Claude X Reader- Comfort (Request)

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Request: @savageuzumaki
Warnings: None
Word count: 1179
Gender: Male
Additional Info: Best friend! Claude X Trans! Male! Reader

Hey y'all.... I kinda disappeared for no reason, sorry about that. I've been trying to draw more, so that kept me busy and also... hum... some other... stuff...
ANYWAYS... I hope,
@savageuzumaki, that you like what I've written down below and that it makes you feel better in some way... Comfort characters are awesome and everyone should have one in case they feel down, and so I hope that Claude was comforting you enough in this oneshot!

In the middle of the night, Claude had to get up, not without some noticeable air of annoyance and tiredness, because someone kept knocking on his door.

Finally he reached the doorknob and opened his dorm room's door.

"Alright, alright, I'm here. What do you— Oh, (Y/N). What's up?" He smiles softly when his eyes fall upon his good friend, but his smile immediately faltered when he notices that (Y/N) seems discontent and even in pain, "Are... Are you okay there?"

It took a while for (Y/N) to respond. He simply looked at his friend with furrowed brows and a pained expression, "Hum... N-Not really..."

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" The more questions he asked, the more worried he became.

"Hurt? No, no... Well— Okay, not really... it's just— Hum..."

Seeing as his friend wasn't very comfortable answering him, Claude just motioned for (Y/N) to come inside, which he gladly did.

Claude closed the door behind them both, "You can sit down, if you want. Yeah, make yourself at home. And, uh... When you're ready to tell me what's wrong, you can tell me..."

"I..." (Y/N) let out a shaky sigh, "I just got my... You know..."


For a moment, Claude remained quiet. Finally he understood. Right, (Y/N) was on his period.

"Oh. Oh," he remained quiet for a short moment, eyeing his friend, "It hurts a lot, I'm assuming...?"

"My lower back hurts... And I feel tired and... a little dizzy..."

"Well, good thing you came then," Claude muttered, furrowing his brows a little, "Since it hurts so much," for a moment, he didn't really know what to say, or what to do.

This was the first time (Y/N) came up to him with such a problem. Usually, Claude was happy to help him with any sorts of problems, but this type of problem was difficult for him to solve. He knew how a period worked but not how to handle it, exactly. He would sort of overhear conversations about periods from time to time from a distance, but still, this made him a little nervous.

"I-I'm sorry for bothering you... I-I just... It really hurts, and I just had to... I-I don't want to go through it alone—" At this point, (Y/N) was almost teary eyed and his voice kept shaking through this entire conversation.

"Hey, hey," Claude rested his hands on (Y/N)'s shoulders comfortingly, "It's alright, okay? You're not bothering me at all with this. It's completely normal to feel that way and I... I'm going to help you. Because you're my friend and because you don't deserve to go through this alone..." he can't help but smile at his ignorance and nervously chuckle, "I... I don't really know how I'm going to help you, but... The least I can do is try and at least and stay by your side."

"Thanks, Claude... Y-You don't know how much this means to me..."

And when Claude noticed the tears forming in the corner of (Y/N)'s eyes, he furrowed his brows, and brought him close to him, with his arm wrapped around his friend comfortingly.

"Hey, everything is going to be alright. As long as I'm here, you'll be fine... I'll think of something, I promise," he softly reassured, and (Y/N) supposed that he really needed this kind of comfort. He leaned against Claude.

Claude remained quiet for a moment, clearly trying to think of something.

"... So... How do you handle this type of pain, usually?"

"I... I usually take some medicine, but... I completely forgot to grab some from Manuela and the infirmary is closed now, so..."

"Alright, well, you— we... can't get you any medicine right now, so we're going to have to come up with something else."

Claude tried to think of something, anything, and it seemed to him that (Y/N) just didn't feel like talking or thinking at all.

Finally, he got an idea.

"(Y/N), I think you should sleep here for the night. What do you say?" He said with a soft smile.

(Y/N) couldn't help but blush at the thought, "Are... Are you sure?"

"Sure I am. I can't leave you alone," Claude said, determined, "Get in bed. Get under the covers."

"Alright," (Y/N) did as he was told. He got in bed, under the covers and Claude joined him, awkwardly spooning him from behind.

(Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle, "Hum... Are you spooning me?"

"It's not as ridiculous as it sounds. Heating pads usually help relieve pain, right? That's one thing I learnt from Hilda... Alright, I don't have any heating pads here, and I'm assuming you don't either or else you'd have used one, so I'm going to try to use my body to... warm you up. You know, body warmth."

"Right, okay. That makes sense," (Y/N) whispered before letting out a profound sigh.

"You can come closer, you know?" Claude murmured, "Come on. Let me," and with his arms, he pulled (Y/N) closer to his own body and wrapped his arms around him, holding him in a warm embrace.

"There. This'll do... How do you feel?"

"Better... I can't believe but it's actually working..." (Y/N) let out a soft chuckle, "You're very warm, Claude."

"Thanks," Claude yawned, "You feeling tired at all?"

(Y/N) couldn't help but yawn too, "Y-Yeah..."

"Alright, well," Claude closed his eyes, "Try to get some sleep, and if you need anything— anything at all— don't be afraid to ask. Wake me up in the middle of the night, I don't care. I'll be there and I'll try my best to help you. But you'll only have to tell me how... Because, well, I don't really know how to handle this sort of thing. I'm gonna need to have some instructions, you know what I'm saying?" He laughed and so did (Y/N) who nodded.

"Thank you, Claude. Really, I mean it..."

"Hey, it's the least I can do. You're my friend and we're going to go through this together, alright?" He sighed, "I was a bit underprepared this time but I'll make sure to have some stuff around here in case you need anything. I'll ask Hilda about it, or Professor Manuela—"

Before Claude could say anything else, (Y/N) turned around to hug him tightly. It was an embrace filled with emotion, relief, gratefulness.

"Claude, thank you... I'm so lucky to have you as a friend."

"Hey!" He laughed, "What do you think you're doing? You just left the spooning position! Go back."

(Y/N) obeyed and the two of them went back to their positions.

"Try to get some sleep, alright? And I'll try to inform myself better about this tomorrow..."

"You should've payed more attention in biology class..." (Y/N) joked under his breath, as he closed his eyes to go to sleep.

"Hey! I'm not that ignorant on the subject!"

And the two of them laughed about it, before finally falling asleep...

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now