Lysithea X Reader- Braiding hair (Request)

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Hey guys! I was supposed to post the last part for Demon Byleth AU today, but since it's only halfway through, I'm going to post this finished request first, and then try and finish the other one and post it. I'll either post it tomorrow if I get it finished, this week if I have time, or next weekend, for the worst case scenario.
Ngl, this whole braiding hair idea was supposed to be for a Marianne oneshot I had in mind, but I decided to do it for Lysithea instead. But, there may be a possibility that I'll also write something similar for Marianne in the future though.
Anyways, this was requested by Wolfnonymous!

That night, Lysithea had agreed to study in company of her dear best friend, (Y/N). But it was getting late, and (Y/N), who had already finished her homework an hour ago, was waiting up for her friend to finish so they could spend time together, but Lysithea was not one to be so easily convinced.

(Y/N), laid down on Lysithea's bed was reading a fascinating book she had borrowed from the school library. Although she tried to be patient, she couldn't help but chip in once in a while and ask Lysithea were she was at.

"Are you done yet, Lysithea?" (Y/N) mumbled quietly from behind her book.

"Not yet, (Y/N)."

"But Lysithea, it's been a whole week since you've been studying for your exam- Don't you think you did enough?"

Lysithea looked over at her friend, "Certainly not! I must be the best in my class!"

(Y/N) sighed, returning her attention to her book, "Oh, to be in Professor Hanneman's class must be hard. From what my brother told me, his exams are the hardest! You always have to study twice as hard for them."

"At least I don't have Professor Manuela like you do. Her tests may be simple from what I've heard, but she's very immature."

"Yeah- Lectures can be really awkward at times, and turn in some sort of therapy sessions- But we can't blame her, really. The poor professor is going through a lot these days with those breakups... Oh! But anyways, are you done yet?"

Lysithea rolled her eyes, "You've asked me this very same question a minute ago, (Y/N)."

"I know, I know, but I was just checking..."

Getting sick of her book and off the bed, (Y/N) got up and joined Lysithea, sitting next to her.

Looking at her hair, (Y/N) never realized before how beautiful it looked. You could tell the young girl took good care of it. But, Lysithea always bore the same hairstyle, and-

An idea suddenly popped into her mind.

"Lysithea, May I braid your hair?"

"Hum, what?" Lysithea asked, turning her head around.

"I would like to braid your hair!" Tucking a loose strand of Lysithea's hair behind her ear, she smiled, "It's so pretty!"

Lysithea looked away, a bit quiet, then finally gave into the offer, mumbling, "... Okay, you may..."

Lysithea would've probably turned the offer down, but since it was (Y/N), and because she looked so excited, she just couldn't say no.

"Ooh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I am going to make you look like the most mature lady of them all!"

Lysithea rolled her eyes, "Sure you will..."

And so, while Lysithea continued studying, (Y/N) got behind her and started braiding her hair.

While braiding it, she couldn't help but be in awe, "Lysithea, your hair's so thick and gorgeous..."

Lysithea smiled bashfully looking away, "Thank you..."

After a few minutes passed, Lysithea's hair was finally fully braided.

"Done! C'mon, Lysithea- Take a look in the mirror!"

"Alright, alright."

(Y/N) found a mirror in one of Lysithea's drawers that she picked up and handed Lysithea to look at.

"Oh, it... actually looks good," Lysithea muttered, as she looked at her braid.

"I like it a lot," Lysithea turned her head around, smiling, "Thank you, (Y/N)."

"Aw, your welcome, bestie!" (Y/N) said happily, placing a little peck on Lysithea's cheek, earning a light blush from the young girl.

"You've always been beautiful, but you know, it's always nice to try something new."

"Thank you..."

They stood there in complete silence, staring at each other. Only a minute ago they were so joyful, and now, it was all replaced with an awkward silence.

(Y/N) awkwardly glanced around the room, "Hum... So," She finally got off the bed, "I-I think I'm going to go. It's getting late, and you've got your exam-"

Lysithea quickly got off the bed to catch up to her, "Wait, wait- Don't leave so soon!"

"Hm? What's wrong?"

"Your company- I like it. So stay, just a little longer."

(Y/N) tilted her head to the side, "But, what about your exam?"

"I already studied long enough. So," Lysithea grabbed onto (Y/N)'s hands, "Do you want to take a break with me?"

The (H/C) girl chuckled, "Sure, why not," her face lit up, "We can go take a walk, read fairytales at the library, or even-"

Lysithea frowned, "Not that, not now. Let's just... stay here."

(Y/N) shrugged, "Okay. What are we going to do, then?"

"You won't be doing anything- But I, will be braiding your hair!"

(Y/N) chuckled, "Ooh, yay! We'll have matching hairstyles!"

And so, the rest of their night was spent on telling each other stories and braiding each other's hair. :)

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now