Byleth X Reader- Studying late (Request)

577 16 4

Request: TopFedoraCrew
Warnings: None
Word count: 945
Pronouns: they/them
Additional Info: • Fem!Byleth X Reader

It's been a while since I've written a oneshot reaching almost a thousand words... Well, it's only right since this is written for a dear friend!

'I'm so screwed for the test tomorrow,' (Y/N) bluntly repeated to themself over and over again, as they flipped through the numerous pages of the material that was on the test tomorrow.

So many pages, and so little time to study. They barely made it through a couple and-

'It's hardly pitch black out here! Everyone's gone to sleep already- Except me.'

They looked around. Truly, never had (Y/N) been out so late into the night. Usually, they were in their dorm by 8pm tops, yet here they were, at the gazebo.

But they couldn't bring themself to leave- Not until they had studied everything, because (Y/N) knew that, as soon as they touched their bed, they wouldn't open their eyes anymore.

'How stupid I was for thinking I could study the whole material later! 'It's gonna be easy', I said, 'It's gonna be just fine, I said- Never again!'

And (Y/N) forced their eyes open, for they were starting to get sleepy to a dangerous degree.

'Ah! Focus, (Y/N)! You did this to yourself!'

And so the student plunged themselves into their notes.



(Y/N) froze onto their seat, and slowly turned their head sideways, and when their gaze met Byleth's, their face became pale.

They furtively glanced back at their notes, unable to maintain the heavy eye contact. When did the professor get here? How did she get here?

Were they really that engulfed into their notes as to not notice the teacher coming?

'Or am I just really that tired?' The latter was even more embarrassing, but it was probably it.

"That is your name is it?" Byleth asked in the same dull tone, completely unfazed by the student's odd behavior, but to (Y/N)- the poor, frightened student- It sounded like sarcasm.

(Y/N) immediately looked back at the professor and muttered a unsure 'yes'. Byleth laughed.

"Why do you sound so unsure?"

"I don't know... I'm sorry," they blurted out.

Byleth stared down at them with a glimpse of curiosity, "You aren't in my class, are you?"

"I'm not. I'm in professor Manuela's."

And thank the Goddess for that, because if Byleth were their actual teacher, and she were to find them studying so late at night for her test, then (Y/N) would be in a lot of trouble.

"Ah," the professor silently nodded, "Right. Of course- You're from her class."

"Yeah," they awkwardly said, and they blushed, because it felt strange to be known outside their class.

"How come you know my name?" They softly asked.

"Manuela likes to talk about her students- Her good ones, mostly. She likes to flaunt them- It makes her look good, I suppose," Byleth morosely answered, her eyes drifting somewhere else. Clearly, it wasn't working for her- She then looked back at (Y/N), "She talks about you a lot."

"She does! I didn't know that," it almost felt surreal hearing that from another teacher. Usually, conversations between teachers stay between teachers. Oh, but (Y/N) didn't really care, in the end. It certainly made them proud to hear that they were well seen by their teacher.

"I guess that could be a reason why I thought it weird to find you here, so late at night, studying- You're here to study, right?"

(Y/N), unsure what to really say in that regard, nodded ever so slightly- Almost unnoticeable.

"I thought you'd be a little more organized," but Byleth chuckled, which did not suit her little retort, "I mean, that isn't what Manuela would want."

And the two of them remained silent- Far too silent for (Y/N)'s liking, who was anxiously waiting for Byleth to probably ground them for staying out so late.

"You should head back to your dorm, and go to sleep."

"I can't! I wish I could, but I've got so much material to go over and I haven't..."

"You've had so much time to revise but instead you chose now- It's too late and you can't focus. It's only right to give in and go to sleep," she dryly scolded, "You've learnt your lesson," she almost sounded a bit disappointed.

"I really can't, professor," (Y/N) helplessly replied, "I have to study. It's an important test- And I know it's late, but I've had so many assignments this week, and I didn't have any time..."

"Do you really think you'll be able to study now?"

This was putting their pride at risk, in front of a professor. (Y/N) straightened themself, "Yes. Yes, I could."

"Alright," Byleth simply said, sitting down next to them, "Study then, and we'll see if you're right."

"Fine! I... I will!"

A corner of Byleth's lip upturned and they looked down at (Y/N) with a knowing stare.


When Byleth did not hear (Y/N) constantly muttering their notes anymore, she bent over and noticed that the student had already fallen asleep. Their head dropped forward and it was difficult for the teacher to contain her laughter at the obvious turn of events.

For a moment, Byleth simply stared at them in awe, and something came over her- despite the student's stubbornness, they were intelligent and the professor couldn't get mad at such a lovely being, who was only trying their best.

In the dead of night, Byleth pressed a kiss to their forehead, picked them up and took them to their dorm, but she had to clumsily come back to the gazebo to retrieve their school supplies.


In the morning, Byleth made sure to tell Manuela to grade (Y/N) kindly.

"And why is that?"

"Ah... Something's telling me it's only right, Manuela..."

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя