Felix X Reader- Those technics (Request)

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Request: @MarMarChan59
Warnings: None
Word count: 1000
Gender: Female
Additional info: Felix X Shy! Strong! Reader

I always love writing for Felix! He's one of those characters I'll never get tired of fr. I did inspire myself from that Felix X Bernadetta support!

Felix knew all the Blue Lions students quite well, except a certain (Y/N). But he did not wish to get to know her. She seemed weak and fragile. She barely spoke and even seemed a little stupid at times. It annoyed him.

He just knew that he wouldn't like her and that this would be a long year.


As the Blue Lions got closer and closer to their first battle, Felix could see how nervous and shaky (Y/N) was. She didn't seem to want to be there at all, very close to fleeing the scene.

He could hear Annette and Mercedes comforting her in the back and he groaned.

Felix scoffed, 'If she's this scared to fight, she should've really reconsidered studying here."


Felix took it back.

Sure. At first, (Y/N) was shaking in her boots- A meek mess. But as soon as she began to fight, she transformed into a whole different person: sure of her every move, agile and quite skilled too- Very skilled, even.

And those swords technics... He had never seen anything quite like them. He wondered where she learned them. They seemed so effective..

This time, Felix could hear Annette and Mercedes cheering the girl on as she slayed her foes- The opposite of what he had seen earlier.

Felix was puzzled and couldn't believe his eyes.

"How can someone be so strong yet so shy?" He thought.

He tried not to think much off it but this girl intrigued him.


After the battle was finally over, the students all came back to the academy. Some headed to their dorms, some to the dining hall. (Y/N) sat down outside to clean her weapon, until she noticed Felix coming over, with the usual scowl.

(Y/N) blushed and grew nervous. Felix intimidated her but she tried her best to be kind to him, "Oh, hum- Hello! Felix, right?" She displayed a crooked smile.


The monotone answer made her a little uncomfortable.

"Alright... Hum," Maybe small talk could work? "The battle today sure was something, huh? Everyone is so talented around here! I-I hope I won't fall behind," she chuckled awkwardly.

"You're a good fighter. You won't fall behind," he muttered. Was he blushing? (Oooh blushy Felix)

Surprised at the compliment, she blushed and thanked him.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," he scowled.

"But... I've got to say, I didn't expect you to," he tried to find the right words, "Fight so well, seeing as how shy you are. You seemed pretty to me before the battle came up. I'm impressed."

(Y/N) was a little hurt at the comment, almost on the verge of tears. She mumbled, "Ah, so shy people can't fight well in your book? As soon as you saw me, you thought me a bad fighter..." She chocked back some tears and sighed, "Well, I'm glad I was able to change your mind, I suppose."

She tried to brush it off. Maybe this was his way off giving compliments? No matter how brutal he was in the process.

"You're a good sword fighter yourself, hum..."


"Felix, r-right- Sorry, hum..."

She stood there quietly- A blushing, nervous wreck.

"Are you going to stand like this all day or speak?"

(Y/N) awkwardly chuckled, "I... I'm not sure what to say..."

"Answer this for me then: How did you become such a good fighter?"

"Are you always such a... questioner? Hm, well... My mother always thought me a weakling so she made me train extra hard ever since I was a child- She didn't want me to get beaten up," she smiled, "Well, physically, at least."

Felix half smiled, but the smile was so subtle that she did not take notice, "Hm. She taught you well."

"She's a good teacher- And her strategy works quite well. What do you think?"

"I hate to say it but yes, it works. I need you to teach me some of your sword fighting technics."

Now (Y/N) was puzzled. Was this intimidating boy actually asking her to teach him what her mother taught her? This was all so strange.


"I've never seen anything quite like them, and they seem effective," he thought for a moment, "They originate from your region, I'm assuming?"

"... They do," he seemed to know what he was talking about. A smile crept on her face, "Good eye. I'm glad you like them. I've been trying to master them for a while," her smile then fell, "But... I'm sorry, Felix. I don't think I could teach you."

He frowned, "Why not?"

"They're difficult, and thus difficult to teach. I... I'm not much of a teacher, Felix."

"I'm willing to do what it takes to learn them. If I learn your technics, I could become unstoppable."

He seemed so determined that (Y/N) just couldn't say no. But she couldn't say yes either, could she? Even after years of practice, (Y/N) still had trouble mastering them. How could she teach Felix?

But maybe... Teaching him would help her improve in the process? It wasn't out of the ordinary.

"You do seem eager to learn... Hm, fine! I-I'll try... But don't make any mean comments or anything like that! It hurts."

He seemed perplex.

"Like, when you told me that you thought me to be a bad fighter when you first saw me- That's quite rude and impolite. Don't do that. Please. If you promise me you won't, I'll teach you."

Felix was slightly blushing. He was a tad bit embarrassed, but he went along with it, for the sake of the technics she was willing to teach him, "Fine. I'll try not to be... too honest with you."

'Everyone has flaws, I guess. She just happens to be strong physically but weak mentally,' he thought to himself.

(Y/N) was now beaming, "Great! Classes start... Hm... Tomorrow! Oh! And... Try not to bring an expensive sword- I'd feel pretty bad if it broke tomorrow..."

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now