Dimitri X Reader- A midnight chat (Request)

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Hey guys!
So, I FINALLY FINISHED ALL OF MY EXAMS AND GUESS WHAT??? I got accepted into my dream high school!!!
*pops open a bottle of champagne*
CHAMPAGNE!!! (Cyprien reference sorry not sorry)
It's a very prestigious high school which selects its students solely based on their grades, so the fact that I got accepted just- I'm so happy!!!


I'll do my best to post regularly since I'm finally during my summer holidays. Requests are OPEN, so if anyone has anything they wish to request, than you CAN, and I'll make sure to make your dream come true! (Very cheesy but please, send requests, it makes me so happy)

Anyways (for real this time), this oneshot was requested by @Hereforthelikes!

Dimitri was sleepless that night. A sudden headache had taken over him, and so he found himself unable to fall asleep.

After a few minutes spent staring at the ceiling in defeat, he finally got out of bed, put on a light vest, and quietly slid out of his dorm room.

Without an actual destination whatsoever, Dimitri aimlessly wandered the halls of the monastery, until he finally reached the gardens, and sat on one of the cold stone benches it had to offer.

His head resting in the palm of his hands, Dimitri closed his eyes, hoping the headache would somehow vanish after a few minutes. Most of the time, they did, anyways-

"S-Sir? May I know who you are?"

A frill and quiet mutter from behind Dimitri broke the pleasant silence Dimitri craved so badly.

The prince almost jolted out of fright when he noticed his classmate, (Y/N), dressed in a simple nightgown, standing idle barely a few inches away from him, a worried expression on her face.

"(Y/N)! Good grief... I- Hello."

"Prince Dimitri?" Her features loosened at the sight of the prince. She was relieved to see that it was only him, and not some stranger who had sneaked into the monastery so late at night. Only the Goddess knows how she would've reacted if that were the case...

"I-I hope I didn't frighten you. I promise you that wasn't my intention..." She shyly mumbled, fidgeting constantly.

"... May I know what you are doing here, milord?"

Calm taking over the prince after the unlikeable experience he just had, he finally displayed a small smile, despite the aching pain of his headache.

"I could ask you the same thing."

(Y/N) doesn't respond to his comment. Instead, she glanced sideways and sat down on the old bench next to him, hands griping onto the soft material of her nightgown.

Dimitri continued, "You should be resting, not strolling around the monastery."

"I can't sleep. Summer season here is dreadful, my prince! I'm not used to hot summers like these! I miss Faerghus, I miss the cold," she sighed, leaning against the backseat of the bench.

Dimitri smiled. Ever since summer began to assert its presence at the monastery, he had gotten an earful of complaints about the heat from most of the Blue Lions. And when the heat became too much to bare, most of them stayed inside their dorm rooms or classrooms, not daring to step outside. To see a Blue Lions student outside in the middle of the day during Summer was a sight very few got.

Dimitri found it all funny, but he somewhat related. He too, loathed the heat. Luckily, the night offered a refreshing temperature, which (Y/N) and Dimitri loved.

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