Hubert X Reader- Worthy (Request)

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Art by @coffeecakey on Twitter!

Request: @NessiNay156
Warnings: None
Genre: Idk y'all lmao
Word count: 1433
Gender: Female
Additional info on character: Ditzy! Buff! Brawler!

I had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you'll like it. Hubert is one of the best fe3h characters to write for hands down.

Hubert was a man of many secrets, but there was one in particular that he kept well hidden and that was that he had developed... feelings for one of his classmates.

It was a sentiment which took time for him to admit, but it was now safe to say that he did, indeed, hold some type of love for this girl: (Y/N).

She was kind with him, far too kind and he hated it, but also rather indulged in the praise and kind words she gave him, although he did not truly think himself worthy of them.

She was also hardworking and a very strong girl- Truly an asset to the empire, he thought. She could be of good use to the empire, and most importantly to Edelgard.

Speaking of Edelgard, (Y/N) was also devoted to Edelgard, which Hubert thought to be a natural thing to do and was very much important to him.

Yes. This girl was perfect for him, but despite it all, Hubert kept the sentiment to himself, because he knew that, despite (Y/N) liking him to some extent, he knew that it was all a facade- She was simply nice and polite to everyone around her, and she, as a woman, who never want of a man like him.


When (Y/N) asked Hubert to train with her, he was quite reluctant to the idea, especially since they would both be training with gauntlets.

Hubert was not one to avoid his classmates, no matter what he thought of them. He talked with (Y/N) when necessary, as he did with the others, and treated her fairly equally to the rest. Nothing of his fondness for her would show, and he wished for it to remain that way.

But if he were to accept the offer, he would be fighting with gauntlets, and, despite Hubert's talent in magic, he was terribly mediocre when it came to such fighting styles.

He knew the basics but did not have the required strength and skill to wield gauntlets, nor that many other weapons for that matter.

And, knowing that (Y/N) was the best brawl fighter in Black Eagles, or even in the whole academy made him uneasy, as he knew that he'd only be making himself a fool in front of her, with his mediocrity and average strength and skill.

Still, Hubert was not one to back down from training opportunities, and so, he accepted solemnly, agreeing to meet up with (Y/N) the next day, at high noon, at the training grounds.


It was a sunny day, among rainier ones, which explained why (Y/N) was so eager to finally train outside for once.

Hubert felt uneasy, as he stood in the middle of the ring, wearing training gauntlets, slightly unfit for his hands.

He silently watched (Y/N) as she finished cleaning up her own set of gauntlets- Good quality ones, that her parents had gifted her for her birthday before she left to study at the Officers' Academy.

"Alright, I'm ready!"

Unlike his, the girl's gauntlets fit her like a glove. (Y/N) steadied herself, ready to make a first move- She seemed so confident and full of life. Hubert was beginning to feel insecure about his own abilities- They were certainly of no match to hers.

(𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛)  ❤︎𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚖 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜❤︎Where stories live. Discover now