Edelgard X Reader- A little bored (Rewrite)

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Genre: No idea/ a pinch of fluff if you squint
Warnings: None
Word count: 750
Gender: Female
Additional info: (K/N)=Kingdom/Name
Edelgard X Princess! Reader

A simple remake of one of those older oneshots I wrote two years ago. I could've done more with it, but I'm a little lazy and I wanted to stick with the material. Literally everything in this oneshot is exactly the same. I maybe added two or three sentences and checked the grammar. I wrote this during my Edie obsession phase. Also some Hubert/Ferdie dialogue to finish off.

The war was over. The Empire could at last finally bask in all of its glory after its triumphant win over its enemies.

The end of this everlasting chaos was marked by large cheering crowds, drowning the whole Empire in pride. It was followed by the marriage announcement of the Empress herself, to her most faithful and loyal ally: (Y/N), the Princess of (K/N),

This was the first time in the history of Fodlan that two royals of the same gender married each other, but the people accepted it well, simply glad that their seemingly cold hearted empress had finally found her match and happiness, after all the difficulties she faced. He were also glad to see a stable alliance between two powerful monarchs. It would only mean good to the Empire's future.

But worry not, because the marriage was mostly out of pure love between the two women who celebrated their marriage a couple of days after the war's end.

After the two monarchs exchanged their marital vows, the after party finally begun. People from all over the Empire and (K/N) came to Enbarr to attend the ball thrown in honor of the marriage (it was Ferdinand's idea and he arranged everything).

The guests danced joyfully on the dance floor, and so did the two empresses, but after a while, they grew tired and sat down in their thrones in front of the dance floor.

(Y/N) looked across the room, a little shy smile spread across her face. Despite all the fun she had during the ceremony, it would be a lie to say that she wasn't a little bored now, seated around doing nothing. She was never much for festivities.

Edelgard seemed to have taken notice of it.

"(Y/N), is everything alright?"

Eldergard reached out for (Y/N)'s hand to hold onto.

"Me? I'm fine, I suppose," (Y/N) muttered, glancing at their hands.

Edelgard let out an unfamiliar chuckle, "You're not... bored, are you?"

(Y/N) almost jumped out of her seat at the words, quite shocked to have been discovered. Edelgard knew her too well.

"Of course not! I'm not bored at all. I am fully enjoying myself, really," but the lie was obvious.

The white haired empress leaned in closer, her voice but a semi-whisper, "Nonsense. I know you are. But if it helps, those festivities bore me as well."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock, astounded by what she was hearing. So she wasn't the only one!

Leaning herself closer to Edelgard, the two women looked like they were concocting the most evil plan or like they were simply gossiping.

"Really now?"

"More than you know. Those frivolities are such a waste of time. They are getting in the way of more important matters..." Edelgard blushed, "like my alone time with you."

At the words, (Y/N) couldn't help but showcase the goofiest of grins, like a little school girl.

"Goodness, Eldergard! Who taught you to speak like that!" (Yall Sylvain is teaching 20$ per class)

The two empresses were laughing and whispering nonsense to each other, large smiles spread across their faces. Some guests took notice of this and it was their first time witnessing such a genuine and beautiful smile from Edelgard.

From the shadows, Hubert watched. He stared at the nearly wed couple, a little reluctant and suspicious, arms clapped behind his back.

"Hubert? Are you not going to stay by their side during the ceremony? This could be considered the best time for supervising them from up close," said the newly crowned prime minister, from behind the tall, dark haired man, holding a glass of wine.

"Hubert? Are you not going to stay by their side during the ceremony? This could be considered the best time for supervising them from up close. Goddess knows what could happen," said the newly crowned prime minister, from behind the tall, dark haired man, holding a glass of wine.

"I'm afraid I prefer supervising the empresses from here; I wouldn't want to annoy them while they are seeming to enjoy themselves. I am but a servant after all," he replied, not with a little bitterness in his tone.

Ferdinand smirked, "Jealous are we, Von Vestra?"

"Keep your childish remarks to yourself, Ferdinand. I do not wish to deal with you today," Hubert said annoyingly.

"You know? I'll do just that. Goodbye, Hubert," Ferdinand replied coldly.


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