Edelgard X Reader- The picture book (Request)

386 6 16

Request: @ZAWWE_TheWriter
Warnings: None
Word count: 912
Gender: Female
Additional Info: • Wife! Reader
• Modern AU

Hey guys! Happy holidays! Merry Christmas (to those who celebrate)! I hope everyone's having a nice time today (doesn't mean I don't wish for you to have a nice time on any other day)! I thought that I wouldn't be able to post anything today but... Here I am. I didn't post because I thought I 'needed' to or anything but just because I got bored.

"Edelgard, hey! You need to come see this!"

Edelgard were just relaxing at hone, when (Y/N) called her wife from another room. Edelgard got off her phone and got up to see what was going on.

"What is it?"

"Just... Come over here!" (Y/N) exclaimed again.

When Edelgard came in the room, she found her wife on the floor. She was surrounded by dusty old boxes and was looking through what seemed to be a picture book. Edelgard flushed: she hasn't seen that in ages!

She kneeled next to (Y/N) and looked over at the pictures. Astonished at the discovery, Edelgard muttered, "Where did you find this? I thought we had lost it."

"I was cleaning up when I fell upon that box over there. It has a bunch of stuff we need to get rid of, but it also has our picture book! Or... at least, our first picture book."

"Your present to me, on our first anniversary," she sighed, "I can't believe you've actually found it. I really thought I'd lost it for good."

"Well, it's here now- and look!" (Y/N) laughed, "That's our first picture together! In kindergarten."

She then pointed to a certain picture taken in a courtyard, where there were two little girls, (Y/N) and edelgard. They were probably about five years old in that picture.

"You've always been smaller than me- Even when we were kids," (Y/N) said, pointing to the height difference between the two kindergarteners.

"But at some point, I was taller than you, wasn't I?" Edelgard said reassuringly, as she dug through her memory.

"You wish! I was always the tallest," and she chuckled, "And I had to bend down when... It was so awkward! Do you remember? Our first kiss! I didn't know how to do it, so I bent forward to kiss you but it was so uncomfortable!"

"You really made me feel like a dwarf!"

"Imagine how I felt!"

Both of the women laughed as they remembered their first kiss. It was an awkward moment for both of them. They were in their second year of high school, with no experience in the matter.

"I still liked it, though," (Y/N) muttered, with a small smile.

"So did I- It did lead to many years of happiness, to many wonderful moments that I'll never forget," Edelgard said, "And I don't need any picture to remind me of them. They're forever in my head."

"That's very romantic, Edie."

"- Like... When you proposed to me," she smiled, "I'll never forget it."

"I had learnt a whole speech for that," (Y/N) recalled to herself.

"You did? I thought you had come up with it on the spot! Did you really learn it by heart?"

"I did... Well- Sort of. I had learnt it by heart but when I actually got on my knees to do it, I got so nervous that I forgot most of my lines," (Y/N) blushed at the still very much vivid memory of the proposal, "So I had to make some things up on the spot."

"I would've never known," Edelgard remained quiet for a moment before lighting up, "So that is why you kept looking around your pockets for something! It was the..."

"Let's not talk about that," her wife awkwardly said, trying to avoid the subject. She knew exactly what Edelgard was talking about- her speech, which she had written on a piece of paper in case she forgot her line.

"And your pregnancy! I'm sure that's a moment you'll never forget! But we do have many pictures of you pregnant, in case you forget," said (Y/N) as she plunged back into the picture book. She browsed through it until she fell upon the pictures, "Look! You were so cute back then!"

Edelgard did look very cute in the pictures, but she was a bit embarrassed as she leafed through them. She thought she looked silly in the pictures.

"If you say so..."

"It's true! You don't think so? I think you looked adorable!" She then kissed her wife on the cheek, "And you still do, of course!"

Edelgard chuckled, "Nice save, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) let out a sigh as she continued to look through the picture book- so many memories, from their earliest years to their most recent, all of them beautiful and special in Edelgard and (Y/N)'s hearts.

"Here. Give it to me," said Edelgard.

"The book?"

"Yes. I'll put it on one of ours shelves in the bedroom- so we don't loose it again."

"Yeah. Makes sense. Those are good pictures. I wouldn't like to have to look for them again... Well-" (Y/N) stopped in her tracks for a moment, unable to give the picture book to Edelgard.

Her wife raised a brow, "Is something wrong?"

"Just- How about we stay here for a little while? There are still a lot of pictures we didn't look at yet- Don't you want to browse this for a little while longer?" She muttered softly, gesturing at the book.

Edelgard softly smiled, "Take a longer trip down memory lane?"

"Yeah. I like it- Don't you?"

"I do," Edelgard moved closer to (Y/N), "Come on. How about we try to find those pictures we took when we went to prom?"

(Y/N) became bright pink at the thought, "Anything but that! I look awful in those pictures! Let's look at our wedding photos instead..."

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα