Claude X Reader- A shape in the night (Request)

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Request: @Virtual_Insanity28
Warnings: None
Genre: Light Angst + Fluff
Word count: 898
Gender: Female

Aight, I'm SO bad at writing angst- Like REALLY bad, so y'all might laugh when reading this because it's that shitty. But there's fluff after soooo yeah. It's really short AND IM REALLY SORRY BUT I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO WRITE AFTER
Hum... So yeah

The house was burning. Crackling fire surrounding Claude, getting closer and closer to him, circling him like prey.

He was terrified, and he was sweating profusely, as the fire, towering over him approached menacingly. As he looked around for a place to run to, tears welled up to his eyes. He was trapped.

From afar, he saw his mother and father running away. The further they were, the more Claude wished he could crawl into a ball and disappear. He thought to himself until the words started to lose meaning: "What about me?"

His parents did not even look back, rushing to the door and leaving the mansion caught in flames.

As he watched them become blurry dots in the distance, the floor beneath Claude cracked beneath him- In horror, he looked down. One crack, the floor bent.

Second crack, the floor broke, and in the heat of the moment, Claude fell in an endless black hole along with burning remnants of wood.

Claude woke up in a cold sweat, with that remaining feeling in his stomach of a precedent fall- It was as if he had actually fell. It was a dreaded feeling.

As Claude looked around his pitch black dorm room, he tried to brush off some of the sweat with his shirt. He was breathing heavily, still impacted from the dream he just had.

Letting out a shaky sigh, he plopped back on his mattress. He wanted to close his eyes, but he found himself too stricken in the heat of the moment to calm down.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, Claude closed his eyes, but a certain noise coming from the door woke him, as he jolted up.

From the bed, he saw the doorknob turn, the door open with a screeching sound.

Claude reached for his pocket knife from under his pillow, his eyes glued on the dark figure appearing from behind the door.

Shy and slow steps were heard as the figure moved closer to Claude's bed post. Claude rose his knife.

The figure, like a ghost, rose its arms, reaching for the boy. Claude was now ready to strike.

But the glowing silver knife fell upon the bed when Claude heard the familiar voice of a friend- A good friend that he knew well.

"Claude, is something wrong?"

"(Y/N)?" He softly whispered, incredulous and relieved when the girl gently hopped in bed with him, holding him in a tight, warm embrace. As warm as the burning fire in his dream, but this was a good type of burn- The beautiful kind that Claude never wanted to get rid of. (Y/N) laid a kiss on his cold forehead- The home to all his trouble, suddenly soothed by affection.

"I was awake, and I... I heard you gasp from the other side! I was so worried... So I came here to see what was going on."

(Y/N) gulped, as she shuffled further from Claude after the hug, "So... Are you alright?"

"Could be better."

She grimaced, looking at him awkwardly, "Care to tell me what happened at least?"

Claude chuckled, tilting his head to the side. She cared and that did something to him, "It's nothing important for you to worry about, especially for you to get out of bed for me."

"You're so stupid, Claude," she clicked her tongue, getting ahold of his hand, "I would always get out of bed for you, no matter where you were, no matter the time."

Claude let out a laugh again and brought her hand to his lips to place there a kiss, "You're a real angel, (Y/N)."

When Claude looked at the girl, he felt a sense of reassurance take over him. He knew that, unlike his parents in his dream, (Y/N) would never leave him. Would it be even possible for such a delightful being to neglect him? No. And the thought of having someone look over him from so close felt like a burden taken of his shoulders.

The girl rolled her eyes, as a prominent blush surfaced her cheeks- She despised the term, always getting flustered because of it. Luckily, it was still barely past midnight.

Claude placed another kiss on her palm, as a smile crept on his lips. Lips pressed on the girl's warm skin, he muttered, "I'm so lucky to have you."

(Y/N) was even more flustered at Claude's praise. She quickly tried to change the subject to lessen the embarrassment.

"So you won't tell me then?"

"It's really not that important. Just a dream," he said, caressing her hand.

Claude motioned for her to come so he could hold her in his arms.

They stood that way, eyes closed, in a peaceful manner for some time, until Claude put his blanket over them both and laid back down on the mattress, inviting (Y/N) to lay down as well.

"Claude, I should probably go... What if someone-"

"Come on- For me?"

After some thought, the student sighed and laid back on the bed, shuffling closer to Claude.

The couple stood there for a moment, until a random thought popped in the boy's mind.

"Hey, now that I think about it, how come you were awake at this time, anyway?" Claude asked, raising a suspicious brow.

"What? Oh, Claude," (Y/N) gulped, "None of your business! Don't laugh! Go to sleep!"


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