was nowhere to be seen.

After he did so, Catherine asked him another question once again, "So, you're done with your duties for today?"

"Hum, yeah."

"You didn't eat yet, did you?"

"No, not yet. But now that you remind me, I should get going right now. But..." (Y/N) stopped.

Catherine rested her hands on her hips, awaiting an answer, "But?..."

"Hum... did you eat yet, Catherine?..."

"No, not yet. Just like you."

"Oh! Then, would you be so kind to, well," the boy's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, "To dine with me? We're both heading there anyways, so why part ways now, you know? I mean- If you don't have anyone else to eat with. If you do, I'll just let you be."

The knight of Seiros chuckled, "You're really sweet and you're right. We stuck together for so long (it wasn't actually that long), so why not end it by eating at the dining hall together? It's a nice idea."

"Oh, that's good to hear. Let's get going then."

"Yeah. Let's. Before all the seats are taken."

And so, the two left the classroom, heading towards the dining hall, while the professor, who had just arrived without being noticed, couldn't help but smile, seeing her student get along so well with one of the knights.

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