Ashe X Reader- Face your fears

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Eyyy, finally made a oneshot for my sweet wholesome boy Ashe!

In Mercedes' room, both Ashe and (Y/N) were quietly listening to one of her ghost stories. Ashe wanted to get over his fear of ghosts so he asked his good friend, (Y/N) to help him achieve his goal. To her, the obvious choice was to listen to some ghost stories, and so Ashe got dragged over at Mercedes' place by (Y/N) who had eagerly awaited hearing one of Mercedes' famous ghost stories. Mercedes' stories were one of the spookiest (Y/N) had ever heard; the spookier, the better. But since Ashe was new to the concept of this type of storytelling, Mercedes and (Y/N) thought it was best to start of with something simple and less scary.

"And then..." Mercedes spoke in a tone, leaving the suspense.

"And then?" Ashe and (Y/N) said in harmony. Ashe in fear, while (Y/N) in excitement.

Mercedes raised her hands, as if she was going to attack her younger friends, and spoke in her narrating voice, "... The ghost of the murdered maiden appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the man by his feet! Dragging him in the depths of the river."

Ashe was trembling, as he gripped onto (Y/N)'s arm. The poor boy could only mutter, "D-Did he come back after that?"

"No one has ever heard of him again. So we can only assume that he has disappeared along with the maiden."

"Or worse. Killed."

"(Y/N)!" Ashe scolded, although his trembling body wasn't enough to hide his uneasiness.

Seeing Ashe's face, drenched in fear after the story he had just heard, Mercedes decided to leave it at that and the two girls proceeded to comfort him.

Another hour passed, and (Y/N) and Ashe were compelled to leave their friend and get ready for dinner.

Both of them started heading back to their rooms. Neither of them had said a word since they left Mercedes' room. Only when they were in front of his room, Ashe spoke quietly, "Well, that was about the most traumatic experience I ever had."

He was as pale as a ghost. From the looks of it, he was still getting over Mercedes' story.

"I... never thought your fear of ghosts was this bad... Well, it seems our work is cut out for us."

Ashe, who had finally came back to his senses, gaining his usual skin tone that he seemed to have lost for a couple of minutes, looked over at his friend, who was stroking her chin, lost in thought.

"What do you mean?"

Her gaze crossed his one, "If we want to get rid of your fear, we have two simple solutions."

The grey haired boy gulped, "I'm afraid of what those two solutions might be..."

(Y/N) laughed, "Don't worry! They're not that bad. The first solution is to keep listening to ghost stories or we can sneak out of our dorms tonight and go around the monastery. And, if the second solution isn't enough, we'll do it again until just hearing about ghosts we'll make you laugh!"

"Those are the two possible solutions? I'm not sure I want to get rid of my fear after all. Just hearing these make me shaky."

She shrugged, "You must face your fears if you want to rid of them, Ashe. It's the only way. No one wants a knight who's scared of ghosts!"

Ashe bit his bottom lip. She was right, no one wants a knight who's scared of ghosts. Hell just have to face his fears head on! Just like any brave knight would.

"Alright. But I don't know how going around the monastery at night will be of any help, although it does sound pretty unsettling."

"Mercedes told me that she once caught a glimpse of a white body floating around the monastery... But it could've been a lie, who knows. The unsettling atmosphere can easily replace ghosts, and even mimic them, if we think hard."

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