Claude X Hilda- A short escapade (Request)

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Art by @olive on Twitter (I think that's who it is).

Hey guys!
This was requested by @Random_person606
I actually had a lot of fun writing this!! I don't actually ship Claude and Hilda (I feel like they're better off as besties who love doing shenanigans together and love to spill the tea/drama lma) but I do see now why some people like the ship! It's really cute and I really enjoyed writing for it. I also hope that they aren't too OOC in this. It's been a while since I played the game so I kind of forgot their speech patterns (Idk how to call it).
Anyways, enjoy!

Hilda and Claude were always seen together.

They were attached to the hip, some might say. They were inseparable, and were the best of friends. Everyone in the Monastery knew that- Heck, even the students who barely knew them knew about it. It was a wildly known fact. They were always pulling pranks on the Monastery staff or on their classmates, pursuing insane projects or doing chaotic shenanigans together. Although, sometimes, those shenanigans most likely turned against them, and so they would find themselves spending the rest of the day in detention...


Claude and Hilda had pulled a prank on Seteth, which proved later on to be a terrible idea, as the two of them ended up in detention.

At first, the prank seemed genius.

Claude found in Seteth's office a half empty bottle of alcohol (which did raise eyebrows). He brought it in his dorm and, with the help of Hilda, was able to concoct a potion, but not just any potion- A potion which turned one's tongue blue when one drank it!

The two of them had spent a whole day researching the recipe for this infamous potion in the library. Very few were the times when Hilda actually conducted research on anything, but when it came to helping Claude, she was always ready to roll up her sleeves and get the job done, although it did always take a bit of convincing from Claude.

When they finally found the recipe, Claude concocted the potion and mixed it with the alcohol in the bottle.

Finally, with his great ninja skills, he was able to store the bottle back in Seteth's office without anyone noticing.


Yeah. Well, that didn't work out.

Seteth ended up finding out about the prank in a... not so professional way. Some students he was scolding in the hallway were snickering at Seteth's blue tongue, and one of them was kind enough to tell him about it and even tell him about the troublemakers who pulled a dumb prank on him.

Seteth was anything but happy about the issue and, as you've probably guessed, ended up putting both Claude and Hilda in detention after lecture was over.

Claude, and especially Hilda were rather annoyed and bothered at the news, and tried their best to hide the fact that they did it, cozying up to him. Heck, Hilda even shed a few tears- But none of that seemed to work on the stoic Seteth, who had a certain history of putting the troublemakers in detention.

Maybe that was why he kept a bottle of alcohol in his office.


Hilda and Claude have been staying in detention for barely a half hour, and they were already starting to become bored to death.

After so many hours of detention under their sleeve, you would've thought they would've come up with a method or two to pass time, but they didn't.

And, out of every staff member that had to keep an eye on them, it really had to be Seteth. Didn't he have anything else to do?

Claude sat at a desk in the middle row, messing around with the golden hem of his uniform, while Hilda was seated in the row right behind him, painting her nails in bubblegum pink- Her favorite color. After much begging, Seteth finally let her paint her nails while in detention.

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