Siegbert X Reader- Walk in the gardens (Request)

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Hello everyone!
This was requested by @X-Outcasts!

When the two Kingdoms, Nohr and Hoshido had to put aside their quarreling and fight as one against a greater force, the two Royal Families had to put their differences aside and work together. The two families learned a lot about each other during these times, and some of them even actually found out that they weren't so different from each other after all and became friends.

This was the case for Ryoma's daughter, who was as well Shiro's sister, who found the two Nohrian princes to be extremely nice to hang around, especially Siegbert, in whom she had found his company and mere presence extremely soothing during the hectic times of war.

"You know, Siegbert. I'm starting to really enjoy your company. It's a nice change from my usually... brutal brother and cousin."

This sentence was something that was now engraved in Siegbert's mind, and whenever he'd recall of it, he couldn't help but smile.

Princess (Y/N) was a soft spoken girl who preferred to spend her time on indoor activities, unlike her brother and cousin, and who enjoyed much more to heal her allies then to fight her enemies, as well as was fascinated by strategies, that she often liked to discuss during war meetings, that she attended with her father. Although Ryoma never told her so, it was clear that he was prouder of his daughter's accomplishments then of his son's.

These qualities she possessed made her to be very liked by the Nohrian Royal Family, especially Siegbert, who seemed to have been bewitched by her aura.

And so, when they weren't fighting on the battlefield or training, (Y/N) and Siegbert would spend their time walking in the gardens, admiring the flowers they passed by, or reading books at the library.

One day, Siegbert, whose growing appreciation and love for the princess was getting bigger and bigger by the day, had finally decided that today, he was going to take that girl on a date. If he could fight foes daily, then he was sure that he could ask a girl on a date as well.

Siegbert asked around where the girl could be, and since most of them said the library, he headed there first, hoping he'd find her there.

When Siegbert finally arrived at the library, he was surprised to find it empty- well, it was almost empty. Someone was there that caught his eye.

It was (Y/N). At the sight of her, Siegbert's heart skipped a beat. He was about to ask her in a date. He was about to ask her on a date. Oh Gods, here goes nothing.

Letting out a final sigh, he approached the princess and tried to garner her attention.


(Y/N) looked up from her book. And as soon as she laid her eyes on the prince, she rapidly passed her hands through her hair in order to rearrange it, hoping to look more presentable.

"Siegbert! Hello. I see you're done with your training."

"Yes, I just finished, and since I didn't have anything else to do, I thought I could stop by to... see you."

(Y/N) smiled, "That's nice. I actually wanted to tell you something..."

"Oh, I wanted to tell you something as well!"

She chuckled, "Then go ahead first. I'll wait."

"No, you should. You're the one who brought it up first."

"No you, first. What I wanted to say isn't really important anyways."

Siegbert sighed, "Are... Are you sure?"

(Y/N) nodded.

An awkward silence stood between them, with them awkwardly averting each other's gazes.

"Hum... Is something wrong, Siegbert?"

"Huh? Not at all! Forgive me, I was lost in thought. It's just... I wished to ask you if..."


Siegbert's cheeks became a reddish color, "If you'd be willing to take a walk with me through the gardens. I know you enjoy looking at flowers."

The princess let out a sigh of relief, "Oh Gods. I thought you wished to tell me some terrible news... But, oh Siegbert! You know, you don't have to become so tense for such a matter! After all the wonderful walks we have done together, there is no need for such formalities."

"Yes, but- But this is no ordinary walk."

"What's so extraordinary about this walk, Siegbert?"

"This is like a... date."

The princess' eyes widen at his words, "A... date? A date?"

(Y/N) smiled at his words, "Oh, Siegbert! Yes! A million times yes! Of course I'll go on this date with you!"

She chuckled, "How funny of a coincidence this is, because what I wished to ask you was the same thing you wished to ask me. I'm so glad we're on the same page."

Siegbert tilted his head to the side, "Really now? So does that mean that you..."

(Y/N) smiled, averting his gaze, "Yes. I love you, Siegbert. I always have."

The prince let out a sigh of relief, "I'm so glad. I'm relieved that my feelings are not unrequited. To be fair, your confession almost sounded surreal..."

"Is it that odd for me to love you? I thought it was obvious, really. My brother and cousin seemed to have noticed my appreciation for you despite their obliviousness- But, putting that aside... " getting you from her seat, (Y/N) extended her arm for him to hold on to, "Shall we go on this walk, then?"

Holding onto her arm, Siegbert looked back at her with a loving expression, "We shall."

And so, leaving the library, and in arm, they headed to the gardens, where they admired the flowers for the rest of the evening, well, to be fair, (Y/N) did most of the flower admiring, anyways...

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon