Xander X Laslow- Courtship approval (Request)

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Request: @Aguaras_Kind
Warnings: None
Word count: 510
Additional Info: None

This ship is one of the best in Fire Emblem Fates, although I'm extremely loyal to Odin X Laslow (Owain X Inigo) 😔👌

To make Xander and Laslow's relationship official, the crown prince still had to inform his own siblings about it.

He gathered his somewhat worried and curious siblings in his quarters. Xander stood in front of them solemnly. Everyone thought that he was about to deliver them terrible news but they were relieved when they heard what it was actually about.

"I am courting Laslow," he simply said.

"Oh, brother! We are so happy for you! Even if it is Laslow," Camilla exclaimed, chuckling, "He is known for skirt chasing, but then again, if you two love each other, then I'm all for it!"

The princess just wanted what was best for her brother, knowing that barely a year ago, Laslow was constantly flirting with her.

"Laslow has sworn months ago that he would stop, and he has. I trust him."

"Ah, so that's why he has been off lately!" The princess said, "I should've known something was up."

"Congratulations, brother. If you have chosen to court Laslow, then it must be for good reason," Leo said, a soft smile on his lips.

Elise, on the other hand, was fully on board with the news. She fully showed her support (in a much more extroverted manner than her siblings) and was very much happy for Xander.

She went up to hug her older brother and kiss him on the cheek, and the little princess promised that she'd do the same next time she met Laslow.

Overall, the news were received extremely well, and Xander couldn't have been more relieved, as he left his quarters with a smile, one he barely showed.


Laslow was anxiously waiting for Xander to come back with the news. He was nervous, unsure if, in the eyes of the royal family, he was well viewed or not. Xander told him that they thought him to be an extraordinary man with many talents (despite the skirt chasing), and for a moment, it relieved him but his worries came back.

When Xander showed up, Laslow hurried to him. The prince had never seen his retainer so nervous, he who seemed always so calm and collected.

"So? How did it go? Did they take it well? I sure hope they did," so many questions came up in Laslow's mind. He just needed to be reassured.

Xander smiled, resting a reassuring arm on Laslow's shoulder, "They took it extremely well. They congratulated us and Elise even said that she'll come to congratulate you personally with a peck on the cheek when the moment arises."

Laslow's worry slowly faded, leaving only a tender smile. He sighed with relief and chuckled, "That's kind of her. I'm relieved they took it well. I was so nervous! I've spent hours anxiously waiting for something to happen! I was going crazy!"

"Well, no need to worry anymore. Our relationship is approved and the only thing awaiting us now are beautiful, long years of courtship together," the prince softly said, pressing a kiss to Laslow's lips, which the man happily welcomed.

"Yes," Laslow smiled, "I can't wait."

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