Ignatz X Reader- Like a Goddess (Request)

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Hey hey!
This was requested by @TheOneWeirdOtaku!
I hope this isn't cheesy, because unfortunately, sometimes my oneshots can get way out of hand- But anyways, this is a bit shorter then usual, but I hope you guys will like it nonetheless.

The bright rays of sunshine filtering through the windows into the room, were enough to wake (Y/N) up.

Turning around in the bed she shared with her beloved Ignatz, she was surprised to find out that he wasn't there, beside her, instead finding an empty spot.

"Ah, beloved, you're awake!"

At the sound of her lover's voice, she got up from her laying position, looking around to find Ignatz beside the bed, on the desk chair, pencil in hand, sketching in his sketch book.

"Oh, hello, Ignatz. You're awake early," (Y/N) yawned, stretching herself, "Today's a day off. Don't you want to stay in bed with me?"

Ignatz finally looked up from his notebook, an apologetic look on his face, "I'm sorry, but I can't right now. As you just said, today's a day off, which means it's a perfect day to finally draw you."

(Y/N) felt her cheeks heat up. So this was what he was doing. Drawing her? Did he do it while she was sleeping too? How embarrassing!

"Ignatz! Haven't I told you already that I hate being drawn? I look awful! Especially now!" (Y/N) shouted, referring to her horrible bed head.

Ignatz frowned, "Don't you dare say that! You're gorgeous! You look like... like a Goddess! Yes, a Goddess! A beautiful one."

(Y/N) quickly buried herself in the blanket.

"Gods, you always say that," her muffled voice spoke.

The green haired man raised a brow, looking up from his sketchbook one more, "Always say what?"

"That I look like a Goddess. You always compare me to one, although I clearly don't share any qualities with one."

"Of course you do, many in fact."

"Oh really now? Like what?"

Ignatz couldn't help but smile shyly as he looked down at his sketch book, as his cheeks turned pink, "W-Well, you've got this certain... ethereal aura, that reminds me of a Goddess. And, I-I know it sounds a bit weird, but if I had to portray the Goddess herself in my art, I would probably inspire myself from you, because you just- Oh, I really don't know how to explain it, but you just look like a Goddess."

It was (Y/N)'s turn to turn flustered, finally letting her face come out of the blanket, "Ignatz... That's very sweet..." she chuckled, "... Gods, you really know how to make me flustered."

The man frowned, "I-I'm sorry, but I was only speaking out my thoughts, really. But, hum, anyways, will you let me draw you now?"

"Hm, not now- But I'll let you do it later if you want- when I don't look as bad. For now, just come join me in bed will you?"


(Y/N) sighed as she got up from the bed, and forcefully took Ignatz' art supplies from his hands, putting them on their bed side table, "No buts, Ignatz! Come on, I promise I'll let you draw me later, for as long as you like!" (Y/N) said as she pulled onto Ignatz' arm, pulling him to their bed.

"A-Alright! Alright- Just please, stop pulling so hard!"

As the two of them finally jumped in bed. (Y/N) pulled the blanket over them.

"There? Isn't this better?"


"Oh, come on, Ignatz! As I've told you already, I promise I'll let you draw me later. I'll pose and everything, and even try to look as ethereal as a Goddess, just for you."

Getting closer to his beloved, he spoke "You won't have to try hard. You already look like the most beautiful goddess without even doing anything."

"You really think so?" (Y/N) mumbled quietly.

"Yes. To me at least," Ignatz said, pressing a small kiss to her beloved's lips, "You're perfect... my goddess."

They then remained that way, buried in their blanket, cuddling. They enjoyed each other's company so much, that Ignatz forgot to actually even draw his beloved that day.

Congrats! You made it to the end! You deserve a nice hug 😊

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now