Bernadetta X Dorothea- Makeup (Request)

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Art by Limitless SKYE on Twitter (I think).
This was requested by @-POGGERS!

'She's so pretty and outgoing. I wish I was like her...' Bernadetta told herself as she looked at Dorothea, who was talking with some male students, from afar.

Bernadetta wanted to quickly go to the library and return some books, but as she noticed Dorothea, she was hoping that the students Dorothea was taking to would go away so that she could go say hi to Dorothea.

Although it had been a few weeks since Dorothea and Bernadetta had 'officially' become friends, Bernadetta still had trouble talking with Dorothea, especially when others were around, but maybe this was time to try and improve her social skills.

'Oh, they're leaving! Here's my chance,' Bernadetta thought as she noticed Dorothea saying goodbye to the nobles. But before she could muster the courage to confront Dorothea, she had already noticed her timid friend and was heading towards her.

The opera singer smiled as she waved a friendly hello. Bernadetta returned the favor, shyly waving back.

"H-Hello Dorothea."

"Hey there, Bern! Sorry for noticing you until now; I hope you didn't wait for too long."

"N-No, it's fine... I only stopped by a few seconds ago..."

Dorothea smiled, "Oh, good- Well, I was actually about to head at the messhall. Would you like to join me?"

"Hum, s-sure."

The two friends went to the messhall, seating down at one of the long wooden tables.

As they sat down, Bernadetta mustered the courage to ask, "Hum, s-say, Dorothea?"

"Yes, Bern?"

"I-I've been wondering..." Bernadetta's cheeks took a pink hue, as she looked down at the table, "I-I've always wondered... What do you do to yourself to become so, well, hum, p-pretty?... I-I know most of your beauty is probably natural! B-But, well, I was wondering if, you know, you do a-anything else to be this beautiful!"

At these words, Dorothea found herself flustered, "You... you find me beautiful?"

"O-Of course I do! You're probably the prettiest g-girl in the whole academy!"

Dorothea chuckled, "Goodness, Bern, you're making me quite flustered with your kind words... But anyways, to answer your question, I suppose I was gifted with, well, good looks if you want to call it that, but I also use makeup to help."

"M-Makeup? You use makeup?"

"I do- Every day."

"Everyday? That must be quite tiring to put on though, if you do it everyday."

"Well, it does get a bit tiring, but it can also be fun! Trying out new colors, stuff like that..." Dorothea gawped, an idea popping in her mind. Her face lit up, "Tell me Bern, have you ever put makeup on before?"


"Well then, how would like it if I'd try some out on you? Wouldn't it be fun?"

"I-I've... I've always wanted to wear m-makeup but..." Bernadetta quietly muttered, "... I'm a bit scared to t-try some on, to be honest..."

"Aw, Bernie, trust me, there's no need to be scared. With me, you'll be completely safe," Dorothea chuckled, "It's not like any of my makeup products have any toxic substance in them."

"I-I hope not. I don't want my skin to have some weird reaction to them or something!"

"Again, don't worry. A little makeup won't hurt," she smiled brightly, "Meet me up in my dorm room tonight! It's going to be so much fun!"


It was about 7 PM when Bernadetta finally went up to Dorothea's dorm room to try on some makeup. Although she was extremely nervous, she was also quite excited. She had never tried on makeup before but had always wanted to.

'Ok, you can do this, Bernie. Just knock on the door and she'll answer.'

Bernadetta told herself as she nervously lifted her hand to knock on the door a few times.

Quickly enough, the timid girl heard foot steps come close, and saw someone open the door.

From behind the door was Dorothea. She smiled when she noticed Bernadetta at the door.

"Ah, Bern, you're here! Come in!" The brown haired girl said motioning for her to come inside.

"I-I'm not late, am I?"

"Not all, you came just in time! I just finished setting up my makeup products."

Bernadetta's gaze fell upon Dorothea's desk, which was set up within all kind of different makeup products. There were so many and quite the variety in colors and types, enough to make Bernadetta's head ache.

"W-Wow. They're so..."

"Great? Amazing?"

"... Many. Y-You've got a lot of makeup stuff..."

"Well, that too- And we'll try every single one."

Bernadetta squeaked, "E-Every single one? But there are way too many! It would take ages!"

The brown haired student chuckled, "Oh, don't worry, Bern- I was just joking. We won't have to try ALL of them, but it would be nice if you'd try at least a few."

"Oh, a-alright then. Which ones?"

"Well, how about we start with this one..."


A whole hour had passed and soon enough, Bernadetta's face was covered with all sorts of different makeup products.

At last, Dorothea finally applied some rosy pink lip gloss onto her friend's lips.

"Voilà!" Dorothea said proudly as she moved away from Bernadetta's face to take a look at what she did.

Bernadetta, who did not move at all for the whole process, like a stone statue, finally let out a huge sigh, when Dorothea finally backed away. Dorothea found the whole thing quite adorable and she'd always have to remind Bernadetta to stop tensing so much, but of course, Bernadetta was not ready to give up tending any time soon.

"H-How do I look?"

"You look gorgeous, Bern! Absolutely stunning! Here, take a look."

Dorothea handed her friend a mirror, in which Bernadetta saw her pampered face.

"Well, what do you think? Do you like it?"

Bernadetta looked at herself from different angles. She smiled, "It's subtle but I-I like it."

"Well, of course. I didn't want to overwhelm you with too much makeup. Plus, I don't think you need to much makeup anyways; you are already very beautiful. Sometimes, simplicity is perfection." (Actual quote)

Bernadetta felt her cheeks heat up. Her friend just called her beautiful!

"M-Maybe I am- but not as beautiful as you though! I-I'm nothing compared to you."

"Oh, stop it. But, anyways- we're getting off track here. Out of 10, how high would you rate your new look?"

"Hm, 10/10! It's very pretty. I-I like it a lot!"

"Would you like doing it again?"

"Y-Yeah-" Bernadetta muttered, "O-Only if it's you though. I don't want anyone else putting stuff on my face."

Dorothea chuckled, "I see."

"W-Would it be alright if you helped me take the makeup off? It's getting a bit late."

"Oh, of course! Let's see..."

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