Azama X Reader- Kind of like a guardian angel (Request)

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Request: @Stardewey
Warnings: None
Genre: idk
Word count: 729
Gender: Female

It felt lowkey weird writing this lmao. Azama strikes me like someone's dad more than someone's lover? You know? Anyways, it was still fun to write and I don't judge anyone who likes this guy. I don't care. As long as you're not too creepy about it.
Anyways, enjoy!

A fact that was difficult to swallow for many was that the hyperactive Hoshidan samurai that would run around the battlefield was actually related to Setsuna, the monotone and air-headed archer- They were sisters.

(Y/N) always accidentally jumped head first into danger, without noticing the consequences, but by some kind of luck, Azama somehow was always right behind her to save her. So, no matter all the dangers (Y/N) faced, she never faced the consequences of them.

Why this was, no one was quite sure. Azama was not the type of man to go out of his way to save a soldier. He never told anyone and whenever someone asked him, the question was always answered ambiguously.


While the rest of the army was fighting off the enemy, Azama stayed on the sidelines, healing some wounded soldier. He was not one for doing it often, but Hinoka seemed awfully persistent about it, so, to escape her scoldings, he finally put himself to healing.

"Hey, isn't that (Y/N) over there?" The soldier muttered, pointing to the horizon.

Azama chuckled, "Quite the astute observation! (Y/N) is apart of our army, so it would only be-" As he looked up from the wound, his face went blank, "Please excuse me."

(Y/N) had yet again run off into the distance, and was getting ambushed by a foe.

Luckily, Azama was quick enough to kill him off, while a slightly shaken (Y/N) hid behind him, as she watched the enemy collapse on the ground.

When she finally collected herself, (Y/N) straightened herself and walked out in front of the monk, "I could've finished him off all by myself, you know!"

Azama scoffed, "Sure you could've."

"Yes I could've!"

"No, you couldn't have. If I hadn't intervened, you would've died," he sighed, "I see that your ability to understand sarcasm is still nonexistent- It must be a family trait."

(Y/N) began to pout.

"You're just being mean."

Azama frowned, discontent, "If it takes me being mean for you to understand that you were being stupid, then I'm willing to do whatever it takes."

"Why do you care anyways, Azama? You're always so mean to me!"

"Well," Azama stood quiet for a moment, which was quite unlike him, before going back to his usual distant smile, "Can't a man keep his secrets?"

(Y/N) groaned, elbowing him, "Secrets, secrets, secrets! How dull can you be?" She mocked. Azama chuckled.

"Hoho! Say what you want, but I'm by far the least dull man around here..."

To that, (Y/N) blushed slightly, "Hm. Fine! Maybe I did lie a little but there. You're not that boring."

"Finally, you have opened your eyes," Azama then took a more serious expression, as he motioned for her to come closer, "But I wish you would have sooner! How stupid can one be- Running off like this all the time? My, you're worse then Setsuna!" He shivered at the thought, "And that's quite the feat."

Despite the concerned tone, (Y/N) was beaming and all smiles. She turned to him and replied, "It doesn't matter. I don't even need to look out for myself anymore!"

'It's not like you did so in the first place,' he thought, his frown deepening.

Azama's face turned blank at how naive (Y/N) could actually be, "(Y/N), you are a lost cause."

(Y/N) seemed to have ignored what he had just told her, as she went on happily, "You're always there for me! You know, like some guardian angel!"

He scoffed and even laughed a little. How envious he was of the girl's easy going and tranquil nature! Nothing seemed to faze her, no matter the importance of it.

"I envy you, I really do- But you also worry me. What can possibly go on inside your little head? Have you no sensing of danger whatsoever? And I thought you and Setsuna were polar opposites. But I am also quite flattered, I must say," he hums, deep in thought, quite intrigued by the thought, "Yes, I see it now! As a wise and pious man, a guardian angel could certainly be what fate has in store for me. Perhaps the Gods have planned something for me, by making me run around behind you for all those years..."

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now