Edelgard X Reader- The notebook (Part 1) (Request)

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Little more info: Edelgard X (Male) Reader From Blue Lions

This was requested by @DakotaWay! I hope this is okay, because I never watched a lot of her supports with the cast, so I'm trying to make it in character. It took me a little time to come up with an idea, so I'm sorry if it's a little bad, or maybe just bad.

The lectures of the day were finally over, so all of the black eagles students left the classroom. Some headed to the dining hall, some to their rooms, until Edelgard and Hubert were the only students remaining in classroom. Even their professor had left already. She and Hubert were often the last ones remaining after school hours. It was often because Edelgard would speak to the professor after: questions and other things related to the lectures that could be of some use for the future. Hubert was mainly there because Edelgard was. He would often stay behind her, like a shadow calculating every single movement the professor made.

"Hubert, I'm going to head to the library for a little while," she finally said, breaking the silence. She grabbed her books, one by one, stacking them up in her arms.

"Do you wish for me to accompany you, Lady Edelgard?" He spoke in his usual sinister tone.

The white haired princess turned around, "No, I should be fine. You can retrieve to your quarters."

"Are you certain?"

Edelgard let out a short sigh, "Yes, Hubert," she answered curtly, "I need some time alone," she headed to the door, "If I ever need your assistance, I'll know where to go."

And so Edelgard left the classroom. She went along the outdoor hallway, the one filled with classrooms. But before she could go any further, she stopped in front of the Blue Lions classroom. A crimson notebook caught her eye, sitting on one of the dark school benches, in contrast with the flashy colored object.

Hesitant at first, she gave into the curiosity of sneaking in the classroom. She put down her stack of books on the table and reached out fir the notebook.

It was a very lovely notebook indeed. Crimson, with golden rims. Something within Edelgard pushed her to open it. She knew she shouldn't do it. This was someone's private belonging, after all. But then, if she didn't open it, she wouldn't be able to see who it belonged to, and so she wouldn't be able to give it back. Edelgard wasn't really the type of person that cared for such matters, but doing a good deed once in a while wasn't a bad thing.

She opened the notebook at the first page. The first page was neatly organized, although the writing could be refined. On the top corner read those words:

(Y/N) (M/N) (F/N)
Blue Lions
Year 1180- 1181

(Y/N)... This name was familiar to her. Ah yes, it was the student she heard so many good things about. Apparently, he was the smartest Blue Lions student along side Annette (you're a smart kid in this, I'm sorry if it bothers you). Dimitri often sung praises about him to her and Claude. Ever since then, she wished to talk to him in person. Maybe, this could be that time?

She turned a few pages. It was awfully unorganized. Notes and sketches everywhere, filling every centimeter of each page. Only a dozen pages left from it. The pages following were completely the opposite from the first.

To never judge a book by its cover could maybe also be applied to never judging a book by its first page?

She closed the notebook, grabbed her stack of books and left the classroom. She still needed to go to the library, and thought that she could go searching for the owner later, or she could just hand it to Hubert and let him do it. Edelgard had more important things to do.

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