Dimitri X Reader- Let me be your friend (Request)

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Homie looks like he's begging for money

Request: @Fairy_Hedgehog
Genre: It's not angst, it's just a little sad with comfort
Warnings: At this point, I think YALL have played the game already smh
Word count: 801
Gender: Gender neutral (they/them)
Additional Info: None

I believe this is supposed to be gender neutral? I swear I read somewhere in that request that the reader went by they/them pronouns. If it's not the case, then I can redo that.
Anyways, enjoy!

(Y/N) was not one of the most social students out there, but they had a couple of very dear friends, Sylvain, Felix and Ingrid, whom they knew already since childhood.

Over the school year, they had managed to somewhat befriend all of the Blue Lions, well, almost.

Dimitri, the heir to the throne of Faerghus, intimidated them.

It was not common for them to be around someone of such high noble standing, especially since he was a prince.

Despite Dimitri trying to talk to them and even befriend them, it was a lost cause.

Furthermore, after witnessing him in battle, when he was the more frightening, it only worsened everything. Dimitri could be a terribly brutal man on the battlefield when he wanted to. And when he would pierce with his lance his enemies- Who wouldn't be scared?

(Y/N) would flee the scene as soon as he was a foot away. They were that frightened.

Their friends tried to push them to confront the prince, promising them that he had a good soul and that the prince only wanted the best for her. They threw around all kinds of reassuring comments, but it was of no use.

Days passed, then months, then it was too late and Dimitri never got the chance to actually talk to them and make them feel at ease around him.


Five years passed since the Blue Lions last saw each other. And now, here they were, attending that Class Reunion they had promised to attend so long ago.

Everyone seemed different now, on the outside at least. They had gained more maturity but deep down, everyone was about the same. Of course, the war had rubbed of on them. They were now more tired and prone to stress and worry. It was a sad sight but it wasn't unexpected.

Dimitri had perhaps changed the most. Who five years ago seemed so calm and collected now has turned into what Dimitri called himself a 'monster'. He was hunched over, pale, hair disheveled. He wasn't the polite and sweet boy he once was. Dimitri was something else entirely.

(Y/N) noticed this and couldn't help but stare at him during the whole meeting, in disbelief.

Yet had changed too. They were less nervous now, more confident, and people were surprised when they'd speak up in front of everyone. If only they were like this back at the Academy.

After the Reunion was over, everyone had gone to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, but as (Y/N) was about to leave, Dimitri demanded them to stay.

"You stared at me all throughout the Reunion and yet you didn't even muster the courage to speak to me?" Dimitri spat out, glaring at them.

(Y/N) bashfully said, "Forgive me, your highness. I didn't mean to stare but-" They gulped, "You've just changed so much. I can barely recognize you."

The man didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry," they lightly chuckled, trying to ease the tense atmosphere, "I guess I haven't changed much since last time. I still don't have the guts to talk to you."

"No, you've changed. Do you know the trouble the professor had to go through all those years ago just to have you say a word in front of the class? And now here you are, speaking to your heart's will in front of soldiers. You've changed. For the better," his face turned grim, "But I would've liked it to be sooner, when I wasn't like this. When I wasn't so ashamed and disgusted of who I have now become. I would've liked for you to address me in person when I was still young and well put together."

"Your highness-" (Y/N) tried to approach him but Dimitri stepped away.

"When you once avoided me because of my status, I demand you to avoid me now because of yours. Morally, you a better than me."

"Dimitri, please."

Dimitri stopped. It was the first time they had called him that. It felt so surreal.

"Dimitri," they approached him, nervously resting their hands on Dimitri shoulders. He didn't budge.

"I beg of you. Let me make up for all the times I avoided you by becoming now your friend. You have gone through so much, just for your land, for your people. That is rare. Let me become your friend-"

"(Y/N), are you mad- Would you really befriend a man who delved so low, a monster? Would you?"

They smiled, "I would befriend a man worth a second chance."

Dimitri stood silent, and during that silence, (Y/N) noticed tears running down his cheeks.

They hugged him, and they stood like that for a while, until Dimitri finally took the courage to wrap his arms around them.

"(Y/N)... Thank you."

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now