Seteth X Reader- To make you proud (Request)

230 7 9

Request: @Stardewey
Warnings: None
Word count: 1043
Gender: Gender Neutral

I can't believe I'm saying this but... I've made this oneshot longer than intended. I just love Seteth so much!!

Seteth and (Y/N) were walking by each other's side one morning. (Y/N), one of the older students at the academy, would usually help him with tasks.

"Thank you for helping me, (Y/N). If it weren't for you, this would've taken much longer."

"Oh, no need to thank me! I'm just glad to be of some assistance," she said, as she put out the last of the boxes away, "Is that all?"

"Yes- Until the next set of boxes arrive."

"I'll come back to assist you when that'll be the case, Seteth!"

Seteth smiled at them. It was not often students helped him around. They usually avoided him, out of nervousness, he supposed. It was true that he could be a little intimidating, but he only meant well. He just so happened to be a little... strict.

(Y/N) did not seem put out by him though, which was a relief to him. In fact, they seemed to actually like him, which pleased him.

"I can only but thank you for your enthusiasm," he said. They began to walk back to the monastery, "Kindness, during those times, is hard to come by. Finding people as kind as you is rare."

"Oh, Seteth. I wouldn't say it's rare. I choose to believe everyone is good-hearted, if one looks closely enough."

"I'm afraid, (Y/N), that some men in this world, just aren't good, no matter how much you look into their heart," Seteth said grimly.

"You really think so?"

"I know so," he looked back at them. His expression turned sour, and he seemed to know what he was going on about, "I have lived long enough to understand what lies behind a man's heart, and often enough, there is no good."

But the more he looked at the student's wide and saddened eyes, the more he came to smile, and then go on to say, "Your heart is good, (Y/N). And I'm not saying this because you've helped me with those boxes today. I'm saying this because you really are good, and I'm demanding that you never change, but also that you take good care of yourself. You must beware of those around you. The world shows no mercy, no matter the nature of one's heart."

(Y/N), who did not expect to hear such advice from their superior, was moved by those words. They softly smiled.

"Your heart is good too, Seteth- I think. But- I think everyone's heart is good, deep down, but yours especially."

Seteth laughed at those words, but did not know how to respond, "Good night, (Y/N). Thank you for your help."

And so he left, and as (Y/N) watched him leave, they told themself, 'Seteth, I'll try to flllow your advice. I'll try to look out for myself, but I'll also try to look out after you. I want to make you proud!'


Ever since that day, (Y/N) made it their goal to train hard every day, as to follow Seteth's advice.

This was one of those long days. (Y/N) was hard at work with their weapon, training at the training grounds.

A pearl of sweat ran down their forehead as they stopped for a moment to take a breather. The student looked around and noticed Seteth watching them with quite the wide eyes.

(Y/N) couldn't help but blush a little.

"Seteth! You should've made your presence known."

"Forgive me," he first muttered. He then lightly coughed before regaining his composure, "At first, I thought it unnecessary. I had only meant to stop for a small minute, but I..." He frowned, a bit embarrassed, "Perhaps I should've made my presence known, indeed. I must say that I didn't recognize you at first," he confessed, entering the training grounds.

"Why is that?"

"I have never imagined you as the kind to... As the training kind."

"Truly?" They sadly asked.

"It's not a bad thing."

They sat down and sighed, "It's of no use, then."

"(Y/N)," he sat down next to them, "What are you going on about?"

"You probably think me... childish and stupid, as someone who isn't capable of fighting!" They plunged their head in their hands.

"What?" Seteth exclaimed, almost bothered by the comment, "Why would you think such a thing?"

"I don't know... It's just- When I see everyone else, I feel so... so meaningless and dumb, like such a loser! And you- especially you- you're so stoic and brave, a real warrior! And I'm nothing! How am I supposed to prove myself to you if you're so amazing and I'm nothing!"

"(Y/N), I have never heard such nonsense come out one's mouth! Who told you aren't worthy? Who told you you're nothing? I would like to have a word with them! Where did the (Y/N) I know go?"

"They're still here, Seteth. I'm just- I'm sorry to disappoint you!"

Seteth furrowed his brows, troubled and extremely annoyed at what he was hearing. He grabbed onto (Y/N)'s arms.

"Listen to me- And listen to me carefully. You are an excellent fighter, an excepts student, and you are every bit worthy of... Well, of everything. You are everything! Now, quit saying such nonsense or else I will... I'll- Gods!"

Never had they seen Seteth so intense and even so... furious. He seemed honest in what he was saying and for a moment, (Y/N) became reassured.

"I-I'm sorry, Seteth... I didn't mean to make you mad," they muttered.

"Mad?" He scoffed, "No, no. I'm not mad. Just- You must promise me to never think such things again. I am very proud of you, and you are amazing in every single way. Understood?"

Bashfully, (Y/N) nodded and promised never to say such things again. Seteth did not become any happier at the promise. He maintained his usual stoic and serious composure, but the more he looked at (Y/N), the more he loosened up at last.

"Now come, I've got some more boxes to bring in and they won't bring themselves in here by themselves."

(Y/N), at the thought of helping Seteth out, lit up and ran up to him, as to help him out with his good old boxes.

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